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Everything posted by ravenfox

  1. tell him - hey X what happened? pretend you dont know and let him explain.... then regretfull tell him how you spent the night waiting for his call and had to cancel other plans because you were counting on spending time in his company
  2. its not really important but it feels really weird when you dont get any hoopla - not that you care for it but for some reason as humans we expect it - especially after givinga few years and returning the action i think you should have written a sweet card or a letter in the least.
  3. the above posters are correct. you have broken your body's 1st line of defence : skin. The endogenous bacteria you harbor on all mucosal surfaces actually protect you by out competing the "bad" bacteria. But when you have a open sore - in this case because you have irritated the startified squamous NK tissue you create little breaks that allowed the surface to become infected. The yellow appearance are PMNs or neutrophils (a sort of white blood cell which is dead = puss) they died trying to fight off the infection. The are will be swolen as more rush in to fight the good war As the permiability of your capilaries increases and you have exudate the area will look red and festered. Just leave it alone and let nature run its course. Avoid alcohol containing mouthwashes - they sting horribly if you have open sores and will dry out the area. You can try a saline septic rinse from the local pharmacy. If the sore shows no sign of healing or becomes larger in the next few days go see your physician - they may ask you to begin antibiotics if its a big sore and the infection spreads. watch out for englargments of your lymphnodes - red "fever" streaks on your jaw or face - and make sure to tell your phycian about any allergies to antibios you may have.
  4. omg am i your gf???? this struck close to home bc i tend to doze off by 12 - though i meet him (bf) around 6pm...yet still after a week of school exams and general stress of living alone i am ready everynight to knockout at 12 - even though he stays till 3am... i ususally wake up to let him out and then feel bad but really OP its probabbly bc she is tired - if it wasnt why would she still be with you - and if it was you being boring then why does she fall asleep EVEN with a movie option? you should try the special date idea..i know THAT would be special and my adrenaline would get me pumped enough and endorphins would keep me up for hours
  5. u should just atleast ask about the photo! tell him its bothering you or give him one of you and him to replace it with. its ok for you to not want to see that everytime ur over- if he insists on keeping it he can - in a album - not on display.
  6. i agree its all in who says it! if its my friends i am proud if its someone hes had a eye for before me or someone he was showeing attention before i was there it just burns! thats only happened 2x once where she had the gall to blow him a kiss! but in retrospect i must say this kind of behavior makes the guy just as uncomfortable because he is in love with YOU he wants to be with YOU he IS with YOU and i am sure he is there of his own free will. remind yourself that and you will feel much better - its hard to remember that when things like that happen but just try to and encourage him to be more affectionate - ie hold hands or introduce you as his girfriend) around the people you feel uncomfortable around.
  7. something to keep in mind..her reaction was severe because she probabbly feels very emotionally involved in the relationship doesnt seem like it but its better she actually get upset and scared enough to care than just 'whatever' about it because that means she takes you very seriously. i think the ballis in your court to make her believe she can trust you again...i wish i knew how and i would tell you!
  8. i know shadow...i also am often the type of person who just says, " oh i will let it go" but isnt that what got me here!? i mean if we both had spoken up sooner - vented a bit - and shown our fustration we wouldnt be stumbling for a way to bring them up out of a bat cave a year later (14 years late in your case! dont know how u handled that at all !) once you let one thing slide then its the next and then people just expect you to be a tolerant nice person without any feelings or needs for appreciation!
  9. his reason was his mom asked him to do something... annie24 i would like to borrow your mind and way with words for a day - please? it seems outageously silly to say anything about annv. at this point - almost 2+ months late and i dont know what i want from him anymore - i know i am doing the wrong thing by hoping if i keep myself busy he will just drift away, but at the same time it feels immensely good to do things for myself and not plan around him these past few days!
  10. you know i think he does need counceling because this may be a way for him to react to his "decline" hes at a age when men realize their life is reeling on out - power and whatever success they have by the age they are 60 is it - after that its all on cruise to retirement - i am guessing... so he needs counceling because he may be lashing out about his insecurities about being good looking / wanted/ popular / well off by surrounding himself by women he can pay to make him feel that he is all of those qualities. very immature but probabbly a psychological issue.
  11. what do i say ..its 20 days late..but what happened to xmas? i dont want to appear like i am dragging the petty stuff on. iw ish there was a tactful way of asking. on the other hand it may not be too odd - the last present i received was in 2004 pre xmas - my bday valentines annerversary and xmas all passed between that an dnow - maybe i will look crazy for asking so late can you tell i have a rampant fear of looking crazy - its one thing to be one - quite another to expose the insanity
  12. i would be pretty upset at first - probabbly shocked then jealous then worried. - i would definetly ask them after i have calmed down - admit i browsed the net and found this - tell them it makes me feel sad because their body is too special to be openly shared and it makes me worry for their physicasl safely because of all the sickos out there.
