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Everything posted by al7

  1. Yeah, it sounds ok to me. Though it is almost like saying "HI!, How are you doing..Fine thanks" and then YOu have to continue talkign about somehting. I guess a good open line should be tied with current situations. For example: "Cool boots, where did you get them?"
  2. It sounds really, really good! Just one thing: what does a toast do there? in my opinion it has questionable nutrition value and since it is toasted it is not great for health in general. A piece of some good bread I guess would be better.
  3. I don't know about any suppelements for muscle building, I guess you don't need that advice anyway since you were talkign about energy level. I recommend to drink more of natural, fresh juice instead of water or coke. (Here people LOVE to drink coke.. when I tried it, I found that it dehydrate you quickly you want more and soon you can easily get addicted to it). Try to find some juice that is not made from concentrate. Juice from concenrate won't feed your energy from my experience. Fresh juice is always stored in a kind of fridge. Check a carton: if it cheap or says FROM CONCENRATE don't buy it. If they put a lot of sugar in it, it would do more harm than anything else. Even if it is a fresh say orange juice with a lot of sugar - I would not recommend it. Sugar gives you a boost in energy and than QUICKY drains you... I personally found that the best juice for me energy wise is fresh carrot juice. Plus it is a natural. Besides it I found such thing as craisins works best for me in terms of energy level.
  4. 1. It is possible they do not earn respect of other women... due to what.. envy? But they do earn fame, money and respect of men. It is not enough? 2. Please.. come on. Look at this: "Which famous women have worked as Bunnies?" mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/explayboybunnies/information/famous.html 3. Well why excatly it matters whether they are smart or not, have red neck background or not...? They are successful in what they are doing... It targets men, and men seem love it. It doesn't target women and women do not like it.
  5. I am really really impressed: for pretty girl like you being so..kind and think in so constructive way...just truly amazing!!
  6. I believe that a good pic is if primary importance to onling dating: in order to get noticed, to get a reply a possibly a date later. Moreover I now think haricut, makeup, clothes are quite important too (just some short time ago I didn't think so). So I wonder: does anyone know, hear d of any books\guide about portrait photography? I.e. How to make a good portrait photo? Had any one heard about cosmeitcs for men? I guess it is quite new topic, I was not able to find anything about it in internet: you can but it of course, but what to do with it, how to use it?
  7. I noticed that approx from ten dates just one is going to be good. But 10 is quite a lot! So there is simple approach to get less frustration: write it down: 1,2, 3... etc... and just don't worry until you reach 10. REview.. and oh, you had a good one usually. What online dating site you use?
  8. ksk0_0, Do you know how and where they met each other?
  9. sfboi415, From my personal experience the best thing here is to go for NEXT. You will save lots of time and feel better, than just trying to get her back.
  10. but that doesn't mean they do not want to get in Playboy, I guess. It reminds me about our everyday life: you want to get your point accross AND be polite. Example: suppose you want to dump your bf, you would not tell me him the truth "Listen you just suck in bed" you may come up with somehting creative and polite.. Same with models: they say what people want to hear (Save 10 million african kids...feed the poor etc etc), it is not like they can be honest.
  11. Definitely a good post. How did you figure that all out? Are you a full time shrink? Just curious.
  12. They want to look decent.
  13. 1. Possible. Are not they weird?? Some men are even more weird, they are gay... I thought we are talking about regular guys, who constitute most of guys. If an average joe watches porn, I know the answer why: he has a bad sex life. 2. Possible again, though it was a very brave statement. Are not we supposed to love those movies starts, models AND playboy models? aren't they set up examples of perfect bodies? Don't all contestants of Miss America dream of getting into Playboy?
  14. 1. Amazing. I found out there were a lot of single women here in my area where... there is no actual big city at all: I drive every day past sheeps and squirrels... Hm. 2. Yes, it is definitely true, I agree.
  15. It is very interesting. I have no idea how I can start with friendship with any woman if I don't find her attractive? If I find her attractive, ok, I note it for myself: it is about sex, I may want to get to kno wher better.
