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Everything posted by larajenkins4

  1. oral sex is licking a girl out (licking her vagina) or sucking a guys penis, sex is just the general term really, when the penis enters the vagina. oral sex is just a specific term, just kind of mouth related if you like. look it up in a book or something, do you not attend sex ed classes?
  2. yeah, sounds good! maybe u shud speak 2 her more and more, and then ask her for her phone number, and chat outside schools, creating a more outside school based friendship, then ask her out!
  3. why dont you get one of the people who live there to give you them back? hes obviously being silly and immature, i think hes probably a bit insecure as to seeing you again, your best bet is to get one of your friends who lives there to get your clothes back, or go round to visit them one day when you know hes not in, theyre your property! good luck
  4. nah, you cant get black circles from mansturbation, unless you poke yourself in the eye with your penis when its hard, but it would have to be a very big one, in which case you would be more concerned over the over-bigness than the circles around your eyes. so... no, you cant.
  5. if you have stronger feelings for her, it could be why you're noticing more that shes being funny, but thats because she probably doesnt want to be around boys right now, because shes been rejected and things, its complicated, the best thing you can do right now is be there for her, and not get too offended when shes a little off, she needs time. but i agree with ang3l2004, you are a little young to be worrying about girls, but at the same time you cant help your feelings, so just be there for her! good luck!
  6. ok, are you straight or are you a lesbian? is this the first girl you've been attracted to? if it is, then give it a go, you never know unless you try! i think you should get to know her, it sounds like she is nervous around you too, i think she knows you know she likes you, and now she doesnt know what you feel, and she doesnt know what to do either, it would be best to talk to her out of work, where you are both at ease. good luck with it!
  7. self-obsessed people can be the most damaging thing sometimes! does she get protective over you? doesn't want you to see other people? i know someone like that, they can talk about themselves for hours, and when you want to say something, you get a 2 minute inbetween their endless ranting about themselves, it gets tiresome, and you cant cope anymore. you need to tell her, does it feel like you cant tell her anything anymore? she might have some mental issues, they normally do, and they cry out for help, but they are afraid of admitting it, or, she could just be a self-obsessed person. you need to talk to her, cos it's only going to make things worse if you dont, hope it all goes well!
  8. it sounds like this girl has issues, has anything happened before this? an argument, a falling out? you need to talk to her, but dont let her get to you, shes obviously not much of a good friend if shes behaving like that, but on the other hand, something might be troubling her, something at home, do you know of any problems that might be troubling her at home?
  9. lol yeah, i really think shes got her time mixed up, i was really shocked, unless she just lies there doing nothing and is a complete turn off for him, then shes got it wrong, i might ask her tomorrow, how long it takes again, but obviously not tell her its abnormal or anything. but gosh she doesnt half get her minutes mixed up!
  10. death in dreams dont mean death in real life, some people think they signify death in something thats occurring, such as death of a part of your relationship, have you argued and promised each other never to do something again? another thing that dreams do, is they are made by the thoughts you subconsciously think that are put to the back of your mind, and dreaming is a way of getting them out if you like, thats one way people look at it anyway, so youve probably thought it sub consciously and it came to you in a dream, so dont worry!
  11. haha! i cant believe someone else does it too! say if im in the car, i will sit there staring at myself in the wingmirror, just to look at myself, and i dont feel ugly, i just feel kind of happy of who i am, and what i have in my life, and of all the things ive done and of all the things i own. is that a bad thing? and i kinda sit there and look at myself and look at my hair or my eyes, or just blatantly sit there staring at myself deepely. i heard somewhere its a good way of getting your feelings out, cos its like looking into your heart, how that works im not sure, but i guess its an explanation!
