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Everything posted by dragonzeyez

  1. well, i talked to my doctor, and she said it was ok for me to not take my meds for one day to see if i could get one. so i tried it, and i did with no problem. but just to make sure that it wasn't just my neves being back under control, i took my meds the next day, and once again stayed limp. so it looks like its the meds, so i will be checking with my doctor again for alternatives.
  2. ok, from what my gf tells me, this should not be serious, but she is the love of my life and i need to know if i may have seriously hurt her. yes, we have discussed this, we talk about everything, we hide nothing from each other, butas far as sex goes, she is still a virgin so i am seeking advice from experienced women here seing as she does not have access to a computer. well, 2 days ago, we fooled around, lots of foreplay, making out, and then i fingered her. i went slowly at first, but eventually she ended up barking out orders to me "harder, faster, harder!!!" lots of groaning, and noises like "umm, umph" and more moaning, i obeyed of course, then she ended it with a big "stop!!!", then she told me she is in pain. 2 days have passed, and she is still in some pain, but not nearly as much. i made her tell me every detail. i am soooo terriified that i may have caused permanent injury to her, as this is a girl i can easily see myself starting a family with and spending my life with. i asked her today to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10 and describe to me how the pain currently is. she told me it is about a 3, and that it feels more like a pulled muscle in her side of her thigh close to her vagina. she told me that it does not feel as if anything on the inside is torn or ripped, just that it feels like a pulled muscle. there has been no bleeding at all. my immediate idea is that her being a virgin, i may have just put my fingers in too far and did it too fast and hard. my immediate impression is that this can not be too serious as in the fact that she has told me that either friday or over the weekend she wants sex from me, so i am thinking it cant be too bad. but as i said she is the love of my life, and her being in any pain freaks me out, so i want serious advice from experienced woman on here, what do you think? tell me any advice you can give me. i am leaving for work right after this post, but i will be home in the morning to answer any responses.
  3. I tend to agree normally, but I am worried because of the medication I am taking, Since me and my gf tried to do the deed, I have tried twice (with long periods and rest between each try) to get an erection and have failed both times. I left a message with my doctor asking about the medication I am on and am awaiting a reply from her.
  4. That conversation does not sit well with me. I am sure it was just nerves. But the problem is, it was the day up to a few hours before we tried to have sex that made me nervous, when we started fooling around and one thing led to another, I did not feel nervous at all, but when she was finally naked on my bed ready to go, nothing, not even a slight erection, and I was not the least bit nervous. Is it possible that being nervous all day long can kind of still loom over your body physically even when you are no longer nervous?
  5. Hi there, well, the title of the post speaks for itself. me and my girlfriend tried to have sex for the first time in our relationship today, and well, i was unable to even get an erection for her. i felt so embarressed. The thing is, I believe this was all just nerves. it was at the end of a rather nerve racking day, i met her parents for the first time , which was a HUGE accomplishment. they are the type that are very difficult to please, require a lot out of a man for him to be good enough for there daughter, and put lots of pressure on. I met them in the morning, attended church with them, and then went out to eat with them. needles to say, i was * * * *ting bricks the entire time. when all of that was done, i took her over to my place, we talked with some of my family for a while, and had a good time. when my family left, we got down to business, a lot of making out and foreplay, and then we tried to have sex. and i could not get it up, i even tried masturbating it up, didn't work. my girlfriend is like the most awesome girl in the world though, we talk about everything, she was not mad and she understod completely and is willing to work with me on it. Besides, after i got done trying, i figured i would atleast please her, fingered her and got her off nice and good, so she was still happy. i do not get it though, i have never had this problem withg x girlfriends in the past, and none of them looked anywhere near as good as the one i am with now. even when i got home from dropping my gf off, i tried watching porn and masturbating, and i failed to achieve an erection i do not know if this will make any difference, but i am on 2 medications, one being something called anaprox/naproxen, the other is neurontin, maybe someone has heard of these and can tell me something? i am young and very athletic, not overweight, i do not smoke or drink, or do any type of drugs. can anyone offer me any advice? think it might have been just my nerves from it being such a stressful day?
  6. oh, ofcourse, i agree with all of you. i have been online dating for a while now (about a year and a half) and have learned much as well, that is why i will not allow myself to do more then "like" someone until i actually meet them. yes, i do date girls in my area aswell as online dating. to me the talking thing is either way, it can work by keeping conversation to a minimum until you meet them, or it can also work by having longer conversations. just in the case of longer conversations, i think it is important to not allow yourself to become emotionally attatched to that person until you meet them and it also should not feel like a "job," it should feel fun.
  7. Ok, I am really just posting this because I am in an extremely good mood. I have met someone I really like a lot. Met her on a christian dating web site. We have not met in person yet but that is only because there is a 2 hour drive between us and both of us at this current time have a hectic schedule. We have however made plans to meet each other at a reniassance festival that will be coming to town next month. I am by no means getting my hopes up on this girl until I actually meet her obviously, so there will be no heart break if we meet up and aren't a match But when we talk, I have already found many qualities I like in her that I did not find with my ex girlfriends and other girls that I dated (such as having a job, not mooching off of friends and family for a place to live, stuff like that). She is in college, has a job and is hard working, laughs a lot and has a nice smile in the pictures I have seen. lol like I said, I do not get my hopes up over anyone until I actually meet them, but I do like this one I am simply posting because I am in a great mood because of this and simply want to share it with someone.
