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Matthew Frank

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Everything posted by Matthew Frank

  1. The pounding of solitude during the pandemic has become like a carefully crafted symphony to us all, but it's the end of the overture and time for the curtain to be drawn. As we prepare for what ‘normal’ life is going to look like after the pandemic, the thought of how it's going to affect our relationships with family, friends and loved ones is something to consider. As we gradually transition back to in-person connections with those around us, life has been transformed in so many ways. We've had to adjust to not being able to hug that special someone or spend quality time in the same room with acquaintances. These are the very things we miss the most, but coming out of the pandemic is certain to bring a far bigger challenge. The fear of the unknown; the feeling of trepidation as to how relationships will change — if at all. I think one of the hardest parts about this pandemic is that if and when it ever ends, many high risk people won’t be able to see those around them the same way ever again. People close to them as well as wider society may harbor a subtle yet pervasive uncertainty that these individuals — along with the rest of us — have been touched by something which creates much greater health complications than if the lockdown had never happened. This brings up a whole new set of difficulties not only for the individual but for everyone in their lives. How do you go about rebuilding relationships after lockdown? Can trust ever be fully restored? Do those closest even need to know that there was a health risk involved? Questions like these are daunting — and they will undoubtedly take some effort to honestly answer and address. The main risk of not explicitly tackling them is the snowball effect of misunderstanding and miscommunication reaching an unbearable rate, leading to an exacerbation of already tumultuous relationships. But fear not, there is a simple way to get started. The first thing to do is to be honest — with yourself and with those you are involved with. Have an open conversation with your loved ones, expressed in an understanding, non-judgmental way. Really take the time to listen to each other's stories and endure the discomfort that comes from feeling exposed and vulnerable. This should provide some relief, though might also open you up to a heightened sense of emotion and sensitivity. This can be a blessing and curse if not managed correctly. Another important point to make is that it's vital to have realistic expectations about how fast things can be restored to pre-lockdown norms. The truth of the matter is, it's going to take time — but that period won't be infinite. It's inevitable that you will hit the occasional speed bump and may encounter roadblocks, but using those experiences as learning moments should help you weather the storm until you get past the horizon. It's also worth noting that while expectations of others should be kept grounded, you shouldn't short-change yourself. Comforting yourself with kindness and compassion is every bit as valuable as making sure that your friends and family are taken care of. Caring for yourself will create a positive ripple effect (much like a stone thrown into a pool of still water), allowing you to enjoy your relations more than before. We'll emerge from this strange and uncertain chapter of history even stronger, wiser and more resilient than before. Even with the newfound knowledge of the hidden specters of the pandemic, the bond that unites us will remain unchanged. Let’s use this opportunity to reach out and start healing the cracks in our relationships as soon as possible. It might not be easy but it will be worth it in the end.
  2. It’s a scary thing to be faced with the trauma of physical or psychological abuse or of life events or experiences that leave you feeling helpless and dejected. PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is something that is often associated with military personnel returning from battle, yet it can occur after any traumatic event. However, not all trauma fits neatly into DSM-5 parameters and therefore, people can suffer a lifetime of trauma that may not warrant a PTSD diagnosis. This condition is called Complex Post-Traumatic Stress (C-PTSD), which is defined as chronic and pervasive psychological damage resulting from ongoing and overwhelming traumatic events occurring over an extended period. Examples of this include childhood emotional neglect, financial insecurity, emotionally unstable parent figures, and emotional abuse. As with PTSD, C-PTSD can also have far-reaching effects on a person’s life. Some of the most common consequences include low self-worth, hypervigilance, relationship issues, depression, anxiety, and a fierce inner critic. These can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and a lack of control over life events. It can be difficult for those affected by C-PTSD to make even simple decisions as the fear of judgment or criticism from others can prevent them from even considering an option or taking a risk. Given the severity and complexity of these symptoms, it’s no wonder that those dealing with C-PTSD often feel overwhelmed, isolated and helpless. However, it’s important to note that help is available. While there is no ‘cure’ for C-PTSD, there are several methods and treatments that can be used to help manage these debilitating symptoms and aid in the healing process. The first step is to seek professional help. Taking the time to find a qualified therapist or clinician can help individuals begin the journey to understanding their own individual struggles with C-PTSD. Having someone to talk to who is specially trained in working with C-PTSD can be extremely beneficial and can provide a sense of certainty and hope. In addition to seeking out a therapist, individuals should look for positive outlets to help them cope with the pain and distress associated with C-PSTD. Art, music, and writing are all aspects of expression which can provide a means of release and of allowing thoughts and feelings to be expressed without judgement. Exercise such as running, hiking, or yoga can also help release tension, reduce stress, and provide a sense of peace and accomplishment, leading to increased self-confidence and a heightened level of mental well-being. Finally, finding and connecting with other individuals who understand and can relate to the experience of C-PTSD can be incredibly healing. Participating in support groups or counseling circles can give a sense of community and help foster the realization that one is not alone in the struggles caused by this disorder. Our society is crippled by the effects of untreated trauma, and for those struggling with C-PTSD it’s crucial to remember that help is available. With the right treatment, attitude and support, it is possible to take charge of the situation and to ultimately reclaim your life.
  3. The human body is a remarkable vessel of knowledge, containing more secrets and surprises than we have time to explore. From the hippocampus in the brain responsible for memory, to the flutter of our heartstrings responsible for love, each aspect of the body contains an interweaving network of complex intricacies with its own purpose for existing. And then there is the vagus nerve, yet another amazingly powerful force we are often unaware of, running from the base of the brain through pretty much every organ in the body. This nerve operates a large portion of the parasympathetic nervous system and is responsible for heart rate, digestion, immune response and our overall mood. As if this wasn’t impressive enough, this nerve works hand in hand with our ability to regulate emotions, as well as bouncing back from and adapting to stress. Low ‘vagal tone’, a symptom common in those with poor emotional regulation or lacking resilience to stress, can be improved through various measures, such as mindfulness or yoga practice, boosting the power of the vagus nerve and its role in stress-relief, grit and connectedness. When your vagal tone is high, this heightened activity promotes flexibility, as well as an increased capacity to dialogue, empathize and engage in meaningful relationships. It’s likely no surprise that vagal tone has been shown to play a huge role in overall health and wellbeing. It turns out that the vagus nerve has two parts; ventral and dorsal, both of which act in slightly different ways. Simplistically speaking, if we think of vagal tone as a volume switch, then the ventral pathway acts like a volume dial, supporting us to turn up the sound as appropriate when it’s needed. On the contrary, the dorsal pathway is more like a mute button, facilitating our bodies power to shutdown and pause when too much becomes too much, allowing essential rest and digest moments to surface. To become acquainted to this secret power force is to better understand our biology and create awareness for the importance it serves. Placing the vagus nerve at the forefront of mind can bridge the gap between our deeper bodily understanding and the world of inner self-awareness. This heightened awareness of the underlying biology before us, may lead us to fearlessly navigate times of darkness and distress, as well as times of intense joy, with a newfound sense of understanding and clarity. So next time life presents us with a challenge or decision, be sure to snap into vagus nerve mode, where encouragement and courage await.
