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Surreal experience two days ago.


My father called me, which would be roughly the 11th time that has happened since I was 15. Long story there, largely accepted as one of those forever emotional conditions that are treatable, not curable—a lousy hand I think I've played decently. He was in a buoyant mood. Two days earlier, he wanted me to know, he had tested positive for Covid-19. He was adamant that he was fine, a-okay. I believe him. I've seen him twice in a decade.


He let me know that my cousin also had it, and has since been very weak, seems to be struggling cognitively. Cousin is my age, 41. Personal trainer. We grew up like brothers—our fathers lived together after their divorces—until one too many bombs were built and detonated by the family that created a lot of shrapnel of estrangement. I've seen him 2-3 times in 20 years, last time when he was on a break from a tour in Iraq. I texted him when I got the news, didn't hear back. Sending good vibes. He got a tougher hand as a kid than I did.


Guess I'm just sharing this to share it, and maybe release a touch of the strange numbness of it all.

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Oh goodness. I think Covid has triggered a lot of contact between people -virtually -that wouldn't have happened otherwise -not just because people have it but people are home so much now, cleaning out garages, thinking about people in their past. My camp boyfriend from when we were about 12 (late 1970s!) sent me a photo of a leather bracelet with my name on it -he said I gave it to him at camp and he recently found it when doing a covid-triggered garage clean out - truth is I have zero recollection of ever having that sort of bracelet but it's possible I got it or even made it at camp then gave it to him as a memento. I have heard from him prior to now but it's an example of these kinds of interactions that are covid-triggered.

I hope your family is ok.

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I've been missing my ex husband. He wasn't completely awful and I know I could probably have tried a bit harder to make it work. I feel sad that instead of riding out the pandemic together and being supportive of our kids together, we're doing it separately.


Funny how that works.


Blue, I hope your cousin and father recover completely.

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I've been missing my ex husband. He wasn't completely awful and I know I could probably have tried a bit harder to make it work. I feel sad that instead of riding out the pandemic together and being supportive of our kids together, we're doing it separately.


Funny how that works.


Blue, I hope your cousin and father recover completely.

When did you and your husband divorce?

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I'm pretty distant from family at the moment due to health reasons (pre-existing health issues for them). I live alone and am quite happy overall, feeling quite motivated and elated (free?). No one I know has been tested positive for Covid so I'm thankful for that.


Sorry to hear about your family, Bluecastle. I also hope they recover fully.

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Surreal experience two days ago.


My father called me, which would be roughly the 11th time that has happened since I was 15. Long story there, largely accepted as one of those forever emotional conditions that are treatable, not curable—a lousy hand I think I've played decently. He was in a buoyant mood. Two days earlier, he wanted me to know, he had tested positive for Covid-19. He was adamant that he was fine, a-okay. I believe him. I've seen him twice in a decade.


He let me know that my cousin also had it, and has since been very weak, seems to be struggling cognitively. Cousin is my age, 41. Personal trainer. We grew up like brothers—our fathers lived together after their divorces—until one too many bombs were built and detonated by the family that created a lot of shrapnel of estrangement. I've seen him 2-3 times in 20 years, last time when he was on a break from a tour in Iraq. I texted him when I got the news, didn't hear back. Sending good vibes. He got a tougher hand as a kid than I did.


Guess I'm just sharing this to share it, and maybe release a touch of the strange numbness of it all.

Sending good vibes to you and your family.

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I'm worried about a possible lockdown. Feeling melancholy today about the state of things and worried for others.

Personally doing ok and fairly sheltered from all this but I don't feel good.

I'm with you. Just can't shake this funk.

The thought of things being worse after 8 months of this is so disheartening.


I've decided to not spend Thanksgiving with my brothers family like I have for years. He and his extended family think it's all a hoax.


Can't put myself in a house with 16 people from 5 different households who have differing views.


Going from being isolated in my dining room working all week to binge watching tv at my boyfriend's house on weekends, just to do it all over again is wearing on me.


That and the anniversary of my mom's passing. It's just kind of the perfect storm of funk at the moment.


I go up and down. This weekend, definitely down.

I miss my old life.

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I'm with you. Just can't shake this funk.

The thought of things being worse after 8 months of this is so disheartening.