  8. its not unnormal, i am almost 24, i have had 2 girlfriends in the past, neither one of those rrelationships were even close to being serious, and i have dated like a hundred girls where things only lasted like a week or so but i dont count those. not that i haven't tried to be serious and committed to someone, i have simply never met the right one. i have dated girls that said they were totally in love with me and wanted to be committed to me that i simply did not feel the same way about, and i have had girls that i was crazy about and got rejected by. this is just the type of thing you have to be patient for, and when you meet the right girl, you will have a serious relationship and be crazy about her. although i did have sex with both my 2 ex's, the only thing i feel empty about not having experienced is "love making" which i define as being sex with someone you are in love with, otherwise, i am happy that i am looking for someone who i am truly compatible with and not taking anything that just comes along.
  9. one thing i gotta know.... did he try to give it oral? lol had to ask.
  10. oh yes, definitely helps Like I said, I think early on in the game, it is very difficult to tell anything a lot of times. I have met girls that would never call me in the beginning but after a while would call me a lot (the ones that like being chased) and then others that would call me everyday. So I am always open minded and I never assume anything in the beginning. I just take a casual, have fun approach and then find out after a little while (not too long, I don't want them to think I am loosing interest) what they think. edit: I have actually met girls (these would be the ones that like being chased) that would not call when I put them on this test, but after time passed started calling me a lot, that is why I don't take there response to this test that seriously in the beginning.
  11. Ok, I have been doing online dating for a while now, and have enjoyed some degree of success regarding it. Typically if I meet someone online and am interested in them, I will instant message chat with them a few times and then move to phone calls. Typically I am the one who will do the calling in the beginning. But eventually, I come to a spot where I wanna test how interested in me they are and decide not to make the call to see if they call me. My question is, is doing this test a good idea? And if it is, how long should I wait to do this? Now, I do not think much of the results of this test because I have met many girls that like being chased at first to find out if the guy is really interested or not. I am simply in need of advice,
  12. honostly... i think you might just need to hold off on sex for a while and work on the relationship and being completely comfortable with him. i think your chances of getting the big "O" will be much better then.
  13. thats my whole point, at this point i was still somewhat interested, i just needed to know if she was willing to ease up and listen to me and talk with me about these issues instead of getting mad and yelling or crying at me, I felt like I could not say or do anything without making her mad, no matter how nice I was about it.
  14. Yes, I know I was harsh. But at the time, I was not ruling out talking with her again, and I needed to know if she could take my conditions. I had already discussed these things with her on the phone in a polite, honost, and friendly way. She totally did not care, even though I was very nice in talking over these issues with her on the phone. She would still flip out. She basically wanted me to stay on the phone with her from the time I wake up (2pm) until it is time for me to leave for work (9pm). and if I tried to hang up at any point for any reason, she would flip out and get very mad to the extent where she would scream and cry at me. I have made the decision to break it off. But I will say that with the way things had gone up until I told her to stop calling me, sending her an email that was that firm and direct was absolutely necessary. I needed to make my point clear that if she wanted to seriously meet me in the future that she would not be able to talk to me or treat me that way. keep in mind, at no point did I act rude towards her or give her reason to get upset, I was nice and respectful towards her even when she was screaming at me. I can definitely understand how harsh my message came accross, but if any of you had heard our conversations, you would understand why this degree of directness was necessary. Thank you all for your advice.
  15. I should have been more specific in a what happened up to that message I left her. But to add more information, on the last call when I went to hang up, she got very very upset saying that I did not like her, I was trying to meet another girl, etc. I was not trying anything, we had talked for quite a while and I simply wanted to hang up and do something else.