  4. Many of us go through life with a fear that holds us back from attaining our goals and passions, or maybe from even pursuing them altogether. We make excuses, build walls, and drift away from the thought that life can be better if we just step out of our comfort zone. We feel stuck and it’s hard to ground ourselves in order to stand firm on the things that we believe in. Most of us have a fear of failure and view things from such a narrow perspective, that we become overwhelmed and defeated before we even get started. It's human instinct to want to protect ourselves and sidestep any potential obstacles. That’s why it’s important to realize that it all starts with our own mindset. We cannot move forward until we acknowledge that most people stand in our way--we are the ones who refuse to set boundaries and don't believe in our ability to succeed. Everyone has a story—a story of strength, symbolism, hope, and possibility. How often do we just allow a moment to pass us by because of doubt and insecurities? We need to begin asking ourselves bigger questions, digging deeper into our process and motivations, to fully comprehend our approach and how we can take control of our lives. In doing so, we can start to create meaningful changes that bring about harmony and clarity in our lives. We should replace waiting for the right opportunity to come knocking at our doorstep, with taking risks and creating moments to seize those opportunities. There are things we cannot prepare for, obstacles that may come up unexpectedly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t push forward. We must challenge ourselves to look beyond what’s expected and see possibilities that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Let’s start by committing to ourselves and having faith, then replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It’s difficult to stay on path when faced with daunting circumstances, but if we focus on the goal, then we can get to a place where we understand ourselves more deeply. Being open to new experiences is vital, allowing us to develop skills and resources that enable us to stay the course. Trust and be assured that there is hope and that you can be admired for your perseverance. Remember that everyone makes mistakes along the way and that what was meant to drag you down, can become a strength and a lesson learned. If we believe in ourselves, take responsibility for our actions and follow our instincts, then together we can start to create a life that is only limited by our imaginations. Taking control of our lives begins with realizing that most people stand in our way. Learning to set appropriate boundaries, understanding our own limitations, and believing in our ability to try and fail without feeling like a failure is key. When we have reverence for ourselves, life is ours to shape and stretch. We have a choice to remain stuck or to become unstoppable in our lives. Keeping the fire burning within enables us to live fearlessly and create a life full of joy, purpose and endless possibilities.
  5. Gift-giving, an act of goodwill and generosity, has become more complex and fraught with confusion in today’s culture. It often requires an emotional intelligence not required in prior generations. The trend of ‘keeping up with the Joneses' in gift giving only adds stress to any given event. Those with an overly sensitive nature often grapple with how much is ‘enough’ or ‘too little’ when it comes to gift giving. But, with a bit of emotional mastery, this potentially devastating situation can be averted and robust relationships restored. Having an understanding of one’s own emotional makeup is critical to any relationship success. Awareness of the internal emotions and reactions create a foundation for emotional intelligence and thus peace of mind. Oversensitivity to the perceived perception of a partner’s response to a gift can poison the entire sentiment exchange. Couples often react negatively to the slightest indication of disappointment or insenstivity. Even worse, each partner thinks they have the other ‘figured out’ and know what the preferred gift is. This false assumption often falls apart when gifts are bought and dispensed. The emotionally intelligent are aware of their emotional triggers, communication style and have a trusting nature when it comes to gift giving. They view gifting not as scratching the surface of a momentary expression of joy; but, rather the culmination of a larger connection in the relationship. To do this, the emotionally intelligent look to deeper connections, shared memories, and past experiences when picking out a gift. A gift represents security and comfort rather than simply impressing or looking ‘good’. People who overreact to gift-giving may not have had any bad experiences in the past but they will still be stressed out. Being concerned about what your partner perceives can be stressful, especially if you do not know the right gift to give. Fortunately though, it’s possible to change this reaction by understanding yourself and your partner better. Surprisingly, those that have difficulty affording many gifts have the most evolved mindset around gift giving. They understand what it means to experience true happiness, appreciation and trust. Because their wallet is limited, they opt for things that will bring lasting value to the relationship – like setting up a date night or cooking together - as opposed to buying chotchkies or gathering dust. These types of gifts often take away the awkwardness of expectation or comparison of 'value' and go directly toward strengthening the bonds between two people. Emotional education should also be applied. This gives each partner an increased ability to prcess the giver’s intent behind a gift, instead of focusing on their own reactions. Givers should not take a partner’s negative reaction personally; conversely the gifted should strive to understand the gifts better, focusing not on how the gesture could’ve been done better, but how it could be embraced. An emotionally intelligent person understands that being vulnerable and open hearted, even if a gift is not equal in ‘value’, amplifies true understanding and strengthens the bond. Gifts are thought to represent tangible symbols of love and understanding , but often their enduring impressions go so much deeper than that. People that exhibit a high degree of emotional intelligence are able to successfully find understanding in the messages their partners are subconsciously sending. A gift, regardless of its size or cost, wholeheartedly signals a wish for connectedness and contentment, something most people yearn for, for iverlasting peace and joy. Being emotionally intelligent provides people with a sense of fulfillment and connection in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to gift-giving. With an awareness of their triggers, an understanding of their partner, and an appreciation for the intangible reasons behind gifts , these seekers can remain calm and focused when creating meaningful gestures that promote real, positive change in their relationships.
  6. Is it so implausible to presume that in a myriad of individuals yearning to enhance their careers, there would steadily rise the prevalence of those skillfully equipped with said ability? Alas, that is not always the case. Contrary to popular belief, possessing that ever-so-desired competency is scarcely becoming increasingly common. It is referred to as that mystical capacity dubbed ‘excellence in obtaining’. Imagine for a moment the sky-high salaries you could attain by possessing this particular trait. But what is it? Difficult to define in words, it is an amalgamation of personality, confidence and cunning. Multifarious variables play a part in its recognition, however its both elusive and withdrawn nature is rather befuddling to the uninitiated. With this aptitude, one could secure the job of their dreams or even a promotion from the aforementioned. To the untrained eye, anyone assumes this skill comes naturally. Contrary to belief, it's often acquired via strenuous work. Such practice reveals the secrets behind successful procurement. Every facet requires emphatic learning and absorbs much of ones effort and energy. Knowing what to do ahead of time and adapting to rapidly changing circumstances act as the building blocks of this craftsmanship. Prior preparation will ensure one’s success as they can prepare themselves for both the expected and unexpected. Being well-versed in the etiquette specified with dealing with superiors and gathering knowledge on such topics expands the skillsets beyond most everyone’s scope. What contributes to the complexity of this capability is the multifaceted approach you have to take when researching a potential employer. This includes the organizational culture, goals and the environment within. A thorough understanding of the organization’s values and ethics will preside helpful in securing the best results. Careful observation, listening intently and being conscious of verbal and nonverbal cues are among the critical fundamentals of being able to effectively execute exercises of excellence in obtaining. Communicating persuasively and most importantly expressing one's agenda clearly are of the utmost importance. Feedback should be welcome, avoiding critique or resentment about inquiries or expectations, befitting of the mission. Patience is key. Anything worth having does not come easy. Comprehension of the pitfalls and setbacks associated with the treacherous path to success is something many, especially prospective employers, regard highly. Excellence in obtaining presents a golden opportunity to seize a career one can be proud to call theirs. Challenging, engaging and inspiring in equal parts, it delineates one’s experience and journey, each step becoming a landmark along that arduous route. Although unexplored and unorthodox territory for most, it promises to produce astonishing results, with the right guidance and hard work.
