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Is makeup essential for a woman to look good, especially when she's in her 30's?


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I actually look better in loose clothing. Sometimes I also like to wear fitted clothes, but I've never been good in choosing things that look good on me.

Well good news is loose tops are really trendy at the moment.

I was in LA recently on a shopping trip for a friends clothes store, and I was really wow'ed by the big selection choices and how in style those loose tops are, especially the diffrent fancy ones for nights out, etc.


I think almost anyone can pull it off in those types of clothes, and paired with some nice accesories to match. Ohh la la.

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oooh, i like those eyebrows. very nice.


sorry to hear about work, i hope it was nothing serious.


Thanks! No, it wasn't really anything serious, but I made a mistake that I should have caught. No it doesn't go on my record or anything like that. Still, I hate being reprimanded.


I'm glad tomorrow's Friday.


Glad you like my new "eyebrows". I thought it was something good to do since I have messy eyebrows.

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Bravo!! I knew the eyebrow shaping would make a difference.

Good Good!!!

Now add some color to those eyes and lips and VOILA!!!


I agree. Like maybe mascara.. or some eyeliner too to begin with..

ANd then some tinted lipgloss too.. It's really easy stuff too which doesn't take much time, specially since your not used to wearing make up usually. Taking a few small steps is a good way to see if you like the way it makes you look. Then you can keep practising diffrent looks to see which you like best or makes you look best.

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have you told the doctor? do you have hard lenses or soft? i have soft lenses, i can barely feel them in. do you touch your eyes during the day? don't.


Annie, I have soft lenses, and no I don't touch my eyes during the day. I do put rewetting drops on my eyes whenever they feel dry.


I have to call the doctor and let him know. I wish I could just get used wearing contacts and feel comfortable with them. I like the way I look without glasses.

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Wow, great thread. I have many of the same questions (now, coloring my hair, since there are noticeable greys popping up since all the stress these last few months after my ex dumped me!)


I believe that if you are radiating confidence and zeal for life, no one NEEDS makeup. I have worn it only very minimally throughout my life, and do it as a "treat" to primp for some special occasion, and enjoy the reaction from people, since it dramatizes how I normally look -- and that's a kind of nice feeling, to be "special" once in a while. But I don't think I could do it everyday, it's not me. I don't wear makeup on an everyday basis, except maybe for some light lip gloss (more to ease dryness than for being eye-catching, though I do like that "bonus").


On a really bad day when I am feeling blue and the weight of the world is in my face, I think my face looks older and far less attractive, so I am considering that maybe when I feel like crap inside, I should push myself to put a little dab of lip color on and put on cuter clothes. I'm going to pilot tests this and see, I'll keep you posted on if this does me any good in being noticed, but I sense that it's not going to make much of a dent.


Fact of the matter is, I think the clothes you wear (not in the name-brand sense, but the well-suited colors for you and a good fit, and a few colorful accessories) and the way you carry yourself is FAR more important than makeup. Smiling makes ALL the difference, and a look in the eyes of vitality. I really don't think makeup can "make up" for that, if it's not there.


I think if I put on noticeable makeup, if I did attract a guy it might not be my type of guy, who is more down-to-earth and casual himself.


My ex, btw, lives in L.A., and he was the epitome of loving fashion (shoulda known already he wasn't my type for that reason), and I could tell he had been with very well-dressed and made-up women there. But when I put on makeup for the first time he said, "Somehow on you, I feel like it mars your natural beauty, it sullies it somehow and makes it less charming." Interesting from a guy like that, huh? Who'd have known. (unless he was lying. )

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Hey tov-

I like your idea. I usually do the opposite. If I feel crapy, I put in no effort to my dress, hair, ect. Mabey Ill try it with ya. Who know's, mabey a little primpen will put a little kick back into my step. (just a little )


Oh, I know, I know, believe me! I do the opposite, too!! But that's just why I figure I should really try to go "against the grain" and see what happens. It'll be kind of hard though, to get motivated to do it...that's just the problem, right? ](*,) It's easy to make myself even grosser looking when I am already feeling gross, lol. I let ya know how it goes. Let's do it!!

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