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He says Im NOT Wife Material !


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A guy whom I started seeing had a conversation about how he sees me.


He says he sees me as a friend and someone he'd like to sleep with but not as a future wife for him. Why ? Because Im too conservative and vanilla. I thought men wanted to marry nice girls. I dont understand ... And Im rocky road, not vanilla!

What the blankety blank does that mean ?

My last boyfriend told me how I was too much a freespirited spitfire for him.

Im the black sheep in my family because Im considered so wild and carefree.


What did this new guy mean ? I told him Im open sexually but Ive only slept with 1 guy so far. (Im almost 30)

I feel annoyed and insulted.

Was he just trying to bait me into being wild and proving him wrong ?

Was it a Jedi Mind Trick ?

If so wow Im going to ignore him


Jesus I know how to pick the strange guys](*,)

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No offense, but if I were you I'd dump this putz immediately.


yea, I second that! it doesn't sound like he is too into you. i don't necessarily think that is your fault, everyone likes something different. some guys like shy quiet girls, other guys like loud outgoing girls. and other guys like something in between. you'll find the right man. just don't waste your time on this one. unless you are ok with a totally casual relationship.


good luck

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I've heard that line before from a "friend with benefits" i was seeing for 3 years. Three years it took me to finally realise i never had a future with him and he was just using me for one thing! If i was you i wouldnt sleep with him i'd move on. Someone out there WILL think your wife material.....now go find him!

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eNJOY THE INSANITY: Wonder if he'll stick to his ultimatum >?



HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:23 PM): for me i see u as a friend

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:31 PM): and as someone i can have passion with

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:39 PM): i dont see u as my future wife

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:44 PM): u r too conservative for me

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:49 PM): which is fine

MEgreenfrog (1/3/2007 11:33:55 PM): me too conservative lol

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:56 PM): but we would disagree too much

HIM (1/3/2007 11:33:59 PM): yes u r

MEgreenfrog (1/3/2007 11:34:10 PM): yu have no idea

HIM (1/3/2007 11:34:20 PM): how many times did u have sex with your ex

HIM (1/3/2007 11:34:23 PM): seriously

MEgreenfrog (1/3/2007 11:34:41 PM): the reason i like you is you seem non boring and unorthodox

HIM (1/3/2007 11:34:47 PM): how many times

MEgreenfrog (1/3/2007 11:34:59 PM): 25 times over 3 years.

HIM (1/3/2007 11:35:09 PM): thats sad

HIM (1/3/2007 11:35:17 PM): how many times have u had drugs

MEgreenfrog (1/3/2007 11:35:35 PM): twice

HIM (1/3/2007 11:36:39 PM): u have had drugs twice and have had sex over 3 years not even once a month with one man in your entire life

HIM (1/3/2007 11:36:44 PM): u r conservative

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:44:48 PM): **** i dont know why you think im so conservative. all my friends are creatives. and im the black sheep of my family because i wont conform

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:44:51 PM): oh well

HIM (1/3/2007 11:44:59 PM): u r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

HIM (1/3/2007 11:45:02 PM): conservative

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:45:23 PM): nope.

HIM (1/3/2007 11:45:27 PM): come over prove m wrong

HIM (1/3/2007 11:45:34 PM): if u dont u are conservative

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:45:37 PM): ah i see jedi mind tricks.

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:45:41 PM): you really are smart

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:46:15 PM): youre frustrating

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:46:33 PM): and dont judges books by their covers baby.

HIM (1/3/2007 11:46:43 PM): conashleytive

HIM (1/3/2007 11:46:46 PM): thats u

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:46:49 PM): you have to talk and observe people to know how wild or boring they are.

HIM (1/3/2007 11:47:01 PM): u r conservative

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:47:02 PM): you need to be spanked

HIM (1/3/2007 11:47:08 PM): you are conservative

HIM (1/3/2007 11:47:12 PM): then invite me over

HIM (1/3/2007 11:47:26 PM): i wont Removed by moderator> u

HIM (1/3/2007 11:47:30 PM): invite me over

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:48:34 PM): im still insulted you think im some boring conservatve girl eyes so boring you wouldnt even consider me as wifey material

HIM (1/3/2007 11:49:00 PM): u r too boring

HIM (1/3/2007 11:49:05 PM): too conservative

HIM (1/3/2007 11:49:08 PM): prove me wrong

HIM (1/3/2007 11:55:44 PM): i am a few miles away

HIM (1/3/2007 11:55:52 PM): invite me over

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:56:18 PM): so tempted.......................................

