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Everything posted by mba1

  1. excellent post annie !!!
  2. for shame frisco for saying such a thing !!! there is a slight difference when girls go out let me illustrate: ladies behave this way or this way O whereas, men behave like this : and then turn into this slight difference here
  3. strange phenomenom...isn't it?!?
  4. YOU ... the relationship ROYALTY - puhleez brother who ya trying to fool ?!?!?
  5. oh right.... hard to tell with the beanie on - you must be hiding them ears !
  6. oh btw... i simply adore those pics that have the animals' grill right in the camera. too cute - i luv it !!!
  7. LMAO - toooooooooooooo funny ! you are a riot ! heeee hawww
  8. oh, oh, i see... it's some sort of sophisticated mathematical formula or algorism if you will... my you engineers are quite resourceful but nonetheless, i am willing to concede will you answer Male + Buddies = Jacka$$ Indeed ! LMAO
  9. you need to be strong and lay down the facts with this girl... DO NOT let her manipulate you and if she carries on with her plan than that is her issue not your's. just tell her that she is placing a tremendous amount of grief and pressure on you and that if she wants to remain in your life then she needs to stop with her psychotic antics PERIOD !!! as for your jobs... you are still young and there are thousands of other jobs you can do - so start applying. this problem is relatively easy.
  10. you are sooo funny .... hey too bad you're teddybear doesn't have any toes !!! or maybe that's a good thing ! LMAO oh man i think i'm getting an ab workout from all this laughing !!!
  11. LMAO - sole mates ... that is sooooo funny!!! i luv it !!!
  12. tigris is right .... in short it's called emotional blackmail. take care of yourself first and if you feel compelled direct her on where to find help or inform someone who will intervene. you are too young for all this...
  13. definitely not ! all i could think of was how gross it was to put someone's toes in your mouth...even if they are clean and pretty. eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww
  14. yeah i have to admit the sucking on the toes things is kinda yucka some guy did that once to me and it totally freaked me out !!!
  15. i'm so sorry this is happening to you... i can only imagine how you must feel. i think most people overlook the impressions and impact infidelity imposes not only on the partner but also on the children and overall family. afterall, you are a part of both parents and with that being said, i'm sure you feel some sort of violation or betrayal as well. it seems as if the little stability in which you felt you had has now been shaken. so it's normal for you to feel hurt and be in pain. if you're father says unkind things to you and your mother doesn't care then you need to find it in yourself to recognize your self-worth and try to become more resilient. don't get me wrong i know how most children, even abused ones feverishly and foolishly attempt to obtain the love and respect of the very ones who abused them but you need to realize what you're reality is and act accordingly. find faith and worth in yourself and try to see the positive... you will find it i know. this is just a (unpleasant) life experience you're going through. remember, hundreds of thousands of people on this earth go through similiar if not worse problems than this and they have overcome it - so with that being said there is no reason why you won't come out of this too ! try not to spiral into the negative aspect of the situation bc it'll overwhelm you and thus make it that more difficult for you to move through and pass the situation. stay strong and focus on what you can do to make yourself feel better! i hope this helps
  16. too funny !!! let me ask you this frisco ~ what happens when you omit the alcohol variable from the equation??? i've know some members or the male species who can be complete jacka$$e$ in lieu of the fermented grain, vegetable, or fruit. is it plausible that this is just some inexplicable aberration or abnormal deviation to your equation ?!?!? LMAO again, too funny !!!
  17. you're welcome mg ! and about him reflecting on this.... i'm sure he knows deep down what he did was wrong (which is why he artfully attempted to blame you), that is ofcourse unless he is a complete and certified sociopath...then he knows exactly what he did !
  18. you're a sharp cookie lynne ( i am very impressed when young women or just women in general are articulate and intelligent...gives the rest of us gals a good reputation, especially when they are not afraid to verbalize it !!! ) and definitely not a typical 20 yr old but i'm sure you already know this in any event, to answer your question, yes - age does matter and if people tell you otherwise then they live in either an (a) bubble or (b) vacuum. perceptions and reactions will vary relative to how large the age gap is and the physical appearances of the people (it's primarily normative to base opinion on visuals)....this will determine the response you're going to get. also, keep in mind who the spectators are... (ie if they're baby boomers, Gen X or Y, socioeconomic status, etc) this will all color their perceptions and determine the degree of how they will view a situation such as this. as a general rule though... redqueen response was right on point.
