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Everything posted by bsp_kjm

  1. My ex sent me a thanksgiving card, an email, and a txt all in the same hour today. Its been three weeks since she called for a break, and about 2 weeks since the official break up and just wanting to be "friends". The thanksgiving card just said "Have a happy Thanksgiving." Nothing else. The email was in response to one of my blog posts on my myspace. She said she was worried about me because I lost 20 pounds in the last 3 weeks (from working out and changing my diet, plus I dont have much of an appetite anymore), and that she cares about my health. She also said she cant figure out how I'd lose so much weight in just 3 weeks. Hmmmm, I wonder #-o The txt told me to "have a good day." Is this a sign or am I looking too much into this? I'm guessing she is just feeling guilty and sending me these msgs to make herself feel better. She is coming home for the weekend and hasnt mentioned anything about seeing me. These msgs have really shook me up bad
  2. AC, Im so sorry to hear this. It is also my worst fear...
  3. great job, keep strong Ant off topic for a moment: hey Zoe, I was just in Lakewood visiting some friends last week! I'm thinking of moving to the area! Would u recommend it?
  4. thakn you for all of the info gardens, I appreciate it alot! thank you capricorn. I have been on an insane emotional rollercoaster. Driving to school today, I almost burst out crying several times. I never used to cry before. This break-up has completely destroyed me! I have been in contact with a psychologist but i cannot see her until next week... hopefully it can work out... thank u everyone again!
  5. thakn you for all of the info gardens, I appreciate it alot! thank you capricorn. I have been in contact with a psychologist but i cannot see her until next week... hopefully it can work out... thank u everyone again!
  6. yeah, NC seems to work in many ways: it can help you move on and forget that person, or it can help you hold on to the thought that maybe it is giving your SO that needed space and time to miss you. A downer about holding on to that hope that things will work out is that if they dont, its only gonna be harder to move on... but believe me, I want to hold on to the hope... even though it may hurt more in the end...
  7. i have no idea what i'd do. id want to call, but at the same time I'd want to keep the NC... I'm a very weak person and I'd prolly break down and call on the anniversary...
  8. it sounds like u and i are dating the exact same girl... my ex gave me the whole "i cannot predict the future but i cannot see us ever getting back together" line and she is sooo positive and strong about it that it only cuts me up more. i have no idea how to react to it except just keep NC... thats my advice to you... stick to NC...
  9. sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but it is very inspirational. im so happy for the people who's relationships have started coming back together. i hope all of you are still working on your relationships in a positive way unless you have completely fixed them, then that is even better!
  10. thanks again. i do not think my place of work provides anything, its just a pizza parlor. i contacted a local psychologist but she was out of the office. i just left a message. hopefully she contacts me soon. its unfortunate that the holidays are here and it is harder to get ahold of anyone... thank u again everyone
  11. thank you everyone for your very informative and caring replies. I think I will instead look for a psychologist or therapist and if they truly feel i need meds, I am open to them, but hopefully they will not be needed. unfortunately, there are no social workers on my insurance plan in a 150 mile radius you are all very wonderful people. thank you again
  12. no i have not, that is why i was thinking of going to a psychiatrist. thanks. im not sure exactly who to go see about the break-up. I've been reading about the differences between psychiatrist, psychologist, therapists, and counselors, and I'm still unsure who to go to. I am seeing one counselor but she just listens and tells me to stay strong. I feel I need more help than just encouraging words...
  13. I havent been able to sleep, eat, or focus on school for the last 3 weeks and the counselor I am seeing at school has not been much help. My emotions are running wild (angry one moment, crying another, happy lil while later, etc). Do any of you believe that seeing a psychiatrist would be a good move? I was reading that seeing a psychiatrist is usually only needed when you cannot pinpoint the source of your depression. Since I know what my source of depression is (g/f dumping me) would I still benefit from seeing a psychiatrist? Thank u in advance.
  14. that brought tears to my eyes. not only because i have been thinking about and feeling the same things, but because another great person like yourself is hurting as well.
  15. stay strong man, we're hurting with you...
  16. sounds just like my ex and I. I was a partier before i met her, then was completely content stayin home with her. she met new people who party all the time, and i believe they had a hand in making her realize that she wanted more than just hanging out with me. it really makes me feel like im worthless, like as if partying and being around people she barely knows is more important than all of the times, emotions, and love we shared...
  17. Lion-Guy, I am right there with you, but its only been 2 weeks for me. I told my ex that I was not comfortable with just being friends and that I know she wants her space, but I want to work things out. She cant give me an answer on why she just wants to be friends and its killing me. I also do not think I can hack this much longer. She wants to see me the weekend after Thanksgiving and I really dont know where that is gonna take us. I'm just as lost as you, man. At least you know you are not the only one going through such confusion and pain. Im sorry I cannot be of any help... I seriously do not know what to do at all. Reading all these threads and advice her at enotalone is somewhat helpful, but does not give the answers I seek, and I'm sure you feel the same... I have a question for you: what is her excuse for initiating the "break" and "needing space"? Why must they make us suffer?
  18. do any of u feel that when people say they need space to sort things out that they actually mean it, like they are going to use that space for that and soley that?
  19. id also like to know why the "dumper" seems to do the dumping with such ease, even when the relationship seemed completely fine. My ex, who dumped me, goes on with her life like nothing is wrong while I'm falling behind in classes, dont want to socialize, suffering at work, cant eat or sleep... what the fudge?
  20. I have a question that I'd like to get some opinions on. Bare with me here... When a couple goes from "being together but on a break" to being "officially broken up" as in you are not a couple, does that usually mean the person initiating the breakup wants to escape from the "rules" of a monogamous relationship such as being faithful to that one person and not messing around with others? Is the hidden meaning behind the "title" change usually: "I want to fool around with other people and by not having the title of us being together, I can do it without guilt"? Are there other reasons to why someone would want to completely break up a relationship when they just want space instead of staying together with that person while getting that space? Am I even making any sense? The only thing that comes to my mind when someone wants to completely break off a relationship is when they want to fool around with someone else. Can someone, maybe in their own experience, make me think other wise? Do people actually feel they need space from the person they supposedly love just to sort out other things? I just can't see that...
  21. feedback from anyone on the current situation? I was doing pretty good these last couple days, but today is just horrible. I cant concentrate on ANYTHING and i have tons of homework to do
  22. I'm a bit insecure cuz I'm on the "small size" around 4" but my ex was petite and loved it. She said it was just perfect. Size preference depends on the person, like most of you have pointed out
  23. ^i agree with the above poster
  24. btw, i just wanted to thank everyone who has left feedback in this thread. it means alot
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