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The fires are pretty close


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Nerves on edge.

San Diego County is a big wildfire zone today.

My GF and I packed some things in case we have to evacuate the house.

She's nervous, but I figure it's more life-crap to deal with. Home Depot is out of face masks, and the air is thick with brown sludge. We stopped for lunch at a Chinese place, and their power went out. High desert winds have toppled signs and trees, crushing cars and houses.


Major road closings and convoys of firetrucks from all over Socal make for a grim parade. The closest fire is about 6 miles away, but it's not under control. Lots of neighborhoods are empty and some folks offered a place to sleep away from the threat.

One damn thing after another...

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Sorry to hear that. We're in OC. Fire all around us as well. Our house is out of the danger zone but there are huge blazes in the canyons about 10 miles out and about 5 miles away from work. It's hard to breath here too. Smoky and ashy and nasty. Hope your house stays out of harms way. My thoughts are with you. Keep us posted.

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Good Luck Dako (and your girlfriend too). You are both in my thoughts.


Keep some water and cloths nearby - wetting them and breathing through them can really cut down on the smoke and dust that gets through to your lungs.


And drink lots of water too to keep the toxins flushed out as much as you can from what you DO breathe in.

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I've been terrorized by Indiana weather all my life, but this is scaring the crap out of me.


I've never seen skies like this.


Looks the same way here. Just keep your eye on the news. If you're in real danger they will say something and the authorities will contact you.

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We're glued to the TV and hoping for an all-clear.

Information is hard to come by.


My friend's fancy house is also close to the fire but he's in Tokyo.

I hope he checks his email and reads that it's okay.

For odd reaasons, he has no fire insurance.

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