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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    10 Harsh Realities That Will Help You Grow

    As much as we all want life to be filled with happiness, success, and convenience, often times it has difficulties and challenges. Growing up is no exception, and it can seem like life wants to rain on our parade when we feel down on our luck or in a rut. But instead of feeling defeated, dealing with hard times can actually make you stronger. Here are 10 harsh realities that will help you grow.

    1) When things are rough, you get tough. No one wants to be stuck in a situation where they don't have any power to make changes. However, difficult times can build resilience and give you strength. You learn what is necessary for you to survive and endure so that the next time there is a challenge, you have the experience and resources to face it head-on.

    2) Difficulties open your eyes. Life can seem black and white until reality hits you. During times of sorrow or distress, it forces you to be honest after self-reflection and teaches you how to identify and express feelings. Growth of self-awareness is key for living life to the fullest.

    3) You realize that you're always learning. You may know it or not, but constantly growing and adapting keeps us alive. Every situation provides another lesson, even if you don't see it right away. Sometimes going out of your comfort zone can open your mind to incredible opportunities.

    4) Times of strife show you who you can rely on. Whether it's your family, friends, or a community, relying on others gives us strength to persevere. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, in fact it's a sign of courage to accept that sometimes other people hold the answers.

    5) Struggles let you distinguish between what matters and what doesn't. Working hard can sometimes be quite overwhelming. The future can seem daunting and it's easy to become distracted by minor mundane matters. Trying times will help you find a sense of direction and focus on values or goals that are most important to you.

    6) Pain does have a purpose. Everyone faces pain in one way or another, and no one person is spared from it. It may seem like it'll never end, but it does get easier over time. Grief and loss teach us the importance of understanding different perspectives, being mindful and setting healthy boundaries.

    7) Troubled times teach you to be grateful. Experiencing hardships puts everything into perspective and remind us how good life can get when you appreciate the good moments. Instead of dreading misfortune, look toward challenges with optimism and be grateful when the worse parts pass.

    😎 Accepting failure shows you how far you’ve come. Taking risks can be in equal parts exciting and terrifying. When these pursuits don't work out, it's important to acknowledge your disappointment but to not dwell on it. Not every opportunity works out, but it doesn't mean you aren't capable of reaching your goals.

    9) Weighty matters brings out wisdom. As we age, our knowledge becomes deeper and more layered. With new experiences comes seeking insight and advice from wiser individuals. Having the humility to see another point of view is a sign of a experienced individual.

    10) Problems prepare you for the unexpected. Difficult times are inevitable, but the ability to grow from them is what prepares us for the future. It means having faith in yourself, even when times are hard. Through it all, it will be worth it.

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