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Everything posted by mba1

  1. oops...wasn't finished there - alcohol - well let's just say that i'm 5'3 with an athletic, petite figure. i can drink along with the best of them... the only bad reaction i've gotten from a male is prolly resignation that "it's not gonna be easy or cheap getting this one in the sack." LOL !!!!! man i have to laugh at this bcuz it's sooo true and funny. holding hands - i think when you really like someone it's special regardless of gender.
  2. Gray beard?!? Oh Lord ... don't say that! I haven't met my future husband yet !!! lol
  3. You're so welcome brickchamp... i know you are a special person with such lovely qualities. it's normal to feel a multitude of emotions varying from anger, revenge, sorrow, remorse, regret and so on but in the long run revenge or acting in some ugly way or being someone who you're not may only hinder you from going through the necessary stages of a mature break up. just make sure you act like a lady this way no one can say anything bad about you and you'll feel better knowing you can walk around this summer with your head high. you will find someone who is just as caring as you are with the same amount of compassion and love to give and share, perhaps even more!!! rest assured, there are times when i too become disillusioned and want to hide in the comforts of my room but while i'm doing that i think how my ex is continuing to carry and live on while i'm holding onto something that isn't there anymore - how ironic is that? i believe advice and words of encouragement will only get you so far... and in moments like these i find time, forgiveness, and the serenity prayer have given me strength and courage to keep moving forward. besides i am worth it and so are you and everyone else for that matter that is a decent human being. strange, but when i look back at my first love more than 10 years ago, it feels like i am reflecting on someone's else life...almost as if it was a surreal experience. just goes to show that time and experience make you a wiser and emotionally richer person. what a prize for our significant others we will meet in the future.... believe this honey - you'll be fine!
  4. I agree with frisco... who cares what he thinks anyhow. why would you care what someone thinks about you when they don't care about what you feel. i hate games, lies, and the whole sordid charade that goes along with romantic relationships nonetheless, social relationships as a whole. stay true to who you are, "say what you mean and mean what you say" if someone can't appreciate that then they can't appreciate you. it really is that simple. only do it with tact and dignity... i had a professor from india in my last mba course who shared something her grandmother always told her. she said, in a graphic way... that it's okay to let someone know how you feel and it certainly feels better for you as the one saying it to get it all out of our system but you should say it in a way in which you don't throw up on the person... because all it's going to do is leave a big stink!
  5. Indeed Dako ! those words among others have stuck in mine! LOL BTW... i like your dog. he has such a sly look!
  6. personally speaking, i have gotten over past relationships one of two ways... the first, is talking about it i get so tired of living it over and over. and by finding forgiveness. my last relationship taught me the lesson of forgiveness which until now at the age of 30, i could not grasp. i was from the perspective that if for instance, someone intentionally did or said something hurtful or malevolent then how could anyone in their right mind forgive them. literally, i could not wrap my mind around this one... so one night which turned into early morning i was surfing the net and came accross a sight which essentially said, forgiveness is something you either get or don't get. meaning, forgiveness is much more than the act of forgiving in order to be forgiven but necessary in order to let harbored emotions go... course this doesn't mean you forgive everyone's malicious acts or unkind words but instead it requires in some instances to take the high road and most importantly... to learn the lesson and not to stand in the way of peril again. course, this is so much harder to practice especially when emotions are high but again, it's a part of grower older, maturing and becoming closer to who God (or whatever religious sector your part of) wants you to be. i believe everyone has a path they must travel... some take short cuts, others drag their feet begrudgingly but undoubtly, we all get there one day or another. at times, i am eager to see what is waiting for me around the corner and at times i want to stop or linger on to something or someone with whom i've meet along the way but regardless, i am hopeful and pray that God has something magnificant up ahead. I just wish i'd get there faster!
  7. some people learn the easy way... i however, have learned from the school of hard knocks!
  8. So yeah, write the letter, call her, spill your guts, chase her, beat yourself and your self-esteem to a pulp (or let her do it some more), get it all out of your system...eventually you'll heal either way... And who knows, maybe you'll talk her into getting back together with you and you'll have an illusion of short lived paradise and bliss...before the guillatine falls...again... Ouch ! i have been there before... sometimes i wonder whether or not in past relationships, if i tried for the sake of trying. it so hard to see what's right in front of your face when your eye has been on a prize for such a long time. then i ruminate some more and wonder if it's self-defeat that makes letting go so much harder to do...