  7. In a culture that has long championed machismo and traditional gender roles, men still feel deep-seated insecurity when it comes to intimate relationships. For men, the fear of not being enough can become crippling in their most important relationships, leaving them feeling lost and overwhelmed. The idea that there is someone out there who can make a man 'whole' can be incredibly tempting, yet it rarely holds in practice. While men might think that by finding a partner to fill their emotional void they may find happiness, But when these expectations are not met, they often fall into a deeper void than they had before. Even when men have seemingly healthy relationships, they might still carry an underlying sense of insecurity. This can manifest in clingy, impulsive behavior or a constant need for reassurance. Insecurity often arises from an individual’s need to control the relationship and their partners’ feelings. When men take on the role of provider or protector, they may begin to think their role makes them superior and that any challenge to this perceived authority invalidates their existence and strength. In their quest to gain power and control, men may end up controlling the relationship in a negative way. This mode of relating in a relationship can cause more insecurity as women often feel a lack of autonomy because of the man’s possessive tendencies. Somewhat paradoxically, the legal, social and economic advances of recent decades have made men more insecure. There is much less of a cultural expectation for men to conform to traditional gender roles, and that can leave some men feeling panicked and confused about their identity and purpose in the world. Moreover, with women increasingly taking on a bigger role in the family and workforce, men are finding that their status is no longer taken for granted and they need to actively prove themselves to stay ‘on top’. Men also tend to develop feelings of insecurity when they feel their needs are disregarded or not taken seriously by their male partners. This can happen when they feel sidelined or overlooked because of their partner’s greater focus on other matters. It can also occur when their personal desires and sexual needs are brushed aside or ignored, leaving them feeling undesirable and powerless. Men’s insecurity can be traced to a variety of causes, including childhood experience, trauma, societal pressure, and power dynamics in relationships. The key to breaking through this insecurity is for men to take a closer look at their own values, beliefs, and expectations. Rather than seeking validation from others, they should focus on self-validation and accept that it is ultimately their responsibility to create their own sense of security and well-being.
  8. When you’re living in chronic and debilitating pain, not having a doctor who believes you can create intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, and despair. You should never be made to feel as if your body being in pain is all in your head – it’s not. Even so, some medical professionals may still not believe, or perhaps simply not take seriously, the magnitude of what you’re experiencing. That can leave you frustrated, feeling unheard, and searching for solutions that seem impossible to find. If you may have experienced this before, don’t lose hope. There are steps you can take to both help yourself and mobilize potential allies to join the healing process. Here’s what to do when your doctor doesn’t believe you’re in pain: 1. Take Charge of your Care. If your doctor isn’t taking heed of your distress, know that you have the power and permission to seek out a second opinion. Advocates of informed consent assert that self-advocacy is paramount in medical care and that often must require assessing a range of providers if a particular doctor is unsupportive. Remember, ultimately, you are responsible for your own health. 2. Get a Coach or a Trusted Adviser. Completely rethinking your medical team, while at the same time releasing your illness narrative to someone else can be tough. If you’re looking for guidance in an area outside of your own expertise, seeking out a coach, mentor, or trusted medical adviser can provide a layer of additional support as you explore how to move forward. Having someone on your side that can speak fearlessly for you and your rights can be invaluable. 3. Look into Patient Support Programs. Connecting with a patient organization could be just what you need to feel familiarized and understood by a community of individuals facing similar experiences. National and local patient groups, those focused on specific diseases, as well as online communities can be a safe place to share stories and strategize about how to get the care and support you need. 4. Rely on Complementary Therapies. Not everyone is ready (or able) to constantly contract new doctors and switch up their system of care. That doesn’t mean there are no alternatives. If a traditional medical approach is largely failing you, looking into various body work therapies and something like Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques can be incredibly beneficial. Alternative medicine treatments that employ massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and breathing methods are promising natural interventions used increasingly as adjuncts to medical care as ways to reduce pain and encourage empowerment. In cases when doctors may not believe or deny treating patients with chronic pain, there are indeed ways to mitigate that situation. It’s entirely possible to create a health plan that centers around your needs, gives you access to quality care and providers that care, and can offer viable strategies on the path towards greater healing.
  9. It is no surprise that as we age, we start to notice our bodies changing. From wrinkles to fatigue and mobility issues, aging seems to sneak up on us gradually, leaving us feeling stuck. But with a little work, we can still maintain our health and prevent those changes from happening too quickly. Exercise has been found to have many benefits for people of all ages – from reducing stress to increasing self-esteem – but it is also perfect for helping to slow down the aging process. Research suggests that regular physical activity promotes two hormones that don’t necessarily increase with age: endorphins and dopamine. Endorphins are released during an intense workout, relieving stress and promoting positive thinking. Dopamine produces pleasure and feelings of accomplishment, making it easier to stay motivated. Exercise doesn’t just help the body look better, it also improves mood and the way we feel. In addition to hormones, exercise also boosts immunity and keeps organs healthy. During exercise, the cardiovascular system works harder, increasing blood flow to the brain and other organs. This helps organs function properly and prevents premature aging. Exercise also decreases insulin resistance, decreasing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and other illnesses associated with aging. When thoughtfully planned and worked into a daily routine, exercise can be beneficial for slowing down the aging process. It is important to choose activities that will be enjoyable, so that the commitment to exercise won’t be too hard to keep up. Activities like yoga, pilates, swimming and weight-lifting are great for working muscles and improving overall health. Walking and running are also great exercises for getting more oxygen to the cells in order to detoxify, as well as producing increased energy. Even something as simple as stretching is important for preserving range of motion and decreasing stiffness, both of which can decrease over time. Stretching not only relieves physical discomfort, it also increases flexibility and rehabilitates muscles that have been impacted by aging. It can be difficult to stay motivated or figure out where to start while exercising. To help with that, there are plenty of resources and new technology available to anyone trying to get their body and health in gear. Smartwatches, Fitbits and other apps give users instant feedback and allow them to track progress in order to stay on top of their fitness journey. Many apps offer tailored programs and personalized coaching, as well as healthy eating tips, which are also essential for reducing the aging process and becoming healthier overall. Exercising can be daunting, but even small amounts – like going for a walk during lunchtime – can bring huge physical and emotional benefits. Regular exercise helps maintain the strength and agility of certain body parts, and it can also increase life expectancy, allowing us to enjoy our lives for longer. So, don’t wait for wrinkles and aches to set in. Start selling your body the way you would care for a priceless piece of art – by investing in some health-promoting activities. With dedication and patience, weaker areas can be strengthened and reversed into an uplifting symphony, keeping aging at bay.
