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Everything posted by ditzgirl

  1. tell him how you feel. If he really cares he will understand. and this might bring him closer. but none the less there is no reason to go into a relationship if your not ready it will not work.
  2. My husband and I have been together for 7 yrs we dated through high school and I was his first. we split up about 2 yrs ago to make sure we wanted to be together and to get out any urges we may have bottled up inside before marriage. I took advantage of the split up but he was not as motivated. He sleeped with one person- this was a last minute thing in the back of his car. now he is feeling like he wants to be single again but does not want to devorce. He brought up the idea of a 3 some and I am still trying to decide. He nows I am the only woman he would spend the rest of his life with but he did not get to have a real sexual experiance with anyone but me. Ive never done anything like this before and I am alittle curious but also scared of it causeing more dammage to our marriage. I am leaning twoard the yes side but would like input from others about this.
  3. you need to change how you feel about your self. so if you have a disability everyone does some show more than others. what girl would want a depressed down on himself person. re-evaluate yourself and think of way to improve your bad qualitys and bring out the great ones. this will make a difference in your life. if it doesnt make the girls come then atleast your not down on your self.
  4. The relationship will not work but for the time being go for it. I say it will not work because you are in your last year of school and will leave after that. T his gives you and her a chance to meet new people and play the dating game.
  5. It seems he is confused by what love is. once you have experience love you will know. As for you, the feeling of being scared probibly is from fear of loosing him as a friend if it goes any further than friendship. My husband and I were high school sweet hearts. dated for 7 yrs befor we were married and we went through the same thing. The best way to find love is through someone close, but you are to young. My marrage is having a few problems because we didnt get to experience dating, and high school, and meeting other people. Live your life but if you would like to have a relationship with him in the future then keep him very close.
  6. you feel he has crossed the invisible line of the sacred personal space. If you really love him you need to talk to him. End it or try to work it out. Your probibly scared to speak for your self, but the only way any relationship will ever work is by communication. You sound scared to talk to him or you just want to end it. face your decition. You need to find out why you cheeted and that will give you the answer. It all is about you at this point.
  7. well your only 15. GET OVER IT. this was not love. youll feel better in a few days. go out and have fun with your finds and stay in school please.
  8. My husband has recently acquired a new job, coming out of an extremely bad one, and I noticed changes in his behavior. He seems to be withdrawing from me and wanting to roam. His behavior before the changes were extreme laziness, and fatigue. I asked him a few days ago about the changes I have noticed and he says he has been having thoughts to end the marriage of 1.5yrs. He says he fills trapped and his life is going nowhere. I know there is not another women involved, he's not that type but says he has feeling to see other women. This totally shocked me. I knew we had a ruff start with our first unplanned baby (9 months) and our financial situation declining, but I thought our relationship was wonderful. This exact situation has happened before we were married (and before baby) but he said it was to make sure we were right for each other. He has had a ruff background and as long as I have known him he has been depressed on and off ( more on than off) for about 7 yrs. I have been researching depression and its symptoms, and I cant really tell, but they do not seem to fit. I have asked if we could go to counseling and he has refused. I don't know what to do. I am not sure if this is an illness or if our marriage is ending. I was thinking it seems he has been depressed for so long that's the only way of life he knows and will do anything to go back to it such as ending a great marriage. But I'm not a doctor. Please guide me to the right path. Thank you for your time.
  9. How can you tell if your man has had an orgasim. I have been reaserchning this and so far I have found orgasim and cum is not the same and he should have energy after orgasim. My man durring intercouse pauses to keep from cumming to early. should he learn to control it with out pausing. whould this bring him to orgasim. Im not sure if he has or not orgasimed.
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