  9. I think closure should be a synomymn for healing - i can understand the need to release all your emotions and more importantly, to bring them to her attention, but think to yourself, "what would i do if she doesn't respond the way i want or better yet, what if she doesn't acknowledge or appreciate the thoughts i put on paper?" how then would you feel? is this really the "closure" you're referring to or just a masked attempt at getting her to react to how she treated you? instead, i think you need to focus on healing another way. closure in this day and time is very elusive and people can be evasive when it comes to their own emotions or for that matter accountability for the emotions they have inflicted on another person. don't what until someone decides it's time that they give you "closure" because you'll be waiting a long time...
  10. I certainly hope your comment wasn't directed at me. It if was I assume you as a male, have asked you past lady friends for money... i'll leave it at that.
  11. She is using you as a safety net and placing conditions on you that she herself doesn't want follow. don't let her use you when she needs someone to "talk" to. let her girlfriends be the ones to lend their ears if she needs someone to talk to or shoulders if she needs to cry. what she is doing in a subtle yet manipulative way is holding you hostage with your own feelings for her which enables her to keep you from moving forward with you're life and meeting someone who you can potentially develop trust and feelings for. once this happens, her selfish booty is out that door and trust me - she KNOWS this. try to keep busy or spend some time reflecting on how you can become a bigger and better person by this experience and slowly day by day, the distance you've developed will heal your heart little by little. but you have to start somewhere, sometime and the sooner the better. otherwise, you'll become stagnant in a perpetual, never ending emotional rollercoaster. sure you enjoy the highs and lows and when the ride stops it's hard to accept the fact that the ride is over but you need to face the fact that it is and the ride isn't fun anymore. until YOU do, you'll be going around in circles.
  12. Oh God !!! Please tell me you're kidding ?! That is one of the lowest and SHAMELESS things i've heard. To answer your question, Yes - OH HEEEELL YES!!! I don't think any self-respecting man would ask a woman (unless it is his mother LOL) for money or mooch off her in any way, shape or form. God... does this man have any pride or shame or just and appetite for kid's snacks??? For example, I have NEVER - EVER have been on a first date where i have paid for anything or even for that matter continously dated a man where he didn't pay approximately 95% of the time. Come to think of it, now that i recall i don't think i've ever paid for one single drink (of my own ofcourse) in my entire adulthood! I can't imagine footing the bill for some mooch. Real men - Work and are Chivalrous ....PERIOD !!! I wouldn't even give him the pop tart. instead, i'd give him my spare change and tell him walk his * * * * * to the store and never come back!
  13. Oh God !!! Please tell me you're kidding ?! That is one of the lowest and SHAMELESS things i've heard. To answer your question, Yes - OH HEEEELL YES!!! I don't think any self-respecting man would ask a woman (unless it is his mother LOL) for money or mooch off her in any way, shape or form. God... does this man have any pride or shame or just and appetite for kid's snacks??? For example, I have NEVER - EVER have been on a first date where i have paid for anything or even for that matter continously dated a man where he didn't pay approximately 95% of the time. Come to think of it, now that i recall i don't think i've ever paid one single drink (of my own ofcourse) in my entire adulthood! Real men - Work and are Chivalrous ....PERIOD !!! I wouldn't even give him the pop tart. instead, i'd give him my spare change and tell him walk his * * * * * to the store and never come back!
  14. This is so true... just be yourself and you'll click with the girl who is the one for you. Funny how guys will try and pick up with the cheesiest and yet transparent lines... obviously, the keepers or smart ones i should say aren't gonna fall for BS. These.... are the ones you gentlemen want to hold out for !!!
  15. I think this qoute is especially endearing... Funny to hear this from someone in Gen X. I guess I've always felt I was born in the wrong era when it came to values and ideas regarding commitment and love.
  16. This is such a complex question... Only because love isn't, descriptively speaking - something that is contained in a box. Meaning... what I may interpret as love may be defined from someone else's perspective as something completely different. I think perhaps this is the reason why so much miscommunication occurs in a relationship and thus... why hearts are broken. Personally, speaking I feel I was truly in love when I was 17 and then again when I was 25. Course, these relationships and the love I felt shifted forms throughout the years. Regardless, letting go of an image or illusion is always hard, especially if you're sentimental and hopeful.
  17. I'm just recently going through some soul-searching and eye opening experiences to put it at best...I've read some of your posts friscodj ...and it reassures me that there are still some men out there my age that have the capacity and appreciation for the feelings and emotions of the opposite sex. Apparently, not all guys are self-centered jerks ! LOL
  18. I think that is one of the most sweetest things I've heard friscodj !!! BTW... I luv you're qoutes ~
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