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dj kittie b

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Everything posted by dj kittie b

  1. yess! finally, someone that agrees with me!
  2. well as to my opinion, if a girl were ina relationship, yes a lot of girls do that to seek attention. but if she was content with her guy and happy, she wouldent even think twice about presenting herself like that as a flirt. but maybe u probably thought she flirting was when she wasnt. girls simply do that cuz they are insecure about themselfs. and maybe she dosnt get enough attention from her significant other. ..
  3. for the past few days ive been learning how to take time alone and try to get to know myself a little and to have some space. ive been learning how to move on and not dwell on the situation that happened a couple days ago. so i have done things alone to try not to think about him and to ease my mind. ive been doing good so far. my ex and i broke up and which i said in the other post about me and him being friends for now and a relationship later, well he hasnt been a friend. to get to the point. he got home today and he asked me if i wanted to chill with him and i said i wont if he ignores me and talks on his pone all day. i hate being ignored. then i was like ok fine ill chill with u. so we started to chill and then he started to call pple and talk on the pone. i didnt take it personal. so then we drove to the store to get our lizards lettuce and he realized that he had a bubble in his tire. so he calls a friend (steve) at work to see if he has a jack and a tire iron. steve says yes u should drop by. so then he asks me if i want to go and do that with him, i was like no that wouldent really be hanging out with u, that would simply be me flowing u around cuz u have erends to do. so he throws the lettuce at my face as a joke and then he leaves without saying n e thing. then he calls me 20 mins later and tells me that hes stuck at work cause he wants to help his employees with a broken machine and that he feels bad. i was like why would u tell me that u want to chill and then leave cuz of ur tire, (understandable) and then call me up and tell me that u feel bad, i was like ur not even working rite now, u got out hours ago, now u want to leave me all alone like u did last night. i was like dont tell me something then tell me something diffrent. i feel like he is taking me for granted. iam wrong in this situation?
  4. thanx for the advice.. i didnt agree with u at the begnning of it but during the last of it, it made a little sense to me. i dont agree on the fact of me being selfish and trying to make him do what i want by refrasing what i say to him .. what? but basically what u r saying it that i want what i want, taking someone for granted. u have to learn how to appreciate the little things u do for someone, materialistic or not. or the words of wisdom or inspiration. someone to be there. ("People move towards comfort and away from pain. So when you want someone to do something, particularly when you are in a relationship with some one it is much better to get what you want or get them to do what you want by making it about you rather than them.")
  5. what exactly do u mean. i highly disagree. in a relationship, when u see someone not doing the right thing and not maturing up you have to speak up and be the one to inspire him and lead him in the right direction. you cant side with him and tell him that everything is right, when really things arent right. i could honestly say that no one else could be there for him when things go down like this...
  6. i can honestly say he is taking advantage of you. someone that dosnt enjoy and apperciate the little things you do for him, he dosnt care. he is selfish that he wont spend time with his girl, that he would rather spend it with his boys. thats not a man, thats a boy. what does he do for you? i can understand why u would be upset and pissed about it. dont waste your time. its not worth it.
  7. when i was going out with my b/f i used to be soo concerned about him. i used to help him out a lot about issues in his life. he is wicked bad with money and he works a dead end job, he is almost 20 and he is not waking up. ive been telling him how much that his job wont support him in the future and it wont get him n e were in life. he lives with my mom and i and he dosnt pay full rent that he owes my mom every week. i constanstly worrie about him and always try to pull him out of the whole hes in. he never listens to me and he does what he pleases. he has a mind of a boy and not a man. i dont know if i was asking too much from him. i was just trying to help. was i too bossy?
  8. well thanks guys. i just dont want to risk losing him n e more. i probably will cause ima hobo.
  9. all i can say is darkness!
  10. learn to grow together. i can relate because i have a serious relationship with a 3 yr diffrence. if you both are mature enough and she is then nothing can go wrong.
  11. age is just a number. my b/f and i are three yrs apart and nothing wrong happened. he made a good point to me the other night that bums on the streets arent adults. legally they are adults by the government but they really arent mentally. they have mentality of a child. the only thing to caution about would be that the other person is at the same age (mentally) level as you or vice versa. the only thing you can do is grow together and not apart. good luck
  12. definatly not. the younger you are you are asking for it. lots of things could happen. he could either fall in love with u or take advantage of u. its puppy love. if u want a seroius relationship, wait till ur older.
  13. its nature... lol something about ketchup being on your fur burger. hahahaa
  14. ive actually known someone thats had their dot for like a whole month, which is werid to say, but it was perfectly normal. she has never had sex before. everyones body is diffrent and it can mean several things. your pregnant, or body is changing, or the rush of hormones. sometimes the flow can rapidly happen because it can also mean your healthy. dont worrie about it. if u know that u had protected sex then dont worrie. but if u didnt, then u should go to the doctors and see wats up..
  15. well hmm... i think if u arent comfortable around this girl you shouldent rush things and ask her out. you should take your time and be able to grow into something more. make eachother comfortable in every way you can. in order to have a relationship you must have a friendship. i dont know why pple dont get that yet. maybe its just insecurity. have confidence in yourself why to be ashamed? no need too, be outgoing as much as you can, if u want her, impress her.
  16. well there can be the pros and cons. age with me and my guy wasent that bad, three yrs apart but age is just a number. he made a good point that bums on the streets are legally adults. they ARE by the government, but really they arent at mind. they have minds like children do. that is what he said to me. it made a lot of sense. basically he means that you have an age but sometimes your mentality level can be diffent. the cons: age is just a number. its all in how mature on is. the pros: is that sometimes the younger person needs some time to grow up a little. the other significant other that is older is probably done growing up and they know exactly who they are, they know what they want and they have experiences. what i mean by tthis is that sometimes age matters in ways on maturity level. good luck..
  17. i was actually thinking of having a 3some with my b/f awhile back ago. he didnt want to have that cuz he didnt want to give his or my body away to someone. he didnt want that cuz i was only for him and vice versa. so he made a good point. if your man really loved you and you loved him you would basically be jeapordizing your relationship with jealousy. you might not think that right now but like u will in the mean time. having 3somes lead to jealously and an end. if he loved you so much he wouldent touch another girl because he would respect you enough not do that. if he wanted to have a 3some then that would probably mean that he is not satisfied with what he has. i dont think u should but that is my opinion. plus... there are a lot of dieased monkeys out there, watch out.
  18. my b/f and i have been going out for a year and 5 months now and recently have broken up. im head over heels in love with this boy and i have always been. reason to why he left me was because i have wicked bad anger problems and i cant learn how to control them. it seems like everytime im with him, i always at his face for the stupidest reasons, then i would be happy to mad happy to mad. i dont just at him, i about lots of things. so ive finally admitted that i have anger problems and to see a doctor. its been like this for awhile, but during the beginning beginning of our relationship i was perfectly fine. he told me that he cant deal with having a broken heart anymore and that he tried all that he could to make me happy. he told me we can be friends for now. he gave me a second chance and basically said if i go to a docter and figure things out with myself and change to the person he once met then he will cross that bridge when we get there. he told me we should take time apart and for us to rebuild a friendship like we did in the beginning and then have something more. so i am going to go to the doctors to better myself for me and not only for him. i want to impress him and to become a nicer person to him. what are some things i could do to show him?
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