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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Breaking Up is Hard to Do: An Engaged Girlfriend Unwilling to Hurt Her Fiancé

    When it comes to committed relationships, there is often a dilemma. A girlfriend may find herself in a situation where she loves her fiancé deeply, but suddenly realizes that she needs to break up with him to make her own life happy. It can be emotionally difficult for a girlfriend to leave a fiancé she loves, even if it is the right thing to do. This article will explore the emotions behind an engaged girlfriend who has found herself in an unwilling situation to ‘hurt’ her fiancé by leaving.

    The young woman is stuck between her heart and her head. In her heart of hearts, she knows that she must move on to fulfill her dreams and reach her full potential in life, but in her head, she can feel the pain of knowing her fiancé’s heart will break. She has tried to think of every compromise, of everything both of them could do to keep their relationship together, but deep down she knows that it won’t work.

    The cycle of guilt she is cycling through only intensifies the stress and anxiety of the entire situation. She loves him for sure, he has been her rock and her true companion during hard times, but no matter what she tries to do, something isn’t quite right. With this in mind, the engaged girlfriend is faced with a choice of ending the engagement or merely continuing in a position of unhappiness, allowing her fiancé to remain in the dark oblivious.

    The weight of the decision intensifies when she remembers all the time they have spent together, the promises they have made, and the dreams they have shared. Each day brings her closer to the conclusion that in order to remain true to herself, she needs to break the engagement and break his heart. The stone in her peaceful lake of emotions is thrown when she sees his loving eyes and think about the pain and heartache she causes.

    This moment is full of raw emotion, as expressed through foreshadowing of regret, a simile of the chaos in her life, an image of their future together destroyed, and a metaphor of sadness. None of these metaphors hold a candle to the mental image of her fiancé’s tears. Her head and her heart have merged together in a difficult decision, her own happiness and her fiancé’s pain.

    The situation is only further complicated with friends and family getting involved. People often think that love conquers all and will offer up opinions on how disheartening it will be for her fiancé, for her parents, for their friends, and for each of them on a personal level. This creates a tremendous feeling of being trapped and helpless as these voices crowd out her own thoughts.

    No matter the situation, breaking off an engagement is never easy, but perhaps easier than planning an unhappy marriage. In this case, a possible resolution is for the girlfriend to meet with her fiancé and explain her feelings, not shying away from the truth but not going into too much detail either. Then, she can suggest, gently and respectfully, that in order for both of them to be happy, they should go their separate ways. This way, each of them can focus on themselves, while also showing the utmost respect to the other.

    Through this difficult process, a common theme often emerges: to be true to oneself. While it may be difficult, the girlfriend should make sure that she is doing what is right for her and not merely trying to avoid hurting her fiancé. Through following her heart while still being conscious of the sensitive nature of the situation, she is sure to make the best decision.

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