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  1. there's nothing for her to take advantage of. she's not gaining anything from being friendly to me I know they love me, they're just a little extreme sometimes. ive had to learn the hard way too many times by asking them for permission to do something or by telling them that ive already done it. they almost always say no and give me a big lecture on why it's bad, and then I end up unhappy. I get that they're my parents and just trying to do their job, but sometimes it's like they want me to be unhappy. I don't want to ruin the good thing that we've got going on by telling my parents any of it
  2. she doesn't have any bad intentions our parents are friends. ive known her for like 4 years
  3. it's legal here it doesn't matter anyways because I asked her if she wanted to started dating and she said no because she's not ready for a relationship right now and she would feel weird needing supervision to be around me. so she told me not to tell anyone anything my parents don't allow me to participate in that many hobbies where I can make friends. the hobbies I do have are boy based, so there are no girls around ill still try not to let her be the sole center of my universe. ty for the advice
  4. there's this girl that I like, but I don't know what to do. my parents are religious and im finally at the age where im allowed to date supervised (16) me and her haven't talked about dating or being in a relationship. but we do things that people in relationships do. we kiss, we fall asleep on facetime together, we talk to each other like we're dating, and I do sexual things for her. which my parents wouldn't be okay with, but it's technically not sex, so I think it's okay. I don't have that many friends, and as far as I know, no other girls are interested in me right now. so I dont want this to be a missed opportunity. and I really like her and being around her. I could keep it a secret and not tell my parents anything. but im scared they'll ask find out and ill be in horrible trouble. plus I would feel bad about lying to them. or I could ask her if she wants an actual relationship and ask my parents if we can date if she does. but she's 20 and I don't think she would want my parents to be watching her like a hawk while we're together. and my parents wouldn't leave us alone anymore, so I wouldn't be able to do sexual things for her, and I don't think she would be happy about that. but if she did want to date and I asked my parents if we could, I don't know if they would let us. mainly because of how old she is. im also not sure how they would feel about me dating a family friend. but my mom was 17 and my dad was 20 when they got married, so they might be okay with it. all I know is that I can't waste this opportunity and let her go. can anyone please give me any helpful advice or tell me what's the best route for me to take
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