  13. words of the wise....i am on it just checking i wasnt crazy suspecting susipiciousness thank you
  14. He should get over himself...what about making you happy what does he do for you?!
  15. I didn't post this till so late because I don't care too much about getting stuff. But my boyfriend always gets me a xmas present and he didn't this year - I don't care for the presents as I said earlier but I like being thought of - so I thought I would get a nice card - which I would have really liked AND HE KNOWS I WOULD HAVE!!!argggg - well I waited this far and nothing. Actually he skipped our anniversary right before thanksgiving too. Also usually his mom and I exchange gifts and this year I just sent mine to her through him - she would have sent me a thank you card if nothing else and..so far nothing…is this suspicious to anyone besides me? He never even said " oh she liked it ect." I feel unappreciated - and right now I am sitting in my nice clothes with makeup and hair done and he cancelled on me and wont call me back…waited 26 minuites so far. I feel sick with the flu but last night I stayed on the phone with him till past 3 30 am even though I have work at 8 am - to plan on today . I feel like no ones notcing my effort, ontop of that I feel really sick and stupid for getting all dolled up for nothing when I have 20k things to do for work projects and around the house. I don't want to break up with him because I love him (2+years together and no problems till this past month even though we have had harder times) - I am very sure this is the guy for me. I feel so stupid for wasting the past few days counting on seeing him today - now I am behind on my work and sick - what should I do to get him out of my mind? And does the presente thing mean anything or just that he forgot repeatedly - he never has before this past1 or 2 months! Should I get him anything for valentines? He doesn't get me anything on valentines since after the 1st one together but I like silly valentines things that make him laugh - like I MADE a outfit made that says I love -hisname- in seqens (I learned to stitch them on myself and to do heat transfers to create the hearts all over) and surprised him by showing up in it and wearing it all day - so I want to plan special stuff for next month - valentines..but I am afraid I am going to get to cry off all my makeup again…I am lost as to if I should bother
  16. can somone decode what it means when a guy says " my better half" introduces a specific girl as " this is so and so, my better half." and when he says "someday you will realize why i say your my better half" what is my better half is that like a insecurity thing on the guys behalf?
  17. your right! and i know your advice is sound - i just haveto get my courage up and running - and use truthbetold and your tactics on how to express myself. but i haveto honestly say he doesnt THINK before he says these things - i am trying to decide if thats a good thing - on one hand - its good - he just spews stuff - he may not mean them - on the other hand - honestly takes no time going from your mind to mouth!
  18. yes the blunt part is a huge tip. i do agree i tend to use analogies and "senario" situations a lot to bring my pt about. i think i'll list the topic i want to discuss and be really really forward the next time i see him. thanks truthbetold -i need to work a bit on my guts and be direct!
  19. this is why i have my turrets of jealousy and then my bf thinks i am stupid i have nothing constructive to add except to day that i understand... he probabbly doesnt know it bothers you - or as much as it does. people can be so inconsiderate unless they know the full story - btw does he know you read that on myspace. after i told mine i know EVERYTHING - he ship shaped rather quickly.
  20. i know...your right...but i want him to know when he casually says things like i am dramatic or i am "like that" (WHATEVER LIKE THAT MEANS ! AAH!) it hurts. how do i say it hurts without having a course of turretts and being dramatic ps registered!
  21. prank calling is a crime. enough said. notify him of this fact or call your phone company and they will notify and warn him!
  22. ps: also an negative to me telling him my feelinsg : he ignores me when i am angry bc he hates confrontations. during this time in the past he will spend time with other ppl and seeing him complement/shower them with attention will make me run a jealousy loop to appologize.
  23. two years relationship "first love"- and i love him enough to give up my family, and life need be, to be together. there isn't a thing on this earth i wouldn't do - and yes i tell him this constantly. but i heard from a friend of his about some site and was linked to it - showing how he basically says things on the effect of "all girls are like that" - just very cynical remarks that hurt my feelings because - well am i like that to him? and more recently making direct remarks sniping our relationship including one that almost verbatim quoted what i said.. i always am really stressed out between him and my family and worry what will happen - and i am often unhappy because of school etc (working on my MD - yes imagine the stress) - but lately he has this " oh that's just the way you are" attitude - its like he suddenly sees me as a perpetual damper! ..back to the sniping - whenever i am down i tell him how happy he makes me and how much happier i am with him when i don't feel so peppy with the world. and its all true! but on the site he says that and says my words along with - "no woman can be happy - especially if she wasn't when you met her - if she says she makes you happy that just means she likes you." now i don't even know how to tell him how much this hurts me - he said i was dramatic 2 months ago and was shocked i didn't take that as a complement. i am scared if i cry and have a fit like i will if i try to explain how his words make me feel - he will think i am just being dramatic oh geez i just talked myself into a loop...any advice? thanks for your time and words.... RavenFox
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