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I'm so weird looking


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I put a "profile view" on my profile. My ears are huge, I have a big nose, I have no chin, and my forehead is sloped to the max!

I don't want to get plastic surgery. My parents wanted me to get it!

I feel incredibly ugly...I just want someone to tell me I'm cute.

I'm getting to the point where I just spend all day in my apartment...I leave to go to work, get groceries...that's about it. I'm so embarrassed.

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No, you shouldnt have to get plastic surgery!!

You are NOT ogly, thats fo sho!! I have dated worse looking guys than you!! (beauty is all relative and in the eye of the beholder anyway, but I doubt those cliches would get though to you atm )


If you really wanted to do something about your looks that badly, lose weight... it will put more shape into your face and define your jawline.


I know how you feel, I didnt leave the house sober for months because i hated myself so much... but no matter how you change on the outside, its never going to fix the inside completely...


ps, you have a very erotic mouth

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I put a "profile view" on my profile. My ears are huge, I have a big nose, I have no chin, and my forehead is sloped to the max!

I don't want to get plastic surgery. My parents wanted me to get it!

I feel incredibly ugly...I just want someone to tell me I'm cute.

I'm getting to the point where I just spend all day in my apartment...I leave to go to work, get groceries...that's about it. I'm so embarrassed.



Get real man, you are not bad looking.



Either way, people can tell it to you, from the heart, till they are blue in the face, but you won't believe it. That is, because you don't like yourself.


Until you manage to accept and like yourself, people will continue telling it to you, and it won't be more than empty words to your ears.

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You know what? People will only perceive you how you portray yourself.

For example: If you exude confidence, people identify you as confident. If you are insecure, that's exactly how they will see you.

I'm not going to express my opinion of how cute you are because flattery from a stranger is only superficial. Rather than sit in your apartment and sulk about your unfortunate situation, do something about it. Generate a plan to overcome your lack of confidence; embrace who and what you are. You must at all times maintain a certain level of self-worth.


Self-confidence builds character and character earns respect.

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I'm really sorry that you feel this way about yourself. In a world full of competition and elitism, it can be extremely hard to manage your self-confidence and love yourself simply because you're YOU and nobody else. I'm struggling with the same problem.


I have a lot of problems with my looks too; I'm 19 and look like a 14-year-old. I currently have a lot of bad hair days. I have some bad breakouts (especially on my back), and my lips are always chapped. I feel like that's why no employer ever takes me seriously cause I've never had a real job.


Just hang in there, man. It really shouldn't matter what other people think. The first step is simply acknowledging that you're YOU and nobody else; like it or not. Like I said, I'm struggling with the same problems, and I don't get out a whole lot either because of that. But remember, you aren't alone; most guys out there don't look like Brad Pitt or Paul Walker or whoever.


Keep on truckin' man.

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Aaaw babes you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Hold your head up high and get out there into the big wide world. Here's a tip for you that will instantly change peoples opinions....smile


Smile and the world laughs with you, cry and you're on your own....or something like that?! lol


The people that judge your looks (which probably dont and is just your imagination doing overtime!) are not worth worrying over. Not everyone is so shallow to judge a man by their looks. I for one prefer personality over looks any day, besides...im no oil painting myself


Somewhere out there is your miss right, she will think your gorgeous on the outside and the inside, but you gotta stop hiding away and feeling so insecure or you'll never meet her!

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Confidence is what makes people attractive!


Get a new hair cut, go to thy gym, lose some weight, buy a new wardrobe -- whatever. Anything, just make a change to your lifestyle and convince yourself that you're a decent person!


When I'm in a bad mood and don't feel good about myself, perhaps wear scruffy clothes, I notice how people look at me - and they are not thinking that I look good! When I'm feeling confident, I'll wear a nice shirt, swag it into town like I'm hot * * * *, smile, and I notice girls checking me out! I'm the same guy, exactly the same looks - but exuding confidence is such a big factor!


A smile goes a long way too. No offence, but if you walk around moping and feeling sorry for yourself, then people will not find that attractive!