  10. Planning a wedding can seem like an overwhelmingly daunting task for any couple, but deciding to host a traditional wedding in the family home is sure to add extra pressure. While the thought of tying the knot at home may seem more personal and magical than opting for a more formal venue – it does come with additional considerations and tasks that shouldn’t be overlooked. As you get started on planning an at-home wedding, don’t forget that the most special day of your lives should still reflect the two of you. So pour your hearts into the details while ensuring they are feasible so you don’t set yourselves up for any surprises down the line. To help you create your dream wedding in the comfort of your home, here’s a no-nonsense troubleshooting guide. First Things First - Do You Have Enough Space? Before you can even consider making grand plans, assess whether or not you have the space to accommodate your guests. Take a minute to sketch a layout of your current living environment to ensure you have enough space for your desired number of guests. Is your outdoor area large enough for a tent? Do you have enough seating area? Will your kitchen have enough counter space to spread out catering platters? Enlist Friends and Family - Get Creative! One advantage of hosting a wedding at home is being able to ask friends and family to help out with some of the larger tasks. From building a dance floor to hanging lights, it may turn out that you need extra bodies to get the job done. Don’t be afraid to get creative and ask for opinions - you might be surprised to learn that your neighbor is part of a local band or your dad is a bit of a whizz with DIY. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate – but Don’t Go Overboard Speaking of delegation, it’s important not to go overboard when planning a wedding at home. It’s OK to assign tasks to friends and family members that are willing to help, however there is also something to be said for hiring professionals to handle some of the bigger responsibilities. Rely upon event planners, florists, bakers, bartenders and caterers to take care of the essentials so you don’t end up spreading yourself thin or dealing with any last minute emergency scenarios. Keep Your Safety First Even if you think the task at hand is quite simple - always keep safety first. You'll want to avoid any unfortunate accidents taking place especially on your special day. If a project requires knowledge or skills beyond your reach, call an electrician, plumber or any other licensed professional to lend a hand. Curate Thoughtful Touches You know your family and friends best, so use this knowledge to your advantage as you plan the details of your wedding. Utilize photos of the two of you throughout your home - it can be quite a magical touch for your guests. Collect items from around the house and repurpose them for decorations. Use the dinner table as your “love story” backdrop with candles, meaningful mementos and photographs from the special days of your relationship. The sky really is the limit when it comes to crafting your own unique wedding experience at home, just remember to take your time and put sufficient planning into the event to make it meaningful and memorable. With careful thought, you can end up with a one-of-a-kind celebration that will stay in your memories forever.
  11. It's a tricky situation. Your daughter was disrespected by your sister-in-law, and now you're feeling the urge to separate yourself from her. But is it the right thing to do? Should you stop being friends with your sister-in-law for this one time instance of disrespect? It's undoubtedly normal to feel anger and sadness when someone a close family member treats your daughter in an unkind way. In that moment, you may feel like you need to take a stand and distance yourself from the situation. But taking a step back and looking at the situation objectively, it may be helpful to consider why your sister-in-law acted in such a way and what your role might be in creating a healthier relationship between them. There are many possible scenarios as to why your sister-in-law may have said what she did, and it could even be a reflection of her life experiences. Instead of cutting ties with your sister-in-law, you could open up the conversation. Use this opportunity to not only make sure your daughter feels respected and validated, but also to get to know your sister-in-law in a more intimate way. Ask questions about how she feels and about her own relationships with her family. This can help you build a healthier dynamic between your daughter, your sister-in-law, and yourself. It will also help your sister-in-law better understand why disrespected is harmful and create a better understanding of the relationship between you, your daughter, and your family. Of course, it's ultimately your choice whether or not to stay friends with your sister-in-law. If you decide that you no longer wish to have a relationship with her, then it's important to consider how your decision affects not just yourself, but also the other members of your family. Getting rid of all connections with your sister-in-law will also mean getting rid of the possibility of reconciliation and continuing to interact with her in the future. Remember, your daughter is watching how you handle difficult situations and it's important to show her how to manage hard conversations, how to forgive and how to move forward. No matter the situation, it can be difficult to manage relationships between family members. Showing your daughter that relationships don't have to end when there's a disagreement is a valuable lesson. You never know, you may even be able to form a closer relationship with your sister-in-law yet.
  12. Raising children is a unique challenge all over the world, but in Denmark, there is a special focus on ensuring that teens grow up happy and confident. In the Danish parenting model, parents emphasize the importance of being understanding of teenage emotion and communication, investing in the relationship with their child, fostering an appreciation for autonomy, and teaching critical thinking skills. Parents in Denmark strive to foster strong relationships with their teens from an early age. They understand that teenagers express their emotions differently than adults, so they are patient and take their time to listen and talk things through. Danish parents also discuss tough topics such as depression and anxiety with their teens openly, rather than brushing them aside. They try to meet teenagers where they are, physically and emotionally, when having difficult conversations. The Danes also recognize the importance of giving their teens space to grow and be curious. Parents in Denmark don't typically impose strict rules on their children or put too much emphasis on grades, rather they trust they will make responsible decisions within their environment. This helps teens grow up to be independent and self-reliant citizens. Encouraging healthy autonomy also means teaching teens critical thinking skills. Danish parents offer guidance and structure, but ultimately allow teens to make their own decisions. They become active advisers rather than dictators and help teens navigate complex issues. This quality time helps them build trust with their teens and allows for more open dialogue about various interests and topics. Finally, the Danes strive to break down gender stereotypes and teach their teens to view all genders equally. Danes have openly embraced gender equality and led retraining campaigns to involve more diverse populations in politics, education, and the media. Their emphasis on seeing masculinity, femininity, and all other gender identities as valid is key to raising teens who feel comfortable expressing their true selves. The Danish approach to raising a happy, confident teen begins with forming a strong relationship and building trust. Rather than imparting knowledge, they provide guidance and structure, while also allowing teens to find their own autonomy and freedom. They also emphasize breaking down gender stereotypes, which helps create an environment where teens can express themselves openly. the Danish approach is focused on creating life-long learners and independent decision makers who will grow up to become successful adults.
