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Everything posted by BlackSheep

  1. My girlfriend wants me to start touching her "down there" and I would really like to make her feel good. I'm just not sure what to do. What specific things can I do to make it pleasurable for her? Keep in mind this is over the clothes, she will probably be wearing a skirt.
  2. I am also 16 and I never had any female friends either before this school year. It is really not as hard as you think. Just try to be friendly and make small talk with some of the girls in your classes. Keep in mind that girls are just people too, not some mythical creatures, and they like to talk about a lot of the same stuff that guys do. Most will probably be nice to you, and if not they're not worth your time anyway. Also, try joining clubs where you will be able to meet girls with similar interests as you. That way you will have something to talk about with them right off the bat. The secret is really just to be friendly and put yourself out there and I'm sure that you will make some new friends.
  3. Yes of course she's interested. Go for the kiss next time!
  4. By the way, never having kissed anyone at 15 is not a big deal. I just kissed a girl for the first time this year (16). Don't worry about it!
  5. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't try to talk to her. I wouldn't invite her to the movies or anything like that right away, though. She might not feel like she knows you well enough yet. Start by just talking to her more in school and work your way up to that.
  6. It's going to be hard for the first few weeks. Just keep going with the no contact and things will get better soon. Try to do things that will keep your mind off the subject, such as working out.
  7. It sounds like she likes you, but I can't be sure without some more information. Has she brought up the subject of dating/relationships with you?
  8. Get alone with her in a comfortable place (like a couch). Maybe put on some soothing music to help you get in the mood. Just relax and have fun Try not to think about it too much.
  9. I felt the exact same thing after I broke up with my girlfriend. It's been about a month and a half and things are much better. Time is the best healer!
  10. While you are talking to her, you could say "Hey (name), I have a question for you. Do you want to go to the movies (or anywhere else) with me this weekend?" If you think she likes you, there's not much to be nervous about. Good luck!
  11. I haven't heard of this before, but like anything else, I'm sure there's people out there who like it.
  12. Don't worry about it! Since you are going to the movies, you won't have to keep a conversation going the whole time. You should think of some things to talk to her about before and after the movie though. Do you have any common interests? If you don't know much about her, just ask her school, what she likes to do, etc. Good luck!
  13. If this girl is a friend of one of your friends, it shouldn't be too hard to meet up with her again. Just tell your friend to invite you next time he is going out with the people from his college and make sure you get her number/e-mail this time!
  14. Yes that's true. That's why it is important to get out there and start making friends! If you are in college, there's a great place to start!
  15. I agree with DragonGirl. Just give her some time and see what happens. From her statements, it sounds like she isn't ruling out the possibility of a relationship with you.
  16. How exactly is he contacting you - IM, phone, in person? If he is contacting you via IM or phone, just block him or don't answer his calls. If it is in person and you can't avoid seeing him, that's a little trickier. Maybe make excuses not to talk to him until he gets the hint.
  17. I think your idea of asking him to the movies is good. Hopefully he will say yes and you can move from there. Make sure you ask him before it's too late!
  18. Keep texting her and talking online. Invite her to hang out with you just as friends. Resassure her that you guys are still friends even if there are no romantic feelings involved.
  19. You make some very good points. It is not easy to overcome shyness, but it is worth it. I am just starting to become more outgoing and already I have made a few new friends, both male and female.
  20. It definitely sounds like she likes you. Next time you're watching a movie together, just grab her hand or put your arm around her. Don't worry about her not liking it, just go for it.
  21. My ex-girlfriend dumped me about a month and a half ago. She said that she wanted to be friends (I guess everyone says that), and we were for about two weeks after. We didn't talk as much as we did when we were going out, but still pretty often. Then we had a week off from school for the holidays, and since then she won't even look at me. I really don't understand why she is doing this. It's not like we had a big fight or anything, she only dumped me because "she didn't have romantic feelings for me anymore." Is this common behavior?
  22. Hey man, I know you must be feeling terrible right now but the same thing happened to me about three weeks ago. I could tell my girlfriend was going to dump me because she was acting strange, and then she did it later that night (on AIM!). I felt like crap for the next few days but after that I started feeling better about things. You'll feel better too given some time. Good luck
  23. My suggestion is to have her over to your house and watch a scary movie. During the movie, hold her hand or put your arm around her. This will work especially well if she's the type who gets scared easily.
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