  16. I refer only one situation: we talked online, and this is the first phone talk. Since I don't see her eyes, I don't see if she pays attention or not.. if she smiles or not..She seems a bit confused.. I am sure so am I. The phone is not a good thing...it creates more confusion than anything else. If I woul speak like I speakin person.. hmm.. I need to show some gestures, I need to point out something with my smile..I need her full attention, not as when she is driving somewhere and talking to me at the same time: I can barely get what she is talking about..it is more like me speaking and she is like "Yeah... sure... aha...of course..Thats nice..." I have no idea what she just doen't like the topic, busy driving, don't want to talk right now...See?
  17. 1. Well, for any big pictures we need to establish some common ground in term sof definitions. Otherwise it would not make much sense. 2. I just cannot afford be honest etc etc in real life: people expect me being polite or keep business like attitude. Do you talk as much as you write and in the same way? I dont think think so... Onile people and real people are usually very different... 3. If she doesn't she'll say so. Besides it is about a pic of her lips, which is fairly easy to take plus she might enjoy thw whole process of applying makeup..taking pic. We didn't talk about her her, just about a pi cof her lips. At least thats what I meant. and.. it is all good, but what kinda relationship it is without sex? What I meant it starts from it: when two people feel "chemistry".. then they may process and get to know each other bettter, friendship etc... But it basically starts from mutual sexual attraction! I fthere is no attraction they would not be willing to date each other, right?
  18. 1. If you just say it it would be enough: be honest, be polite and be appropriate... Just before this you kept seaying "honest" as if it were all of those things. I found it was difficult to undersantd. 2. It is just an electronic evrsion of me, which is very much different: do you really think I speak in the same way I post here? Do you think I talk a lot? or examine evety word I hear? or that am I am very upfront? Internet changes a lot of things...
  19. 2. I believe you have friends and some of them have a cam. Nowdays it is not hard to get a pic, but it might be lazy. 3. It is interesting. Cuz in online dating a decision "to respond or no tto respond" is based on looks, i.e. pics only. I didnt think such weird qualities as be good at deabting would contribute to an image much. Looks, voice, smell... this is important. 4. I just think relationship without sex is more like friends or just companionship.
  20. I just want to show you some interesting points: 1. Think about why a man wants to watch porn instead of having sex with his gf. Maybe cuz he is not gettiing enough, good sex with his gf? Is it 100% his fault? 2. Men models who target women do not feel bad about their gigs, just the opposite, they feel they are in demand. 3. Many many women also are dying to get into Playboy. Once they got in there, they brag about it...do you consider all Playboy models as lacking any morals? It is not all so obvious....
  21. Sheyda, 1. They model adults they see. Their goals was just to model, they didn't care much was it a good healthy way or not. Their goals was to.. be like other adults! 2. I believe most people follow the media, we are all told what to do. And not many people even question if it is somehting they like. They simply follow...
  22. Cuz the logic works only one way If you had an early sex then a relationship is destined to end sooner or later...but if you didn't have sex early on, it doesn't mean anything. I personally believe THERE IS a relation.
  23. 1. Can I? My ears do not pick it up at all. Women are better listeners. 2. Sure. I am talkig only about first phone convo... when I never heard her before. It is quite hard du e to alck of her emotions, reactions..eyecontact...gestures... How do you deal with it?
  24. [quote name="annie24 Teasing a woman about her breast size is like teasing a man about his penis size. Sensitive topics - no need to go there. [/quote] No one says we have to. But it is good to be prepared if somebody says somehting stupid: be ready to make a joke out of it and be ready not to worry much about it and be ready to make conclusions why she\he say that. Let me illustrate: if your friend as hurt in a similar way, what woudl you say? Just calm her down.. say some good words...and "He is a jerk" stuff...ok. But thats it? I guess it is better to teach some new more productive ways, attitude of dealing with it, that I mentioned above: look at it, figure out why he is saying that (is he angry? why? cuz he was hurt? maybe you hurt him unintentionally?) make a joke and not worry about it since you know why he is saying that kinda things. Just a talk is good, but itis better to learn how to cope with such situations.
  25. 1. Why is it wrong?, It is an easy way that they noticed they can use. 2. My point is people are told what kind of men\women we should like. And, amazingly, people tend to like them, tend to follow tastes that media is pushing...
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