  13. My father was a successful businessman who had traveled the world, grown his business and achieved financial success. He met his caregiver when he was in his sixties and they began a relationship shortly after. At the time, he was in poor health and needed help caring for himself and running his household. Unfortunately, their age difference resulted in some raised eyebrows in our family and their decision to marry many years later just added fuel to the fire. However, my dad explained that he and his new wife were truly in love, even though she was many years his junior. A prenuptial agreement seemed like the logical next step to protect both of their interests, however it was poorly written according to our lawyers. Through this experience and others, I learned several important lessons about protecting assets and the importance of deliberation. Whether you are in a relationship where you marry someone much younger, or another nuanced situation, having a well written, carefully crafted prenuptial agreement is essential to protecting your interest and future legacy. My father did not have a prenuptial agreement in place before he married his caregiver and, as a result, she would be entitled to inherit millions. This type of situation could have been avoided by taking the time to understand his legal matters and having an agreement in place that fairly addresses both sides' rights and arrangements. From my father's experience, I was also able to learn the importance of cutting through the emotion and taking the necessary steps to ensure the security and future of both parties involved. If a prenuptial agreement had been properly written and correctly drafted in their particular circumstances, it could have potentially fully protected my father's assets that had been acquired during the course of his life. Instead, due to poor writing, the agreement was essentially meaningless and his assets ended up in jeopardy. I've also learned that it's important to make sure any document is thoroughly reviewed from an independent attorney so that all parties are equally knowledgeable and able to strategically plan for the best outcome. Lastly, I've seen first-hand the merits of being honest with your loved ones and having a frank discussion about the financial realities of your circumstance. This path may lead to a more equitable solution for both parties, rather than viewing the situation as one trying to outsmart the other It’s important to be aware of all the possible outcomes if you are going to enter a complex relationship without having a plan written down and discussed beforehand. Having all the facts laid out can greatly reduce the chance of surprise and heartache further down the line. That’s what I learned from my father’s experience.
  14. We all recognize the need for a good night's sleep. Having sound and restful sleep each night is essential to your quality of life, both personally and professionally. It stands to reason, then, that an important component of achieving that perfect sleep scenario is having the right mattress. That's why it is so important that you know when it's time to replace your mattress. There are several signs that indicate that your mattress is no longer up to par. How long you have had your mattress is one factor — after seven or eight years, even if it still looks okay on the outside, it might not be able to provide you with that perfect level of comfort anymore. It could also be sagging or lumpy, making it difficult to get into comfortable positions. If it has stains or smells, that's another sign that things have gone awry. Not replacing your mattress when it is past its due date can have serious consequences. An old mattress will not provide adequate support, resulting in aches and pains from your body trying to compensate for the lack of support. You may also wake up more often during the night, or feel tired when you wake up in the morning. Those experiences can lead to problems such as stress, poor concentration, and impaired performance at work or school. All of this gloominess can be alleviated with a new mattress. New mattresses come with the promise of comfort and a great night of sleep. Shopping for the perfect mattress is capable of becoming a breeze. As you explore different options, keep in mind factors like size, shape, firmness and padding. Also, imagine yourself lying down on it in order to observe if it feels comfortable to you. Doing your research beforehand will allow you to make the right investment in your continued good night's sleep. Once you find your new sleeping companion, you will notice a difference immediately. Maybe it's the way your body sinks into perfect alignment with the mattress, the fresh smell and look of a brand new item, or, perhaps, the cooling feature that allows you to forget about the heat of summer; whatever it is, you will gladly feel the effects of your newfound purchase. Just like life, mattresses are also subject to the toll of time. Monitor your mattress for any signs of distress, and don't hesitate to replace it when the need arises. That new mattress will bring with it joy, energy, solace and revival. Now, knowing that it is time to finish this article and go get some rest. Sweet dreams.
  15. For ages, marriage has been looked upon as the final union between two lovers that solidifies the proclamation of undying love and devotion. However, oftentimes, the purpose of marriage has shifted from love to practicality and even legalized agreement. This shift in mentality has caused some to worry whether marriage all together is dying out or just taking on a different meaning. With the changing views of partnerships, could marriage as an institution becoming obsolete? The defining factor between a marriage and a partnership is usually based on how long the two people have been together and if they have had any legal papers drawn up making it official. In the case of marriage, it is often a mix of both. Typically, there is paperwork or a ceremony in which marriage is declared if one wants to make the relationship official. But the type of marriage being proposed has shifted over the years. It is no longer only about tying two people together in love, but also in a more practical sense. Now, marriages open the door to financial stability, legal protection, shared responsibility, and other communal rights. For many, marriage brings financial security and legal protection rather than a romantic bond. Furthermore, living in a single household opens up new opportunities for getting cheaper insurance, reduced taxes, and more. There is also the decision of not marrying at all, of eschewing the traditional definitions of romance and instead creating a space for the partners in question to create their own traditions. Despite the above modifications, marriage is still a very important part of our human experience and culture. Even though marriage has changed drastically, it could still be as meaningful as it used to be. Despite its legalistic shift, it still works for many individuals and couples as a way of dedicating one’s self to achieving a deep and lasting bond. Through the signing of paperwork or a religious ceremony, marriage can still be an expression of love and devotion, if the individual so chooses. Though people may have different ideas of what marriage should mean, that creates a unique opportunity to shape the definition of marriage to fit our contemporary world. Perhaps, instead of asking “Is marriage dying?”, we should change the conversation to “How is marriage changing?” The marriage of the future can incorporate aspects of the past while still being thoughtful of the practical needs of today. We don’t need to completely let go of traditions in marriage or partnerships, but allow for each couple to determine which ones work for them and to create new ones suited for their own lives. It is up to each person to decide what marriage means to them, and how it will look to them in the present. Every couple creates a unique way to express love through partnership, and with this comes the ability for each partner to decide what marriage means to them. Unlike what we once thought, marriage doesn’t have be a one-size fits all experience. Instead, it can remain an essential part of life – just in a new form.
