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Everything posted by smackie9

  1. Odd behavior? prob had taken a happy pill of some kind....You can't get any real answers from us...you should be communicating your concerns to her personally.
  2. This is a conversation you should be having with him. See what he actually would be willing to do about it, like relocate, future plans. This isn't about your parents.....this is between you and him, and what you want for yourself.
  3. I'm not sure what is making you feel horrible. He just made a suggestion to watch it together. I don't think he cares that you have it on. It just sounds like a normal conversation.
  4. You have a guilty conscious so even if you don't tell her, it's going to eat at you. It's a discussion to have right now about dating and having sex with others and what her thoughts are about it. Take it from there.
  5. The reality is, you have to put up with your parent's rules. Just hangout with her supervised...it is what it is.
  6. You want this to work? Tell her to shut up about it. Set boundaries in your relationship. Grow a set and stand up to her. Like wow dude, she can't force you to sleep in your car if you live there. Be a man. Don't let her push you around. Tell her to stop being so damn cray cray. If she starts threatening you, pack your stuff up in front of her and leave.
  7. What you are feeling is valid. Texting your male friend A LOT is not appropriate. Just because he is your friend doesn't make it right so she can forget about that argument. You are 18 and you need to learn to set boundaries in your relationship. You need to put a stop to this because this is what they call an emotional affair. She's getting attention, that should only be coming from you, from an outside source. If one of my husband's friends was chatting with over text I a lot I sure as hell wouldn't feel comfortable with it nor would my husband. It's not right.
  8. Warning: He doesn't have the emotional maturity to be a committed partner. He may say things about the future because well that's what people do when they are in the honeymoon phase...it's all talk and should never be taken as promises. You are going to find yourself getting hurt like you are now. It's possible that comment was made in order to recreate that rage/jealousy he had with his ex that was mistaken as passion/love. He keeps saying your relationship is "healthier" to convince himself this is right and should stick with it regardless of his feelings. He needs to seek out counselling to sort these residual feelings for his ex. Obviously he's still attached/confused as to why he is attached to someone that made him so toxic, etc. If he can't do that, then stop investing yourself in this relationship....I don't see a good outcome.
  9. Internet relationships are 10% reality and 90% fantasy based. This is your imagination creating these things. It's like an addiction...you get a hit of dopamine every time you communicate. Take a look in the mirror....you are a very lonely person. This has become an emotional trap, and it's preventing you from living your life, dating others, making friends. The internet is not a solution. It has a very powerful draw because it's so easy and convenient, especially being an introvert/shy person. It's time for you to get out into the real world and interact with people if you want to feel something real to the heart.
  10. Don't bend over backwards for this girl, she has put in zero effort....punt her to the curb.
  11. If you want to tell him, write it in a note and stuff it in his locker.
  12. Communication is your only solution to this. Man up and put your foot down. Tell her it's not appropriate for them to be "friends" or in contact with each other because in no way this is a friendship. This should have ended ages ago. I suggest you both go to marriage counselling. If there is no hope in hell then end the marriage.
  13. Drop this manipulative a$$ hat. Stay single keep having fun.
  14. This guy has low standards....you can do way better than him. Guuuurrrl first impressions count...if he ain't showing up on time, looking good, smelling good, and taking you somewhere one on one, then this dude is a dud.
  15. Want this settled? Everyone needs to get together and your BF apologize to him for talking smack behind his back. Talk this out like adults.
  16. Tip: getting caught cheating/lying doesn't make them stop...they just go out of their way to hide it more. He never stopped. He's a serial cheater. You can bust him and waggle your finger at him all you want, still won't change him.
  17. Female brains work differently from male brains. We can be emotionally attached without having romantic feelings. We can separate the two while men it's all in. That's why getting friend zoned is prevalent with men.
  18. It would be best to move on instead of trying to change things.
  19. All you can do is back off, and give her, her space.
  20. Reaching out to give comfort is fine....don't go there about romantic connection. Maybe a friendship can flourish.
  21. What is happening has nothing to do with moving in or your mental health. The honeymoon phase/infatuation (dopamine) has run it's course. This can last anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half. This is a perfectly normal occurrence for those feelings to fade...even for no reason. It's time to move on.
  22. OK so let this be a lesson....no driver's license=deal breaker don't date them. Your solution is to find a new BF. Another lesson here is, know when to say no, know when this won't work, know that you are being taken for granted, learn to set boundaries within your relationship.
  23. I worked in a night club for 4 years. Them ladies that hang out up at the bar get friendly with the bartenders in hopes to get special privileges like a free shot or drink, attentive service and attention. Tip: A woman really getting along with any man cannot be taken as romantic interest. She shot you down. If she really was interested, any approach would be acceptable. Yes you are right take her excuse as a no, and move onto the next. You need to be more "seasoned", and that will take time. Can't expect things to drop in your lap. You have the perfect platform to learn approach, what works, and how to read people. Bar people/regulars are a different breed let me tell ya. I had guys buy me roses, and never ask me out. I figured it out, since I worked the door, they wanted ahead of the line up/pay no cover privileges lol. People use you, so watch out for that. As for finding a date through customers. That's how I met my husband but it took 4 years of working there to meet him. I dated plenty while I was there, and even being already a seasoned dater, there was a lot of bad dates. Have to grow a thick skin.
  24. You are right....if your gut tells you "maybe no" then there is nothing wrong with that. Your time is your time so why waste it. Some don't mind an outing for something to do, take a chance, but it doesn't mean you should follow suit. You do what you think is best for you, not what your friends say calling you "mean" etc.
  25. Man if you get that vibe then don't go. I totally get you....if someone doesn't have some kind of compatibility, then there is no emotional intellect. No emotional intellect then no fire down below is going to happen. And guys wonder why there's no second date lol.
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