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:56:22 PM): but you dont believe m

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:56:34 PM): you htink im this boring little mousy conservative wimp

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:56:35 PM): lol

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:08 PM): u r

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:18 PM): so follow through on your courage and not your fear

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:30 PM): i dont want to u tonight

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:57:33 PM): dont confuse a strong will like mine with being conservative.

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:36 PM): contrary to what u may think

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:42 PM): i want to see u

HIM (1/3/2007 11:57:44 PM): prove me wrong

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:58:04 PM): you are smart and strongwilled yourself.

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:58:08 PM): i like that

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:58:14 PM): someone to handle me

HIM (1/3/2007 11:58:16 PM): ok i am giving up on u

HIM (1/3/2007 11:58:23 PM): gave u your chance

HIM (1/3/2007 11:58:29 PM): last chance right here

meGREENFROG (1/3/2007 11:59:06 PM): mmm. maybe ill just surprise you sometime. raincoat with nothing underneath at your door

HIM (1/3/2007 11:59:12 PM): nope

HIM (1/3/2007 11:59:16 PM): no tonight no never

HIM (1/4/2007 12:00:14 AM): i am not kidding

HIM (1/4/2007 12:00:16 AM): too bad

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This guy is an immature, creepy jerk.. sorry, but who asks someone "how many times did you have sex with your ex?" YUK..., as if "sex" and "how many times you've done it" gives anyone the "quality of character that athentic love requires"... who cares if you use to be a stripper, a nun, a whatever, a respectful, mature, worthwhile guy would NEVER ask such immature, idiotic questions... and be careful NOT to answer any more of them, YOU have NOTHING you need to prove to this guy or any other man.... get away from this one, he's a weirdo... This is exactly the kind of guy who manipulates a woman into sex only to "disrespect" her afterwards, because he can not stand himself, and anyone who would fall for his antics, well, he will eventually resent, because of his own self loathing.... run away, far away from him....

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This guy is an immature, creepy jerk.. sorry, but who asks someone "how many times did you have sex with your ex?" YUK..., as if "sex" and "how many times you've done it" gives anyone the "quality of character that athentic love requires"... who cares if you use to be a stripper, a nun, a whatever, a respectful, mature, worthwhile guy would NEVER ask such immature, idiotic questions... and be careful NOT to answer any more of them, YOU have NOTHING you need to prove to this guy or any other man.... get away from this one, he's a weirdo... This is exactly the kind of guy who manipulates a woman into sex only to "disrespect" her afterwards, because he can not stand himself, and anyone who would fall for his antics, well, he will eventually resent, because of his own self loathing.... run away, far away from him....



I second that!!! His questions are totally immature, not of a man worth pursuing. i would block him and just forget him.

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It sounds to me like this guy is trying to belittle you... making fun of you for not doing a lot of drugs (that does NOT make you conservative...it makes you smart!), not being a horn dog and having only one partner (how many has HE had? do you really want to be with a man wh0re?)...


This guy sounds like a major piece of work. He's trying to make you feel inferior and wants you to "prove" you're not by screwing him. You may not be "wife" material to him, but he is certainly NOT "husband" material.

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Just because you believe that you are wild and carefree does not mean that you are to him. Being too conservative or vanilla is a relative thing. I dont see why you are taking this personal, this guy told you that he just wants to have sex with you and that you have no future with him. The least you can do is appreciate his honesty. Why argue something that he already believes and is going to keep on believing. Now that you know what he wants you can act accordingly.

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Just because you believe that you are wild and carefree does not mean that you are to him. Being too conservative or vanilla is a relative thing. I dont see why you are taking this personal, this guy told you that he just wants to have sex with you and that you have no future with him. The least you can do is appreciate his honesty. Why argue something that he already believes and is going to keep on believing. Now that you know what he wants you can act accordingly.


i agree!!!!!! thank him for his honesty and move on and let go.

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I really hate this guy now. Particularly because I wasted time on him and now another guy Im was interested in just started dating someone NYE.


So I felt the need to get in the last word edgewise before blocking him forever.



I wrote: Good luck with finding the perfect druggie {mod edit} to be your future wife.

BTW isn't that {mod edit} backwards of you ?

Most normal guys fool around with loose chicks but marry the sweet ones.

Im a freak but I keep it under wraps.

Well whatever wets your whistle. Good luck with that.

Now Im off to find a cool guy who knows what women want.

You might know a lot about sex, but you need to go back to charm school and learn how to bring the sexy back.

Acting like a controlling horn dog isn't sexy. It's kinda creepy.

Buh Bye

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lol. I don't know that I would have given him the satisfaction of writing him hate mail, but it was funny to read. At least you were being honest.


He's a creep. You were right. He was trying to manipulate you out of your drawers to see if you could get his freak on. Find someone more "conservative."

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