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All of us aren't perfect, we are all unique in our own ways and we are all beautiful in our own ways too. Confidence is sexy. If you don't like yourself, how are you going to expect other people to like you? No one wants to be around a mopy person. Exude confidence..say to yourself. "I'm an attractive guy, I'm a beautiful person" and if you keep on drilling this into your head, then you'll see that you ARE an attractive person and women will look at you as a confident man. Sometimes a little change can go along way

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Your perception of yourself is going to be how you will be perceived by others.


So if you feel great, others will see you that way.


People criticize, it's just part of life, but brushing it off, can work wonders.


I have had my share of criticism, but then I pride myself on my personality and disregard their comments.


Anyhow, how are they to judge me, especially when the ones who judge are less attractive and probably insecure in their own skin anyways.


I will give you an example, my friend told this guy I know that I have a big nose.


Well, cute of her, so I told him, knowing very well, that he would tell her, that her face was really long and unsculpted.


Yes, two wrongs don't make a right, but she was devastated, am I upset I did it.


Nope, she came to me and said she is no longer going to gossip about others, because it hurts.


Project good into the world and it will help you immensely on how you feel about yourself.


And upkeep yourself, as simple as it sounds, I have been annoyed with some bf's who didn't shower enough or take care of their bodies.


You were given a gift, now take good care of it, shower regularly, have a clean haircut, brush your teeth, and keep your weight within a normal range.


That shows someone who really cares about their self worth.


But I don't mean to change your lifestyle drastically, I just mean to take care of your body.


Life's too short to be absorbed in the miniscule things, so change that which you can.


Plastic surgery is so overrated, you clearly don't need it looking at your picture.


Hugs, Rose

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we are our own worst critics bud.


what you see as ugly might be beautiful (or cute) for some.


anyways, don't put yourself down, cos if you decide that you are unattractive, then congratulations, you are, indeed, unattractive.


it's all in the attitude man...

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Well you know you're not a hottie but you're NOT UGLY. Plastic surgery is really unnecessary. IMO if you lost weight you'd be fine. I'm being honest because I think that's what you want to hear. People carry weight in different places. You seem to carry it in your face. Drink more water, work out, and watch things change.

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Are you serious? You just need to work w/ what you have. Dude get in the gym. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that there are no ugly people, but there are a lot of people who don't know how to work with what they have. Seriously, get in the gym, lift weights and do cardio 5 days a week, eat healthy, invest in some nice stylish clothes, go to a GOOD hair stylist and tell them in GENERAL what you want, but let them tell you what would work w/ your face and hair.


Anyone can look good or bad... it's your choice. The only thing I pity about you is your attitude.

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I put a "profile view" on my profile. My ears are huge, I have a big nose, I have no chin, and my forehead is sloped to the max!

I don't want to get plastic surgery. My parents wanted me to get it!

I feel incredibly ugly...I just want someone to tell me I'm cute.

I'm getting to the point where I just spend all day in my apartment...I leave to go to work, get groceries...that's about it. I'm so embarrassed.


You know, alot of the stuff you mentioned I don't see from the picture...my point being that you see all these things because instead of focusing on the positive you purposely seek out the negative to subconsciously reinforce what you believe.


It really comes down to a simple matter: you were given what you have to work with, you can either continue feeling sorry for yourself, and live a life alone and depressed with no fulfillment which will give you nothing




You can work with what you have (lose weight, get a haircut, practice believing in yourself --> build confidence) and take as many social risks as you can and I GUARANTEE YOU your life will be full of amazing and wonderful things/people.

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I agree with the others. I think you have very attractive eyes. I think a little weight on a man is a bit sexy. I can't believe that you're parents suggested you get plastic surgery. so much for family support I guess. believe me, and the others, you are not ugly.

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Dougie, I can relate. I feel the same about myself, in many respects. You believe that it's your looks keeping you back and that no one would want you because of how you look, correct? (I'm postulating, from my own experience, mind you.)


Let me share a little secret with you...


It's not your looks. It's that you believe it's your looks. If you could, somehow, change what you believe about your self - all that negative garbage - and start feeling good about yourself, then your entire life would change. Maybe not overnight, and maybe not without some hard work... but I can assure you that it would become better than you ever imagined, as Yates said. That's just how things work.


To get started... look at all these wonderful people's comments! They think you're great looking! It's up to you whether you believe them or not, but why not trust them and start believing it? You've got over twenty people telling you you're a good looking, cute guy! Allow their words to become true for you and you'll be amazed at where you end up!

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