  16. Many of us don’t practice daily rituals, or think we have time for them. But the value of these things increases over time as we age. Regular daily activities that match our values and needs can bring about a sense of calmness, self-fulfillment, joy, and connection to others - something incredibly satisfying no matter what your age. Here are five daily rituals that you can start right now that will gradually grow in value as the years pass. Spend Time with Yourself When was the last time you spent time alone and asked yourself some tough questions? Engaging in honest conversations (or “talk therapy”) with ourselves can be incredibly beneficial and bring greater clarity and insight into our lives. It’s even been shown to improve creativity. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, what matters most to you, what relationships are worth investing more in and why. See if you can spend at least 10 minutes a day getting quiet and reflective. Connect With Nature We all know we should get outside more, but if that’s not making it on your to-do list often enough, consider carving out some time each day for this refreshing activity. Even if it is just a quick walk around the block, being in nature can help you become more grounded and mindful. Studies have also shown that it can alleviate stress and provide us with invaluable peace that might otherwise be missing from our lives. Nature can also offer perspective - think of how small we are, compared to the stars and moon in the night sky! Prioritise Self-Care Our fast-paced society doesn't always make room for relaxation but self-care should be considered a non-negotiable activity when it comes to our daily routines. Self-care looks different for everyone and can mean anything from getting more sleep to doing yoga, eating healthy, reading a book and more. Find something that puts your mind and body at ease and make it a priority every day. Reinforce Your Gratitude We often find ourselves without greater appreciation for what we have and where we are in life. To combat this, it's important to focus on the things that have gone right or the things we're grateful for. Research has shown that engaging in this exercise strengthens our optimism, mental well-being, and motivates us to give back to others. Try writing down five things you're grateful for each day - it could be the sunrise, someone’s act of kindness or a thought of someone you love. Express Your Feelings Expressing our emotions is probably one of the more difficult daily rituals out there. But when done safely and responsibly, it can strengthen and deepen important relationships. Not to mention, relieving stress, leading to increased feelings of happiness. Don't hesitate to express yourself |: ask open-ended questions, share your thoughts and ideas, and speak up when you need to. Do your best to avoid stifling your feelings as this can lead to further distress in the long run. Through regular practice and routines, we can live life more intentionally and reduce the amount of stresses in our days. When we reach a later age, these activities will have become even more meaningful and ingrained in our lives - offering a sense of fulfilment and gratitude. Give it a try, and see how much value these rituals can bring.
  17. Sleep is one of the most important components in our daily lives and researchers have long known how vital it is when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing. The biological process of “brainwashing” that occurs while we sleep is crucial in filtering out toxins and helping boost cognitive function. But what if poor sleep became more than just a string of unpleasant symptoms – what if it was connected to the risk of developing dementia later in life? The latest research suggests the two are connected, so optimizing your overnight cycle could make all the difference in preventing this condition. As we hit the cozy confines of our beds each night, our mind gets ready to enter into an almost suspended-like state, allowing the body to become fully relaxed. This is when the stage is set for the “brainwash” to begin. During this time, our brains clear out toxins as well as sort through information we stored during the day, consolidating it for use in future moments. Without adequate sleep, however, this process stalls – leading to poor concentration, fuzzy thinking, and bouts of forgetfulness. Though many of these symptoms might be considered as nothing more than minor irritants, failing to optimize your sleep can lead to a few more serious side effects. Studies have found a direct correlation between poor sleep quality and increased levels of beta-amyloid proteins found in the brain – proteins that have long been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. In fact, scientists suggest that the lack of sleep might eventually cause certain areas of the brain to shut down, leading to younger onset of this serious condition. While the exact causes of sleeplessness may differ from person to person, a few steps can help anyone to improve their deep sleep behavior. First of all, developing healthy sleep habits is crucial. Cutting back on caffeine (especially in the evenings) and creative meal timing can go a long way toward promoting better sleep. In addition, reducing screen time shortly before bed can help to reduce the effect of blue light, which is known to suppress the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. In addition to these behavioral techniques, there are a few more proactive measures you can take to garner more restorative sleep. One of the most popular is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), which has been proven effective in treating a variety of acute disorders like depression, OCD and schizophrenia. TMS has a twofold effect – helping to clear out toxins as well as increasing neuroplasticity in specific areas of the brain. In addition, supplements containing high doses of melatonin have become increasingly popular, as it helps to promote total system relaxation for improved sleep performance. It is clear that the link between sleep and cognitive functioning goes far beyond immaturity and late-night snacks. In fact, the implications of this connection have given rise to a whole new range of preventative healthcare measures designed specifically to aid those suffering from troubling sleeping habits. However, with the advice of a trained physician and a few lifestyle changes, anyone can get back on track – thus helping to reduce their risk of potentially severe neurological diseases.
  18. It's clear that no presents is the new must-have accessory at weddings, birthdays, and baby showers. These days, when an invitation reads "no gifts please", friends and family members understand what that implies - and comply. The trend towards forgoing presents has been slowly rising for a few years now, for a plethora of reasons. A lot of couples are opting for more intimate ceremonies and receptions, where their closest friends and family members can all come together and celebrate the milestone in their life. As a result, fewer people are attending, and there's just not as much space for presents in these smaller celebrations. On top of that, many couples have already established households with everything they need. It can be hard to guess what might be useful or relevant to them before they've even told anyone what they want. So, in lieu of tangible gifts, well-wishers can offer something that is more personal, like a lovely handwritten note, or a monetary contribution towards the couple's future or a favourite charity or cause. It's not just weddings either - baby showers and birthdays are also seeing less presents being exchanged. For those who are expecting a baby, the parents-to-be may already have the supplies they need or want. If they're willing, loved ones can chip in towards costs associated with pre and postnatal care, diapers, and more. If the parents do register for items, guests should feel free to give what they can - although it doesn't always have to be from this list. Instead, people could gift practical items such as nappies, wipes, clothing, feeding supplies and more. Meanwhile, going gift-free at children's birthdays is nothing new - parents may have all the toys and clothing their kids need, so a thoughtful note or artwork filled with words of wisdom may be better than a stuffed bear or trinket. Gift-free parties give people the opportunity to express their thoughtfulness without the need of having to purchase something, showing their support and allowing them to be part of the couple's special moment or birthday celebration, or commemorate the arrival of a new baby. At the same time, it also shines a light on the huge value of presence. People would rather get together and spend time together making memories than worry about finding or purchasing something expensive or unique. It really goes down to what the couple or host is comfortable with and wants. Friends and family should focus on sending love and congratulations regardless of whether there’s a request for presents or not - no matter what the occasion is.
  19. Love has been around since the beginning of forever, and it's only recently that technology has allowed us to get so close. It's no secret that many of us use dating apps or websites to find love, but there's a relatively new dating phenomenon that's becoming more popular - it's called cushioning. Cushioning is the act of maintaining several romantic partners at the same time in order to avoid being hurt. It's not like polyamory, swinging, or even open relationships. Those are genuinely about having multiple relationships with consent from all the partners. Cushioning is more about having a sense of security should your current relationship fail. People who practice cushioning may maintain multiple partners and keep them as a kind of backup — just in case things don't go as planned. At first glance, cushioning might seem like a good idea. After all, when you’re involved in a relationship, it can be easy to let fear of abandonment dictate your behavior — and that can ultimately cause harm in the relationship. But just because cushioning appears to offer some soft landings, that doesn't mean it's a good way of handling relationships. For starters, cushioning might be viewed as dishonorable and untrustworthy. If you're engaged in a healthy relationship, having several people on the backburner isn't going to be honest nor respectful. Not to mention, if your partner were to find out that you were cushioning, it would likely result in the end of things. Cushioning also doesn't give you a chance to really work through any negative outcomes of a relationship. You're protecting yourself by keeping those people in your life, but at the same time, you're not giving yourself an opportunity to put in the effort to make things work in your current relationship. If you have doubts and hesitations outweighing your excitement, staying in a relationship while investigating other possibilities isn't the answer. That's when it's time to talk and be real with yourself and your partner to see what could possibly make the partnership better before calling it quits. You don't have to stay in a relationship if it's no longer serving you, but you should always work towards taking responsibility for what happens next and for your emotions. Cushioning won't help protect you from the pain which comes with breakups, it’ll likely help perpetuate it. Instead of relying on cushioning as a defense mechanism, be honest with yourself and open to your present relationship without straying away from the idea of commitment. To ensure a successful and emotionally fulfilling relationship, honesty is key. Set expectations with your partner and communicate with kindness — that's what really matters.