I've decided to not spend Thanksgiving with my brothers family like I have for years. He and his extended family think it's all a hoax.


Can't put myself in a house with 16 people from 5 different households who have differing views.


Going from being isolated in my dining room working all week to binge watching tv at my boyfriend's house on weekends, just to do it all over again is wearing on me.


That and the anniversary of my mom's passing. It's just kind of the perfect storm of funk at the moment.


I go up and down. This weekend, definitely down.

I miss my old life.


Yes- the holiday's approaching make it harder! Can you join them virtually?? I wrote in a different thread about a stressful situation I had with a brand new friend who I've spoken to a lot by phone -we have so much in common and know of people in common - who is very high risk although my age (mid 50s) - so she's uber careful which is great. She lives 20 minutes away. She put me in a potentially awkward position because we'd made tentative plans to meet in person this weekend for a socially distanced walk. Two of her grown kids live right near me so they were going to visit and she would have met me one on one. Turns out one of her kids just tested positive for covid. If I trusted her completely the information was -she had no contact with him for a long time now, she dropped off food for him in a socially distanced way, his brother who she does have contact with hadn't seen him in two weeks.


Well. My husband said - look, why risk it -if she's wrong/mistaken about any of this then even if you're distanced you could be at risk - for example she'd bring her dog and that is distracting as far as keeping distance. Also I'd generally feel awkward meeting a brand new person and being so extra self conscious about distancing/avoiding any exposure.


Luckily she decided not to come into the city yesterday -only her husband came. There is no other plan for her to come and with the holidays coming her non-distancing daughter will be staying with them. I was going to be totally honest with her had she wanted to meet. I was slightly annoyed that she didn't give me an out "look I know I wasn't exposed but I totally understand if now you don't want to meet". I have a number of friends who have done that when their kid was recently sick and I was invited to their home. I've always done that. Maybe she knew 100% she wasn't exposed -and she's so neurotic about it -but wouldn't you want to in an abundance of caution reschedule?


This is emotional for me as I want to meet new people, I hate to be this nervous/anxious and I hated being in that situation with a new person because of covid.

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Virtually ? No.

After painting a tragic picture, I do have options.


I'll spend it with my boyfriend and his parents.


The holidays have now become a struggle for me.


With my mom's absense, my sons coupled up and their parents divorced, it's hard to get everyone together. So I have to make choices.


My immediate family now so small in numbers and I'm still trying to hang onto to something that feels like a family holiday and ultimately I might not even see any immediate family members.

It's just my new normal.


Don't know if I'll ever get used to it

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I don't think I could be in a house of 16 either. Very sad and a bit frustrated that people are still sick and dying with this.


My brothers work in healthcare (one of them is in a hospital) and my ex is in hospitality but able to work. So far they are all safe but I don't want to get a phone call. I'm most worried for those who are at risk or in industries most affected by covid. I know we all saw the second wave coming but it doesn't seem easier to deal with.


I'm sort of introverted so the long silences or living alone don't bother me. It bothers me that it's hurting people.

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I'm worried about a possible lockdown. Feeling melancholy today about the state of things and worried for others.

Personally doing ok and fairly sheltered from all this but I don't feel good.


Big hugs, Rose.

Feeling the same way. I'm worried for where things are going and for others. I feel somewhat helpless and isolated. It's wearing on me.

The other day I was filling out a gifts for seniors thing, and just started sobbing. As lonely, disconnected, worried as I feel, imagining these folks in care homes and alone in their homes during this time - I want to do something more, make it better, and connect, but we are stuck with this crisis where we can't physically be there for the ones we want to help without risking lives. It's terrible.

There's so much need, and even those of us who are fortunate enough to be doing rather ok are suffering mental health wise, making it even harder to come together even virtually because so msny people are coping by getting super political or caving in on themselves emotionally. I get it, it's trying to cope, but it makes things feel even lonelier.

My SO commented to me about how I'm a lot more social than I think I am. I now think he's right. I miss being with people. I miss community get together, chatting with people in person throughout my day, laughing at my table with friends.

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Big hugs, Rose.

Feeling the same way. I'm worried for where things are going and for others. I feel somewhat helpless and isolated. It's wearing on me.

