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The fires are pretty close


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Hey Dako,


My prayers and heart goes out to you. So far there's been over 350 thousand evacuees in your area. My buddy's parents ranch in Ramona has been hit. Not to mention my vacation house in Lake Arrowhead came about a mile from burning. The CHP and Sheriffs won't let me go up the mountain to check on it. Good thing my insurance is in affect. It reminds me of the Sierra Madre fire about 15 years ago or the Waterman fire five years ago. It's a surreal experience to see and smell the heavy smoke. This morning there was a bunch of ash on my vehicle. Take care of yourself and let me know if you need any assistance.

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Hi Dako!


It was crazy here in Tijuana yesterday too! There were brush fires very near my workplace, and I got home and my living room was covered with fine dust and ashes! The gusty winds went thru the spaces between the door and the wall and pumped dust inside my house. I had to get some painter's tape and seal some doors.


I have read on the internet that four years ago the FBI released a memo where terrorists from al-qaida claimed responsability for the 2003 California fires. It's odd no one has mentioned that possibility now, specially since the fires started almost at the same time in places very far from each other.


I hope that doesn't prove to be the case, because it would be very difficult to prevent in the future.


It's so sad to think that someone would deliberately start a fire, affecting not just people in the region, but all the world in the long run, because of the smoke. Crimes against Nature are amongst the worst in the world.


Well, I hope Santa Anas lose their force soon, so firefighters can do their work and be safer.


I hope you are OK Dako

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Well, we're in a cafe in San Diego trying to get decent news about my house and area. We left the house yesterady when the wind shifted, and nearby houses burned. The smoke and heat are hard to bear.

TV coverage shows familiar houses destroyed, and my friend's house is near a row that were destroyed a mile down the road.


The Mexican side of the border is also hurting, and Tijuana Canal 3 carries similar images of destruction, with weary firefighters and displaced people.


I never felt so uneasy, and I fully understand the urge to stay home and fight it.

It's like a personal insult sometimes. Totally irrational, I know.


When the news anchors bemoan the loss of a multimillion dollar mansion, but barely mention the loss of a 200 unit mobile home park, it annoys me. These are people's homes, tennis courts or not.


Thanks, all!


Motel 6 is wonderful.

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Uh oh. Well I am glad you moved out of harm's way. I hope your house doesn't get affected but that's what homeowners insurance is for. Stuff can be replaced but lives cannot.


You two just stay safe. There is nothing in that house worth losing your life over.

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Its really sad that the news doesn't have enough gumption to show the world beyond the US border. The fires on the maps stop at Mexico, no indications of the destruction that is going on just miles from people sitting pretty in their highrises. The firefighters have been going back and forth over the border with the fire. Fire doesn't require a passport, a line on a map means nothing to it.

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We're home again!


The house is fine, just needs some serious cleaning. The air quality is better, but still gritty.


The firefighters did so much for our area, they kept the fires from getting up the valley into the main population.


There are still a few fires burning the county, but the outlook is getting better with the end of the desert winds.

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We're home again!


The house is fine, just needs some serious cleaning. The air quality is better, but still gritty.


The firefighters did so much for our area, they kept the fires from getting up the valley into the main population.


There are still a few fires burning the county, but the outlook is getting better with the end of the desert winds.


Glad to hear you're ok!

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