  20. Everybody needs companionship. People naturally seek out friends, meaningful relationships, and satisfying careers for a sense of purpose and belonging. When life becomes overwhelming and those things are lacking, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. It’s not uncommon to feel desperate and alone if you haven’t had a job or close friends. In this article, we will discuss possible reasons behind these feelings, coping mechanisms, and steps you can take to overcome them. A desire for friendship, community, and purpose all result from a need to feel valued and included. Therefore, it makes sense that when these necessary social elements are absent from our lives, it can lead to a feeling of being unloved and unworthy. The lack of them may be a result of a lack of social skills or shyness. These behaviors can make going to a job interview or meeting new people very daunting and it’s common to avoid them altogether. Additionally, if you have been rejected from jobs and friendships before it can be hard to shake off prior experiences. Our inner dialogue plays an influential role in how much value we place in ourselves and our chances at success, setting us up for failure before we’ve even attempted something. Self-care is essential to help relieve the pressure and anxiety associated with this predicament. Engaging in activities or hobbies you enjoy or taking some time away from your worries are beneficial. Jogging and other exercises have been known to be helpful in relieving stress while creating the space needed to sort out your thoughts and decisions. Carving out the time needed to take care of yourself can increase your energy and confidence. Meditation can also be useful for re-centering yourself and finding meaning within trying times by releasing the pressures we put on ourselves. It can be intimidating to reach out and make connections when you feel like you’ve been stuck in loneliness for so long, however, it’s important to remember that everyone struggles with reaching out and meeting people. Reaching out to family and old friends is a good starting point, demonstrating that you want to build relationships. A support network of trustworthy peers acts as a vital ingredient for any fulfilling life. When it comes to a job search, it’s important to remember that the way we talk to ourselves and approach a situation plays a large role. Even if you have never had a job, there are questions you can ask yourself to prepare for the interview. Looking back on past experiences of working or volunteering could give you ideas of what employers would be interested to hear in relation to your skills. Asking yourself how you solved a problem or achieved something in a difficult situation can help you develop invaluable stories of accomplishment to use in the interview process. Though it can feel like a challenge to find meaningful connections and secure a job offer, it is a leap of faith that could pay off in incredible ways. Once these connections have been made and opportunities to pursue, it’s only a matter of perseverance that leads to true success. Remembering there is no problem with you and that everyone goes through times of loneliness is important. You are not alone. it is your passion and enthusiasm that will create success in whatever it is you set your mind to.
  21. When it comes to committed relationships, there is often a dilemma. A girlfriend may find herself in a situation where she loves her fiancé deeply, but suddenly realizes that she needs to break up with him to make her own life happy. It can be emotionally difficult for a girlfriend to leave a fiancé she loves, even if it is the right thing to do. This article will explore the emotions behind an engaged girlfriend who has found herself in an unwilling situation to ‘hurt’ her fiancé by leaving. The young woman is stuck between her heart and her head. In her heart of hearts, she knows that she must move on to fulfill her dreams and reach her full potential in life, but in her head, she can feel the pain of knowing her fiancé’s heart will break. She has tried to think of every compromise, of everything both of them could do to keep their relationship together, but deep down she knows that it won’t work. The cycle of guilt she is cycling through only intensifies the stress and anxiety of the entire situation. She loves him for sure, he has been her rock and her true companion during hard times, but no matter what she tries to do, something isn’t quite right. With this in mind, the engaged girlfriend is faced with a choice of ending the engagement or merely continuing in a position of unhappiness, allowing her fiancé to remain in the dark oblivious. The weight of the decision intensifies when she remembers all the time they have spent together, the promises they have made, and the dreams they have shared. Each day brings her closer to the conclusion that in order to remain true to herself, she needs to break the engagement and break his heart. The stone in her peaceful lake of emotions is thrown when she sees his loving eyes and think about the pain and heartache she causes. This moment is full of raw emotion, as expressed through foreshadowing of regret, a simile of the chaos in her life, an image of their future together destroyed, and a metaphor of sadness. None of these metaphors hold a candle to the mental image of her fiancé’s tears. Her head and her heart have merged together in a difficult decision, her own happiness and her fiancé’s pain. The situation is only further complicated with friends and family getting involved. People often think that love conquers all and will offer up opinions on how disheartening it will be for her fiancé, for her parents, for their friends, and for each of them on a personal level. This creates a tremendous feeling of being trapped and helpless as these voices crowd out her own thoughts. No matter the situation, breaking off an engagement is never easy, but perhaps easier than planning an unhappy marriage. In this case, a possible resolution is for the girlfriend to meet with her fiancé and explain her feelings, not shying away from the truth but not going into too much detail either. Then, she can suggest, gently and respectfully, that in order for both of them to be happy, they should go their separate ways. This way, each of them can focus on themselves, while also showing the utmost respect to the other. Through this difficult process, a common theme often emerges: to be true to oneself. While it may be difficult, the girlfriend should make sure that she is doing what is right for her and not merely trying to avoid hurting her fiancé. Through following her heart while still being conscious of the sensitive nature of the situation, she is sure to make the best decision.