The other day I was filling out a gifts for seniors thing, and just started sobbing. As lonely, disconnected, worried as I feel, imagining these folks in care homes and alone in their homes during this time - I want to do something more, make it better, and connect, but we are stuck with this crisis where we can't physically be there for the ones we want to help without risking lives. It's terrible.

There's so much need, and even those of us who are fortunate enough to be doing rather ok are suffering mental health wise, making it even harder to come together even virtually because so msny people are coping by getting super political or caving in on themselves emotionally. I get it, it's trying to cope, but it makes things feel even lonelier.

My SO commented to me about how I'm a lot more social than I think I am. I now think he's right. I miss being with people. I miss community get together, chatting with people in person throughout my day, laughing at my table with friends.


That's really thoughtful of you. Hope you are ok. Hugs too.


I hear you about community and friends. This past year has been somewhat of a twilight zone. I lost people who were close to me, gained new friends, restarted a new life, let go of old ideologies (still learning), learned new things about old thoughts (maybe these are new thoughts?), woke up from the numbness of separating to a virus outbreak. It was mostly disorienting but starting to feel pretty good yet plagued by this constant fear of a virus and death and then people fighting about it? People who know me are looking at me suspiciously wondering if I really am ok. I swear I am, just in the same boat as everyone else. I tried to volunteer with a women's shelter but because I am not a survivor of physical abuse specifically they said they didn't need my help for the position they're looking for. It makes sense. I'll look into other places to give back to. Maybe I am also more social than I think I am, just enjoying the quiet and emotional calm. I feel so much relief and joy being on my own but it's a mixed bag lately with this virus.

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Just chipping in from the uk to let you know how things are here ...have tried to catch up with it all on here ....


So we are on lockdown till 2nd December ,but schools remain open , as do colleges and universities ....it isn't working , the streets and roads and parks/lakes are all full , it isn't like the first lock down at all . When the kids kick out at 3pm there are crowds of them everywhere , no masks , no social distancing . Our little Island is now taking top of the leader board for all aspects of covid *sigh .


I am terrified .


I am waiting for a small brain surgery procedure and I am backwards and forward to a place called Oxford and that scares the be he ho out of me .


One of you said about not going to see family cos there will be 16 of them and they believe it is a hoax ...well you do right to stay away !


We have a vaccine just about ....try to just focus on that ..not the buts and the ifs and the worry warts and the scandal ...just let that bit of nice news try and wash away everything else .


I am not on much but I do wish you all well , stay safe ....there is an end to this , never give up hope xx

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Just chipping in from the uk to let you know how things are here ...have tried to catch up with it all on here ....


So we are on lockdown till 2nd December ,but schools remain open , as do colleges and universities ....it isn't working , the streets and roads and parks/lakes are all full , it isn't like the first lock down at all . When the kids kick out at 3pm there are crowds of them everywhere , no masks , no social distancing . Our little Island is now taking top of the leader board for all aspects of covid *sigh .


I am terrified .


I am waiting for a small brain surgery procedure and I am backwards and forward to a place called Oxford and that scares the be he ho out of me .


One of you said about not going to see family cos there will be 16 of them and they believe it is a hoax ...well you do right to stay away !


We have a vaccine just about ....try to just focus on that ..not the buts and the ifs and the worry warts and the scandal ...just let that bit of nice news try and wash away everything else .


I am not on much but I do wish you all well , stay safe ....there is an end to this , never give up hope xx

Will message you later love.

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Aww Pippy, you are ever the ray of sunshine.

I didn't know you are waiting on a surgery. I'm so sorry you are going through that. Sending out positive thoughts and love your way.


Situation is the same here. All non essentials are supposed to be closed, but schools are open and it's not working.


Aww it's ok , I never really posted about it , only here and there in the middle of other threads . You probably remember a poster who had a journal about a tumour - trigeminal neuralgia ..sara ..... well I have that but not a tumour , I have another version , so I have a bent vein at the base of my brain ..It has taken years to find out what all the pain was . One of the reasons I don't always come on is because sat on my lap top sets it all off ..so I have to pick and choose . Thankyou for your kind wishes x And sending all the positivity your way too .


Yeah this whole school etc thing is just not doing the job is it .... I really don't go out unless it is to get our shopping or maybe a bike ride with my camera .


Strange times eh x

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