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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Alone: What to do when You Don't Have Any Friends or Experience in the Job Market

    Everybody needs companionship. People naturally seek out friends, meaningful relationships, and satisfying careers for a sense of purpose and belonging. When life becomes overwhelming and those things are lacking, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. It’s not uncommon to feel desperate and alone if you haven’t had a job or close friends. In this article, we will discuss possible reasons behind these feelings, coping mechanisms, and steps you can take to overcome them.

    A desire for friendship, community, and purpose all result from a need to feel valued and included. Therefore, it makes sense that when these necessary social elements are absent from our lives, it can lead to a feeling of being unloved and unworthy. The lack of them may be a result of a lack of social skills or shyness. These behaviors can make going to a job interview or meeting new people very daunting and it’s common to avoid them altogether. Additionally, if you have been rejected from jobs and friendships before it can be hard to shake off prior experiences. Our inner dialogue plays an influential role in how much value we place in ourselves and our chances at success, setting us up for failure before we’ve even attempted something.

    Self-care is essential to help relieve the pressure and anxiety associated with this predicament. Engaging in activities or hobbies you enjoy or taking some time away from your worries are beneficial. Jogging and other exercises have been known to be helpful in relieving stress while creating the space needed to sort out your thoughts and decisions. Carving out the time needed to take care of yourself can increase your energy and confidence. Meditation can also be useful for re-centering yourself and finding meaning within trying times by releasing the pressures we put on ourselves.

    It can be intimidating to reach out and make connections when you feel like you’ve been stuck in loneliness for so long, however, it’s important to remember that everyone struggles with reaching out and meeting people. Reaching out to family and old friends is a good starting point, demonstrating that you want to build relationships. A support network of trustworthy peers acts as a vital ingredient for any fulfilling life.

    When it comes to a job search, it’s important to remember that the way we talk to ourselves and approach a situation plays a large role. Even if you have never had a job, there are questions you can ask yourself to prepare for the interview. Looking back on past experiences of working or volunteering could give you ideas of what employers would be interested to hear in relation to your skills. Asking yourself how you solved a problem or achieved something in a difficult situation can help you develop invaluable stories of accomplishment to use in the interview process.

    Though it can feel like a challenge to find meaningful connections and secure a job offer, it is a leap of faith that could pay off in incredible ways. Once these connections have been made and opportunities to pursue, it’s only a matter of perseverance that leads to true success. Remembering there is no problem with you and that everyone goes through times of loneliness is important. You are not alone. it is your passion and enthusiasm that will create success in whatever it is you set your mind to.

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