  19. i'm not sure if it qualifies as romantic but i like irish, welsh, and scottish accents ! not to mention these honeys are hot !!!
  20. hey it'sallgrand !!! i luved the excerpt you posted on age - gap relationships... especially you're qoute about sexuality vs. power and 18 yr olds being synomous to girls or (babies) ! soooooo true !!! i am so glad that there are intelligent women out there who know what the h$$$ is up and not afraid to speak their mind ! you rock !!!
  21. Listen to Tigris - she is so on point ! aside with being respectful, be chivalrous, thoughtful and HONEST!!! remember when ordering at a restaurant to let her order first
  22. [he got angry with me. He's blaming the reason he cheated on me. He says if I hadn't of gotten angry things might be different. Someone cheats on you, gets busted then blames their partner for the cheating and also creating drama (I didn't create drama BUT I'll admit after I found out about the cheating...I contributed to it by not just walking away. I snapped.) Now I hear that my ex is angry with me and apparently what weren't problems before have all become huge problems (ie. I think he's complaining about the way I 'am' - never seemed to be a problem for him until...he got busted). So WHY do they do this? Why do people do this? Is it just an easy way for them to deal with the guilt of what they did? Is it complete immaturity? Did his true nature come out - is he just a jackhole? It just trips me out that he's trying to make me the 'badguy' in all of this when everything that happened was a creation of what he...created. ugh. sometimes people just suck. dear ex take responsibility for your actions. i didnt cheat. YOU did. first off, i'm sorry to hear this happened to you. i can imagine how hurt and angry ...let's not forget betrayed you must feel. but on a brighter note, you should be grateful that you found out where his loyalties lie... you are right on point with what you said earlier... he cheated - not YOU, remember that ! ALWAYS and the real reason why he had the audacity, temerity, or just plain NERVE to deflect blame on you ??? is b/c he got caught like a rat in a corner or for better illustration with his pants down.... and it's been my experience that when this happens people have no other alternative then to start blaming everyone around them so they can escape responsibility or any ownership for their actions, which is easier to do when someone is immature or self-centered. remember it takes a very mature, sensitive and sympathetic person to realize when they've hurt someone and own up to it appropriately... and this is the kind of person you want to be with. ya'know he could have owned up to what he did like a man...but he didn't PERIOD! he is not a MAN and he doesn't deserve you. very immature, insensitive and yes a JACKHOLE!!!
  23. As a rule, I guess a good age range would be 25 to 35. There have to be, what, at least a couple dozen single women out there in the world that are in that age range?? Orlander there you go ..... 25-35 sounds to me (granted this is only my opinion) like a good idea !!! it kills me when the whole age topic comes into the picture.... for instance, i have had the oppoturunity to date men anywhere from the age of 18-60.... do i do this, you ask??? NO Why??? b/c i would like to have a partner in life, someone to go through life's adventures and experiences together, not someone who is going to teach me or show me things they have already done... conversely, i am not interested in being someone's teacher as well. in the end, to each to own... but my personal experience age does matter on certain levels and definitely relative to certain degrees. if you pay attention closely the indicators and subtlies of age differences are quite transparent and influence the dynamics in age difference relationships to the point where in most cases, things are not equal or balanced in terms of respect, autonmy, intelligence, etc. i like you and many others who have posted in this site look younger than i am (30) and don't get me wrong it is quite flattering when a youngster in his early twenties tries to pick up but in my eyes i see them like a little brother or the kid down the street who grew up... does this mean they are not attractive ? No, but not in a sexual way. i could go on and on b/c this topic is mutlifaceted but i won't. it's my opinion that people who feverishly try to defend age differences as being of little to no consequence are the ones who perpetuate going after younger - naive or as they are termed (fun) girls. givemee a break !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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