  12. hello, ok, ive got a question. my friend was telling me the other day, about her and her boyfriends sexual activities, i dont really want all the details, but i feel rude not listening, anyway, she was telling me that it takes her 3 hours! and i was a little shocked, because the average is 20mins-30mins, so i asked what exactly she did in that 3 hours, and she said that it excluded the foreplay, thereforeeee, from the time her boyfriends penis went in her, till the time it came out, it took 3 hours. thats what she told me, and i was really shocked, it shouldnt take that long should it? could there be something wrong? i dont want to say anything to hurt her, but im worried about her, but i dont know for sure if it sometimes does take that long, or if ive got it wrong, but out of curiosity, can it take that long? cos thats a long time, and i would be very tired if i ever had to do it for that long! so could it?
  13. 4 years isnt much of an age gap at all, some relationships can extend up to 40 years age difference, if not more, and i reckon thats fine. although it does seem a bigger issue when you're younger, and you are only 15, although thats old enough to feel things for other people. as long as your relationship with this lad isnt sexual, because right now you're only 15, and thats illegal, because he's over 16. then it's fine. but you have to understand that you're friends worry about you, and are going to be a bit cautious, but at the end of the day, its what you feel that matters, and what makes you happy that counts, so if he makes you happy, and he treats you good then go for it. and remember that age difference doesnt matter, we dont always have to live those text book lives where everything is normal, and every woman dates a man two months older than her. it doesnt work like that, different people love different people, and thats alright as long as their happy. so do what ever you feel makes you happy, and don't worry about it!
  14. yeah but sometimes things happen, and they cant stop their feelings. the best way is to wait until the pupil has left school, then they can legally be together, he is no longer abusing his authority, because he is no longer that persons teacher. He has done nothing wrong then, at the end of the day, we're all just people, if you take away the status's society has given us through education, then we are all humans with feelings, and it wouldnt be wrong then. Just becasue he is a teacher, it doesnt mean he doesnt have feelings, if he wasnt a teacher people wouldnt take much notice. I don't think it's wrong, i just think it is a situation that needs patience and maturity to deal with, so no one gets in trouble.
  15. you have to talk to him, thats all u can rele do, u cant take off and leave this all behind, what if you had have talked to him and it worked out alright?
  16. Hello, it sounds like you really need to talk to him, tell him how you're feeling, theres no way it can carry on like this, especially now you have a baby on the way. i wouldnt advice splitting up just yet though, you have to consider the baby. i think you should sit him down, and talk to him, tell him exactly how you're feeling. its all you can do to put this right right now. i dont know whats happened since last night, so my advice might not apply if anything else has happened. what has happened?
  17. yeah, it makes sense. i didnt know much about it, i had just heard about it from word of mouth. thanks for clearing it up though.
  18. i'm 16, 17 in november. tyrettes, or however you spell it, is when you swear in public, but you dont mean to, you cant help it, it just comes out. you cant stop it coming out. im sorry for worrying you. you've made me feel alot better that i've got someone else thats going through it too, im finding it hard to accept, but you've made it alot easier, thanks. do you think it will get any worse for us?
  19. it was on ITV, a couple of weeks back. it was so weird to realise other people have the same things as me. it can be quite embarrassing doing all the things, ive had it since i was little. and apparently, it can get serious after 9 years, we only have the symptoms right now apparently. it can also lead to tyrettes!
  20. bloody hell! i hope you went back to her and rubbed it in her face. that didnt rele help you to stop by the bad thing happening did it? did you watch 'dirty, filthy love?' thats what made me recognize i might have OCD
  21. was it hard for you to accept? ive really tried to stop it, and last night, i think ive gone further than i ever have with stopping it. what does the medication do to stop it? it can get worse though cant it?
  22. yeah thats what i do! turn my lamp off twice, walk past the stairs twice, touch things twice, its all twice with me! nothing specific, but just anything bad might happen if i dont do it, n i cant afford to take that risk, which is why its so hard to stop, isnt it?
  23. seriously? how bad have you got it? what things do you do?
  24. i dont know, i think i have, but not as bad as some people have it. at the moment its like touching things twice, having to do certain routines through fear of something bad happening. but i have heard it gets very serious, when people wash their skin to pieces. do you think i might have a slight form of it?
  25. Hey, anyone heard of OCD?? obsessive compulsary dissorder?
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