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Everything posted by Netguy

  1. A month and she's already dating someone else? That should tell you the extent of her feelings.
  2. Bro, that's great to hear. I can certantly relate. If it wasn't for me being so full of rage, my relationship would have been pure nirvana. Wish I was as confidient as you are, but maybe after tomorrow I will be. The fact that you're willing to be there for her like this after all that's happened, shows that you truly love her.
  3. It's amazing what happens when you learn to replace the anger, isnt it? It's a great thing. I went through the same thing. Anger and rage are such destructive forces. So, since she seems to be interested in seeing you, probably for reasons other than just catching up, are you interested at all?
  4. This girl has no idea what she wants. Besides, she's unavailable. That's not something you want to get involved with.
  5. Agree 100% here. Anything you did that you wouldnt have done had you been with with him, you should tell him. Whether you had sex with someone or just had lunch with someone, it all needs to be out in the open.
  6. Wow, first I have to say kudos to you. There aren't many people who would stick with someone and go two years without seeing them. That is remarkable. As for your roommate, it sounds like jealousy. Jealous that she doesn't see her b/f very often(although, you wont see him again for 2 years) and jealous that you have other things to do, without her.
  7. Im sorry, I missed the break up part of the story. Why did you two break up? It's rather strange that you're pursuing another relationship, while trying to reconcile with your ex. I would suggest you take a good look before you leap back into it. I know Im the one who's usually saying "get back together", but if your excited about another girl, that says alot.
  8. I love it! That is awesome!
  9. Thanks dude! Even though you were one that tried to talk me out of it. LOL It's about time that I stood up and fought for this. After reading this, Im not sure what I thought I would accomplish by just a few phone calls every week. Im so glad I came here, and Im even more glad that I made this decision! I havent felt this good in a long while.
  10. Yes, I was overstating the "everyday for a year". It's been a year, but I havent called every single day. Ive called most days, but not every one of them. Honestly, the idea of just showing up never occurred to me. Ive never been one for grand gestures. I was ready to fill up my tank and drive over there after your first post, until I saw the other responses. But, what Im doing isn't working, obviously. And I need to know, one way or the other. My life will never go anywhere, this way. And, "what might have been" will always be on my mind. So, Im doing it. Im driving over to her place tomorrow evening, after she gets home from her parents' house. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. Wish me luck.
  11. If anything, Im probably just a mild distraction. The phone rings, she deletes the message, goes back to her life. I just wonder if she's moved on, would she tell me to stop calling then? Im very scared that I might show up, while she has a "visitor" or when she's coming home from a date.Im not sure I could make the 4 hour drive back home.That would be devistating.
  12. You all are probably right. But, knowing her, I really have a hard time believing it. Like I said, she's not the type to just let it go if it's bothering her. I know she's mentioned that I still call to a few mutual friends, and no one's said anything bad about it. Plus, Salt's advice sounds very enticing. But, at the same time, I dont know. Not real sure what Id say to her once I got there, anyway. Like I said, I have some thinking to do.
  13. That's great! Always happy to hear about couples making progress. And Im with you on the weekends. Weekends are always the toughest. I used to seek out friends to do things with, but I was just making them miserable too.
  14. Dude, those were some heavy words, Sadk. Im as guilty as anyone of overanalyzing things. That's a big part of what's lead me here. I was as happy as I could ever imagine with my ex/future(Im still optimistic). But, I couldn't just enjoy it. I couldnt imagine that I could be that happy without a catch. So, I unintentionally did things to sabotage it as I was looking for that trap door. Of course, that just got me posting on a forum at 3 am when I have to be up in a few hours, and missing her. When I should be sound asleep, lying next to her.
  15. Possibly. Never really thought about it. She's not the type to not say something if it's bothering her. She's the type to answer and say "stop ****** calling me" and call the police if it continues. Besides, it hasn't been exactly 365 calls. There have been days that I just went to bed, and like I said, Ive had a few dates here and there. Right now, I dont know. Today, I said that I wasn't looking for advice, but then I got some great advice, and then I got alot of advice that was the opposite of the first. So, Ive got some thinking to do.
  16. Thanks, but it wasn't really that big of an accomplishment. Just a matter of undoing the changes that were forced on me years before. In other news; another day, another phone call, another message.
  17. There was never anything physical, and I dont think she ever thought it would turn physical. She just got tired of me being angry all the time and yelling when it happened. That's solved now. That was a direct result of being a marine. Im proud to say that I am now an ex-marine(many say that there's no such thing). Im back to the way I was in that area. Im not sure if any of you caught this, but the apex of the ordeal was when I accused her of being unfaithfull, but not in words that nice. It was almost an entire year after I had completed the therapy. But, while I was gung ho and very optimistic a few hours ago after reading Salt's advice, now Im not so sure. All of you make good points. I guess I have some thinking to do.
  18. For real game playing, right there. I wouldn't suggest that. If she calls, and you want to talk to her, then answer the phone.
  19. Dude, reread everything you've written. You keep talking about a friendship, but her not putting forth the effort to have one. Do you get upset if your male friends dont call? If you ask a guy to go bowling with you, and he has other plans, do you get mad at him? Im assuming the answer is no. That's why I said there seem to be alot of head games going on. You say friendship, and get upset when she doesn't act like a girlfriend. She says friendship, yet she gets upset over things that have no bearing on a plutonic relationship. Seems to me that neither of you want to be friends. I think you need to be perfectly frank with her. Tell her exactly what you want. She should respond with what she wants. The rest writes itself. Best of luck, dude.
  20. Ive never given her any reason to be skeptical, that I know of. But, seeing how she wont talk to me, there could be a reason that I dont know of. Also, I can't exactly say "you haven't been answering your phone for a year, so I thought Id come over". I know her intention was to end the relationship. But, nothing else has worked. Thanks, Salt. I really appreciate the advice. That's exactly what Im going to do. Since I got all this great advice after saying "Im not looking for advice"(and it really is great advice), maybe I should tell her not to come back. See if that works.
  21. Well, I was thinking more about my history of being very short tempered. I thought she might feel threatened or scared if I just showed up. Also, while everyone tells me she's expressed no interest in seeing someone, they could be saying that to spare my feelings. Or, she could be keeping it from everyone(not likely, but possible). So, Im also scared of what I might see if I just show up unannounced. It seems kind of childish to not answer the phone, emails, or letters just because it's not enough to warrant a response. But, I do see your point. I guess there is such a thing as chivalry. Doing everything from 3-4 hours away doesn't do much for sweeping her off her feet. Thanks. As soon as I can get a day off of work, I think Im going to do just that!
  22. Yes, I see. It was true almost every time in my experience as well. The one time it wasn't true cost me dearly.
  23. I call her everyday at the same time. I know her schedule by heart(she's very maticulous about it). After work, she goes to the gym and is home by 7. I call her everyday at 8. Never answers. I send letters and cards about once a week. Im a little scared of going to her house unexpectedly. Not sure how she'd react to that.
  24. Thanks, Shorty. Always appreciate any support. I did complete my anger managment, she was with me for that. Not long after the last time we spoke(it was in March), I finished school. Since we hadn't spoken in two months by that time, I felt like I needed to get away, since everything there reminded me of her. So, I took a job in Dodge City(she lives in Colorado, so Im only about 3 hours away, really). So, the ironic thing is, everything she didn't like about me, as been changed since she left.
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