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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Life after Lockdown - Navigating Relationships in a Post-Pandemic World

    The pounding of solitude during the pandemic has become like a carefully crafted symphony to us all, but it's the end of the overture and time for the curtain to be drawn. As we prepare for what ‘normal’ life is going to look like after the pandemic, the thought of how it's going to affect our relationships with family, friends and loved ones is something to consider.

    As we gradually transition back to in-person connections with those around us, life has been transformed in so many ways. We've had to adjust to not being able to hug that special someone or spend quality time in the same room with acquaintances. These are the very things we miss the most, but coming out of the pandemic is certain to bring a far bigger challenge. The fear of the unknown; the feeling of trepidation as to how relationships will change — if at all.

    I think one of the hardest parts about this pandemic is that if and when it ever ends, many high risk people won’t be able to see those around them the same way ever again. People close to them as well as wider society may harbor a subtle yet pervasive uncertainty that these individuals — along with the rest of us — have been touched by something which creates much greater health complications than if the lockdown had never happened.

    This brings up a whole new set of difficulties not only for the individual but for everyone in their lives. How do you go about rebuilding relationships after lockdown? Can trust ever be fully restored? Do those closest even need to know that there was a health risk involved? Questions like these are daunting — and they will undoubtedly take some effort to honestly answer and address.

    The main risk of not explicitly tackling them is the snowball effect of misunderstanding and miscommunication reaching an unbearable rate, leading to an exacerbation of already tumultuous relationships. But fear not, there is a simple way to get started.

    The first thing to do is to be honest — with yourself and with those you are involved with. Have an open conversation with your loved ones, expressed in an understanding, non-judgmental way. Really take the time to listen to each other's stories and endure the discomfort that comes from feeling exposed and vulnerable. This should provide some relief, though might also open you up to a heightened sense of emotion and sensitivity. This can be a blessing and curse if not managed correctly.

    Another important point to make is that it's vital to have realistic expectations about how fast things can be restored to pre-lockdown norms. The truth of the matter is, it's going to take time — but that period won't be infinite. It's inevitable that you will hit the occasional speed bump and may encounter roadblocks, but using those experiences as learning moments should help you weather the storm until you get past the horizon.

    It's also worth noting that while expectations of others should be kept grounded, you shouldn't short-change yourself. Comforting yourself with kindness and compassion is every bit as valuable as making sure that your friends and family are taken care of. Caring for yourself will create a positive ripple effect (much like a stone thrown into a pool of still water), allowing you to enjoy your relations more than before.

    We'll emerge from this strange and uncertain chapter of history even stronger, wiser and more resilient than before. Even with the newfound knowledge of the hidden specters of the pandemic, the bond that unites us will remain unchanged. Let’s use this opportunity to reach out and start healing the cracks in our relationships as soon as possible. It might not be easy but it will be worth it in the end.

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