  22. Life can sometimes feel like a never-ending cycle of disappointments, setbacks, and frustration. But when you remember to focus on optimism, you can find the strength and courage to reach your dreams and aspirations without letting the harshness of reality stand in the way. With a positive attitude and an open mind, you can break down the barriers that try to keep you from accomplishing your goals and take the first steps toward embracing your dreams. We all have hopes and dreams for our future, big or small, that we want to work toward and achieve. But too often it feels like life gets in the way. Every time we turn around, there is something going on that serves as a distraction or an excuse to put off that dream and stay within the bounds of our comfort zone. This is why it is so important to focus on optimism and maintain a positive attitude. Negative ideas like self-doubt, fear, and hesitation can be your greatest enemies, keeping you from achieving the success that you desire. Just as negativity can be contagious, so can positivity. When you have faith in yourself, your abilities, and your dreams, then it only makes sense to move forward with enthusiasm and optimism for whatever obstacles might come your way. It all starts by understanding that there is no one, perfect path to success. You have to make your own decisions for yourself, and those will be based on what you feel is the best course of action for where you want to take your life. It can be easy to be discouraged if things don't happen exactly as planned, but staying focused on the end goal will give you the fortitude to keep pushing on until you succeed. Sometimes it helps to be reminded of just how strong and capable you truly are. Even if it feels like the deck is stacked against you, don’t forget that you possess the power to create your ideal future simply by making small changes in the present. A caged bird might not be able to fly away, but that doesn't mean its wings no longer work. Think of your current situation as having the potential to set you up for the wonderful life that you have been dreaming of. Doing something small every day can have an immense impact on your long-term goals. Making a conscious effort to choose optimism will lead to a series of positive outcomes, no matter how small. Whether it is completing a task or facing an obstacle with enthusiasm and positivity, each step you take will pave the way to success. Finally, don’t try to be perfect. Life isn’t about reaching the top of the ladder in one giant leap; it is about taking those small steps forward, making mistakes, and continuing onward with the knowledge that the sky is the limit for the goals you have set for yourself. Embracing your dreams with optimism will give you the confidence to make those dreams your reality. Good luck!
  23. Do you aspire to start your own business? Studies show that many people all over the world have dreams of becoming entrepreneurs, but often don’t know how to make those dreams a reality. Understanding success before starting your company is the key to reaching that goal. In order to achieve success in your venture, you must define what success looks like for you. Too many people fall into the bad habit of following the same path that others have taken or focusing too much on what other people believe to be success. You are unique and your idea of success is as well. You may want to sell your company for a high price or keep it as part of the family legacy. Regardless of which path you choose, you should identify the markers of success so you know when you have reached it. Once you have mapped out your idea of success, you must strategically plan to get there. Create achievable goals and establish a timeline. Your goals should be easy to track and attain so that you can measure your progress and make adjustments along the way. Building success requires hard work and dedication, so it is important to develop realistic but challenging measures. You cannot get to where you want until you know where you want to go. Taking the time to understand what success means for you and mapping out a strategic plan for getting there will give you the best chance for success. Put aside the outside pressure of what others perceive success to be and define it for yourself. Take risks and embrace failure when it occurs. Successful entrepreneurs understand that no pathway is without obstacles, and failure can often be a guide that leads to success.
  24. The short answer is no, for the most part. While it's true that there is a larger percentage of single young adults who identify as females, there isn’t an especially huge gap between males and females when it comes to being single. Additionally, the reasons why people are single vary significantly and they don’t always have anything to do with gender. First of all, it’s important to take a look at the facts. According to statistics, there are more single, unemployed adults under the age of 34 who are female than male. That said, the gap doesn’t appear to be particularly wide. According to the same data set, single, unemployed women accounted for 36.2 percent of the total population, while single, unemployed men accounted for 34.3 percent. This means that the gender gap in this particular area is only 1.9 percent. There are a variety of reasons why a person might be single. Some individuals choose to be single, while others may have difficulties finding someone to date due to busy schedules, mental health issues, or simply a lack of chemistry with potential partners. Singleness can also be caused by things like economic issues, cultural norms, and geographic location. It’s therefore impossible to make broad generalizations about why people are single, and it’s certainly inaccurate to suggest that there’s a major gender gap in this area. There is also evidence that suggests that men and women suffer similar issues when it comes to dating. For example, a study by researchers at the University of British Columbia found that both men and women experience similar levels of anxiety when it comes to dating. This suggests that while different genders may face different issues, they still suffer from many of the same problems. That said, it’s important to note that some gender-specific issues may still cause discrepancies. For example, there have been some studies that suggest that men may find it easier to find short-term sexual partners than women, and this could lead to disparities in the number of single adults. Additionally, cultural pressures may also play a role, as certain societies may expect men and women to pursue relationships in different ways. Remember that singleness is an individual issue and there’s no single solution that works for everyone. Furthermore, there doesn’t appear to be an especially large gender gap in the number of single young adults, suggesting that gender alone isn’t a major factor in this area. Instead, it appears that each individual’s unique experiences and circumstances play a much bigger role.
  25. As much as we all want life to be filled with happiness, success, and convenience, often times it has difficulties and challenges. Growing up is no exception, and it can seem like life wants to rain on our parade when we feel down on our luck or in a rut. But instead of feeling defeated, dealing with hard times can actually make you stronger. Here are 10 harsh realities that will help you grow. 1) When things are rough, you get tough. No one wants to be stuck in a situation where they don't have any power to make changes. However, difficult times can build resilience and give you strength. You learn what is necessary for you to survive and endure so that the next time there is a challenge, you have the experience and resources to face it head-on. 2) Difficulties open your eyes. Life can seem black and white until reality hits you. During times of sorrow or distress, it forces you to be honest after self-reflection and teaches you how to identify and express feelings. Growth of self-awareness is key for living life to the fullest. 3) You realize that you're always learning. You may know it or not, but constantly growing and adapting keeps us alive. Every situation provides another lesson, even if you don't see it right away. Sometimes going out of your comfort zone can open your mind to incredible opportunities. 4) Times of strife show you who you can rely on. Whether it's your family, friends, or a community, relying on others gives us strength to persevere. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, in fact it's a sign of courage to accept that sometimes other people hold the answers. 5) Struggles let you distinguish between what matters and what doesn't. Working hard can sometimes be quite overwhelming. The future can seem daunting and it's easy to become distracted by minor mundane matters. Trying times will help you find a sense of direction and focus on values or goals that are most important to you. 6) Pain does have a purpose. Everyone faces pain in one way or another, and no one person is spared from it. It may seem like it'll never end, but it does get easier over time. Grief and loss teach us the importance of understanding different perspectives, being mindful and setting healthy boundaries. 7) Troubled times teach you to be grateful. Experiencing hardships puts everything into perspective and remind us how good life can get when you appreciate the good moments. Instead of dreading misfortune, look toward challenges with optimism and be grateful when the worse parts pass. 😎 Accepting failure shows you how far you’ve come. Taking risks can be in equal parts exciting and terrifying. When these pursuits don't work out, it's important to acknowledge your disappointment but to not dwell on it. Not every opportunity works out, but it doesn't mean you aren't capable of reaching your goals. 9) Weighty matters brings out wisdom. As we age, our knowledge becomes deeper and more layered. With new experiences comes seeking insight and advice from wiser individuals. Having the humility to see another point of view is a sign of a experienced individual. 10) Problems prepare you for the unexpected. Difficult times are inevitable, but the ability to grow from them is what prepares us for the future. It means having faith in yourself, even when times are hard. Through it all, it will be worth it.
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