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Pretty Hate

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  1. THis is my first year in high school and I turned fifteen at the beginning of the year. My boyfirend right now graduated from high school last year and is now nineteen. We have been going out since November of last year but many of my friends are saying that he is too old for me and I should go out with guys the same age as me. I get along with him much better than any boyfriend I've had though. I love him and I don't think the age difference matters what do you guys think?
  2. Marylin Monroe was a size 14 and everyone thought she was beautiful, so I don't know where anyone ever got the idea that being a size 0 was the best size to be.
  3. Ok, Ok, so I'm sure many people have had this same question but I'm still not sure about the answer. Here's my story... I only had one friend in my math class, we're the kind of kids that don't seem to fit in and hang out in the art room and listen to music during lunch. The classic, "sit in the back of the room away from the teacher" kids. Neither of us are all that good at math so we didn't really do any work the whole year, and we just talked the whole class. We would hang out outside of school too, usually at where I work (a record store) and we'd sit and talk about music and stuff like that all day. He would ask when I was working and then come into my work even if he had no money. Is he just a friend or does he like me?
  4. I think that if a guy can sing or play an instrument (in a rock band of some sort) is really really hot. Is that the same for guys, if a girl can sing or play an instrument is that a turn on?
  5. Trent Lane is the hottest cartoon character ever, I agree with you.
  6. It is very easy for me to say love with out money because me and my boyfriend love each other and neither of us have money.
  7. please don't be offended by this but that's a really bad way to get a girl, sometimes it comes off as really creepy.
  8. As a girl, I'd say find something she likes (better if you like it too) and talk about that. For example: I love music... a lot, so when ever a guy talks to me about music it's a real big turn on because we have something in common.
  9. Areal big turn on for me is guys who play music and are into the same music I am. Are guys the same way?
  10. I think that Justin Hawkins' brother is hotter. I think that one of the hottest guys in the world is Trent Reznor. I love guys with dark hair. I don't really like tanned guys either, I go for pailer.
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