  16. I am off to work so I will not be able to answer anything you guys post until the morning. Thanks for any advice.
  17. Ok, met someone new over the weekend on myspace, but not in person yet. Started off well, but has gotten pretty bad. The more I talked to her the more clingy and controlling she got. This is a copy of the last message I sent her on myspace. -------------------------------------------- Hello again laurie. Ok, if you want to talk again, I have a few requirements for you. 1. I need to see a picture of you. I can not build an interest in someone when I do not know what they look like. As well as a mental, personality connection, I must be physically attracted to someone as well. So before I could build anything with you I would need to see what you look like. 2. You kept saying "I like you" and "I will miss you" a lot. We only talked for 2 days, how can you feel that way in just 2 days? That would need to stop for a while, until we knew a lot about each other. 3. The phone. Where to start... Ok, I tried explaining this to you when we talked and instead of listening to what I had to say, all you did was get upset. I will explain this again. I do not like being on the phone with ANY person for long periods of time. That is just how I am. I start to feel like my cell phone is glued to my ear and I can not stand that. It does not mean that I do not like talking to you. I infact, quite enjoyed talking to you. I am the type of person where if I am going to have a long conversation with someone, then it needs to be FACE TO FACE. If I am to have a long conversation with you it has to be face to face. If it is on the phone then it must stay short. That does not mean that I did not enjoy talking to you, it is just the way I am. If you can not accept that then do not even bother talking to me. 4. When I say that I wanna hang up the phone, that means that I want to hang up. I do not want to do long drawn out goodbyes, or be questioned why I am hanging up. If I am hanging up, just ACCEPT it, and say goodbye, or do not expect me to answer you next time you call. 5. YOU MUST TRUST ME!!!!! It really bothered me when I told you that I needed to hang up with you and return a call to a friend that you immediately assumed I was trying to get myself another girl. I do have friends that are girls, and they are young, and they are very attractive. They are friends of mine, I talk to them on a daily basis. I have no interest in being with them. They are friends only. YOU NUST ACCEPT THIS. I WILL NOT BE WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT TRUST ME OR GETS MAD WHEN I NEED TO TALK TO MY FRIENDS. 6. QUIT BEING CONTROLLING. I need someone who will accept me as what I am and not force me into doing things such as staying on the phone and then laying a guilt trip on me when it is time for me to hang up. 7. On the last call I talked to you on, you kept saying "I will change myself for you, tell me what I need to do, I will get better." It was something along those words, not exactly them. Ok, I do not want to be with someone who changes themself to fit my needs. If you have to change the way you are to make it work with me then it is not meant to be, it will just fall apart. I need to be with someone who will be themself around me. Period. 8. Last thing, like I said, DO NOT RUSH THINGS!!! this is all I can think of for now. DO NOT CALL ME TODAY OR TOMORROW. send me a response here on myspace and I will message you back letting you know if I will talk to you again or not. --------------------------------------------- I am currently not accepting calls or emails from her. do you think I should give her more of a chance seeing as I have already talked to her for 2 days? I mean I definitely would not do anything rash, and if she turned out to be a bad one I would end it and move on with no problem. But I am uncertain and seek advice. Thanks.
  18. this may sound mean but, even if you don't intend on sleeping with him, i do recommend that you atleast hint to him that he get something like that thing above that someone mentioned that straps around his penis. lets face it, although it is completely doable, it is gonna be real hard for him to get a relationship to work without something like that. so for his sake i suggest telling him about that, yes it may be humiliating, but does he really wanna be single his whole life? yes like i said he still could find someone, but it would be much easier if he tried to address his problem as best he could.
  19. Ok, wow. If I had a gf who sent me pics, even if I didn't think they were the best, I would still tell her I loved them and that she is dam sexy. What a jerk, you never tell the person you are with something like that. Kick him in the nuts next time you see him.
  20. rofl, wow. In making this post I was trying to vent a little frustration, yet entertain myself a little bit to try and feel better, and get feedback and advice from other people. I did not intend or think anyone would take it as literal as the posts above!! Lol, I do not live in a movie or a video game, and I can not stand dungeons and dragons, and I definitely do not live my life based on any of those things, it was simply something to be a little creative with while asking a serious question. I do meet lots of girls, simply have not found a keeper yet. I am really just wondering how other people handle themselves while waiting. I work out and try to keep active as best I can, what do other people do? EDIT: oh and as for looking for a "damsel in distress", that is just a saying, just someone nice is all i want.
  21. Haha, no. Just using my sense of humour to explain and lighten my situation.
  22. Feeling very lonely, and very frustrated here. Ok, I have scaled 1000 dark towers with huge firebreathing dragons inside them in search of my "damsel in distress" who I would wisk off her feet into a fairy tale romance, each time only to discover one of two things: The girl was already eaten by the firebreathing dragon, or she had decided to start dating the evil wizard who imprisoned her there because she thinks he is cute. Seriously, are there not any classy woman out there any more? Where do all of you hide at? are there no women anymore who wish to have a night in shining armor? .....I am pretty much just ranting because I am so tired of this never ending search.
  23. Dany I favor you on this one, I do not think at all that you putting down the phone on him was the wrong thing to do, he should be thankful your sister was attempting to do him a favor. Sounds to me like this guy needs to learn to take a chill pill or something. Does he act like this over other little things? I think he is the one who needs to apologize, and if I were you I would not call him, let him call you when he has come to his senses.
  24. I know exactly how you feel.... I have searched long and hard for my "damsel in distress" or my princess locked in a high tower guarded by a huge firebreathing dragon for me to rescue and have a passionate romance with like you see in the movies, but to no avhail. My only advice is to stay positive, try doing new things and making new friends. It has not worked for me yet but I do believe it eventually will. Take care.
  25. LostInMyThoughts you said this..... "I'll let you in on a secret, all us guys are like that. Many guys here will say they are not, but in reality they are. It's no excuse for our behavior, but you should be aware that we are all like that." sorry dude, thats simply not true, there are plenty of guys out there such as myself that are NOT like that.
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