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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Reap the Benefits of Daily Rituals As You Age

    Many of us don’t practice daily rituals, or think we have time for them. But the value of these things increases over time as we age. Regular daily activities that match our values and needs can bring about a sense of calmness, self-fulfillment, joy, and connection to others - something incredibly satisfying no matter what your age. Here are five daily rituals that you can start right now that will gradually grow in value as the years pass.

    Spend Time with Yourself

    When was the last time you spent time alone and asked yourself some tough questions? Engaging in honest conversations (or “talk therapy”) with ourselves can be incredibly beneficial and bring greater clarity and insight into our lives. It’s even been shown to improve creativity. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, what matters most to you, what relationships are worth investing more in and why. See if you can spend at least 10 minutes a day getting quiet and reflective.

    Connect With Nature

    We all know we should get outside more, but if that’s not making it on your to-do list often enough, consider carving out some time each day for this refreshing activity. Even if it is just a quick walk around the block, being in nature can help you become more grounded and mindful. Studies have also shown that it can alleviate stress and provide us with invaluable peace that might otherwise be missing from our lives. Nature can also offer perspective - think of how small we are, compared to the stars and moon in the night sky!

    Prioritise Self-Care

    Our fast-paced society doesn't always make room for relaxation but self-care should be considered a non-negotiable activity when it comes to our daily routines. Self-care looks different for everyone and can mean anything from getting more sleep to doing yoga, eating healthy, reading a book and more. Find something that puts your mind and body at ease and make it a priority every day.

    Reinforce Your Gratitude

    We often find ourselves without greater appreciation for what we have and where we are in life. To combat this, it's important to focus on the things that have gone right or the things we're grateful for. Research has shown that engaging in this exercise strengthens our optimism, mental well-being, and motivates us to give back to others. Try writing down five things you're grateful for each day - it could be the sunrise, someone’s act of kindness or a thought of someone you love.

    Express Your Feelings

    Expressing our emotions is probably one of the more difficult daily rituals out there. But when done safely and responsibly, it can strengthen and deepen important relationships. Not to mention, relieving stress, leading to increased feelings of happiness. Don't hesitate to express yourself |: ask open-ended questions, share your thoughts and ideas, and speak up when you need to. Do your best to avoid stifling your feelings as this can lead to further distress in the long run.

    Through regular practice and routines, we can live life more intentionally and reduce the amount of stresses in our days. When we reach a later age, these activities will have become even more meaningful and ingrained in our lives - offering a sense of fulfilment and gratitude. Give it a try, and see how much value these rituals can bring.

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