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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. This is enough; you are young, and should be having fun and learning about who you are, your own likes and wants and needs before you can truly ever give yourself to another. If I had no idea what makes just me happy, I would not feel complete. Be brave. You can love someone, but it doesn't mean they are the right one for you. Whatever you do, don't brag on social media if you do meet someone at least for a couple of months.
  2. If he is your superior, or any way can jeopardize your job, I would tell HR, so they cannot hold anything against you if he, himself, tries to retaliate. He can try to get you fired, whether you say anything, not say anything, feels obligated to back, don't go back. Yes, he is scum. But if she gets this information, she has time to prepare her financial statements, look for hidden money, gather evidence of infidelity to work on who gets the house, custody terms, business dealings, etc. Being blindsided where he just packs up all her stuff one day, and puts her out in the street to make room for his new honey - NOOOOOO WAY!!!
  3. Get a lovesense and use during intercourse. A guy who cares about you, cares about you. Insecure men are really not gun. I think he just cares about your needs. I would have him or you manually stimulate along with the intercourse.
  4. Why don't you want to bring the dog? Is it the same reason why she doesn't want to watch your dog? Where do you live where it's $200/day to board a dog? I'm in NY, and it's about $80. We have some dog sitters that charge $35/day in your home or theirs. Try rover.com to find a sitter. I found many from there, and one that we love, and even have her watch our kids too. My 2nd dog is pretty spicy, so I don't expect my folks to watch my dogs anymore; this should also go for your girlfriend. Don't hold it against someone for saying "no" to caring for your babies for days.
  5. Yes, but you were still talking about them in the office with her; that could have been done in the privacy of your home. Your business failing is on you, which happens to the best of us. It's not on her, but you make it all about her. At the end of the day, you were still the one talking about them. And, if they were happy to be working with you, you would have been able to speak to them about, and acknowledge how happy you are with them. But, I gather, you said nothing; that is the straw that broke the camel's back for them. Be accountable and understand how you are culpable for any of your achievements and failures. It takes two to end a relationship.
  6. Try ASMR EMDR for your PSTD; many therapists can do this for you. And generally may only take a few sessions.
  7. 1) Stop blaming her for why your business failed. One, why in the world are you talking about your employees together on the phone while they are there. There is beyond unprofessional. You do that at home together. And, COVID closed down shop for endless companies, so stop holding that resentment over her. If your employees felt acknowledged or recognized, they wouldn't just leave a functional business. 2) You need to get yourself close to cumming (masturbate, watch porn); most women cannot have multiple orgasms, so if you are banging for over 20 minutes, that is way too long for them. 3) Get back out there in the work world, or focus on caring for your kid and your MIL. Either way, your self esteem is in the toilet, and it is so unattractive on top the giant chip you have that it's all her fault why you're life sucks. 4) Just be in charge on maintaining the cars. Take that off her plate. Make the appointments, and drive her to work or whatever. 5) You are better off going to therapy on your own. You have so much resentment towards her that you need to work through, not her.
  8. I would have just paid ice cream for everybody, but that's just me. Meaning, instead of letting the BF pay for the sis and your BF, you pay. Why should they pay for your ice cream, again? I mean it's tacky to only 3 out of 4 people, but I would let it go. Be the cooler person, not the petty one.
  9. Maybe try a penis pump? I am not joking.
  10. I used to write just like this, even sent love letters as a prank in college. All for fun, but cruel joke to be honest. I honestly think it's fiction. Mine sure was. And essentially, you just read her journal. A good writer is all about the details. I think you should let her be herself in her writing.
  11. Nothing will change until you change. He is the same broken record. You've given him your love. Fighting with love won't change anything, nor this dynamic.
  12. My hubs puts tons of effort into my gifts past few years. I return them all or hide them. He's the love of my life. I don't know what to tell you, other than to not take it personally. For the entire time we've known each other, I have some sensory issues to fabric or the way something feels, knew it, but couldn't explain it, but just did recently after 29 years because now I know what the hell it is. But, I definitely would tell him you put a lot of effort into it, and he really hurt your feelings.
  13. He can use evidence to gain full custody of the child and the house. They can portray it as instead of caring for the child, she was using her time to contact strangers to bed them. Attorneys with the big d*ck energy makes a huge difference.
  14. She sounds incredibly broke (why they had to move home), and lonely. Trust me, she is awkward, depressed, and trying to create any excuse to hang out. I've been in her spot before, the whole moving home, and having zero friends because I lived away for years and years. I am in NY where it takes 3 years to feel good in your skin. She just got there, and needs time to decompress. Not sure if it makes you feel better, but she's not in a good spot despite what she posts on her social media.
  15. Almost all people are not interested in sex with their partner when they're partner is banging someone else. It doesn't matter if his 1st wife was interested or not; he still selfishly cheated on her, and it ended the marriage. You are next in line whether or not you aren't ready to divorce.
  16. Never say never. And never ever think marriage is easy the entire time. There are many ways to break fidelity in 31 years. People who love each other and want to be together, can learn to work through it and forgive and get past it. Your parents are humans, and humans all make mistakes. In 11,315 days of marriage, things happen. What you do to be accountable of it, is the difference.
  17. I also want to add when my hubs and I were dating, my now MIL told me that this one girl who "was" a mutual friend who he dated for a year or more was the "love of his life." NOT. He left her over her secret coke habit, and weird hang out on orgasms. My point; who cares what she says. It is also creepy she told your mom this, and your mom told you this. Haven't they learned to not be such sh*t stirrers?
  18. What looks like passion on the outside sounds like chaos and nothing else in common on the inside. Passion does not equal intimacy. I would totally disregard two old ladies gossiping.
  19. Right?! Even then, they should be able to find a two bedroom. Just tell then they have 60 days to heave ho. And in the meantime, they need to cover utilities. And, change the wifi password. And if you are feeling generous, give her the money she gave you for utilities, back, so she can buy furniture for the new place. It's one thing to escape an abusive partner. It's another to blow off paying rent for months, only to find another sucker to pay their way. No thanks.
  20. I say, "cool," when I am super stoked, but don't wanna come off as weird. I literally just type, "Cool" and nothing else. I think you should take a few deep breaths, and not over analyze it.
  21. Oh, when I read your text, it sounded like you wanted an FWB situation. You did say way too much stuff. I would just CALL him (leave zero room for interpretation), and ask him to dinner. If he says, "no," at least you gave it a shot.
  22. He isn't frugal...he's a cheapstake. He's already had his chance. No need to give another. You can't unteach being selfish at his age.
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