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I didn't end up doing it, as soon as I wrote it I had a panic attack. She only sleeps on me atm and get daddy, but it can't be good for her back. I keep putting her in her cot and she has blankets that smell of us, white noise etc. But no luck.. bless her.


I would research safe sleep including your use of blankets which is typically not ok with an infant. Please don't rely on me although I studied this intently as a new mom and pre-motherhood too - there are basic guidelines in most authoritative health websites. I'm sorry she's up so much - it's so typical and also so hard!


I recommend marchofdimes.org but there are many other excellent and authoritative websites on how an infant should be put to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDs.

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I would research safe sleep including your use of blankets which is typically not ok with an infant. Please don't rely on me although I studied this intently as a new mom and pre-motherhood too - there are basic guidelines in most authoritative health websites. I'm sorry she's up so much - it's so typical and also so hard!


I recommend marchofdimes.org but there are many other excellent and authoritative websites on how an infant should be put to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDs.


She sleeps in a lullaby trust approved sleeping swaddle thing until she's the right weight for the sleeping bags, no loose blankets if she has an additional one, it's tucked in and her arms are above it, cellular blanket which is safest.. but yes loose bedding and such are kept away. Lullaby trust are what we follow in the UK, I'm sure it's similar to your link.. I'm just very tired and want to sleep. Typically she's sound asleep right now and I'm wide awake lol.

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She sleeps in a lullaby trust approved sleeping swaddle thing until she's the right weight for the sleeping bags, no loose blankets if she has an additional one, it's tucked in and her arms are above it, cellular blanket which is safest.. but yes loose bedding and such are kept away. Lullaby trust are what we follow in the UK, I'm sure it's similar to your link.. I'm just very tired and want to sleep. Typically she's sound asleep right now and I'm wide awake lol.


Whatever works. I personally would not ever do a blanket other than a swaddle because tucked in can easily get untucked. But again your choice. I'm so sorry you're tired -I get it and I'm sorry!!

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My son stopped by after his shift at the fire station. Though he's pretty cavalier about all of this, he did say in matter of fact tone, it's just going to get worse with things loosening up.

He works in an area full of convalescent hospitals and the get - up they wear looks like a space suit.

He says its sad because they are instructed to not administer any aid during transport. Instead they tell the patient to hold on and they'll be to the hospital momentarily.


He socializes with his friends on his days off. He figures its safer then going to work and that hasnt killed him.

Last week they had an invitation and his girlfriend anxiously hesitated to be around others. "Its me you should be afraid of!!" he tells her. "I'm in an epicenter every other day"

Funny/not funny she never thought of that.

I still hugged him. It was worth it. It's the first time I've seen him since Feb? I.lost count.


I hate this. Every part of it.


I'm sitting in an empty office suite doing my Tuesday commitment. Though noone is here, the silence still makes me anxious.


My youngest, newest staff member went to urgent care with a 102.7 temp this morning. They sent her home with antibiotics and a test date for Friday.

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Agree. 🤢😷 It's starting to get on everyone's nerves between the virus itself, the social and economic restrictions, the news etc. It's just too weird to suit up like astronauts just to run to the store for things.🤖. I look like a bank robber with my mask...geez.👺

I hate this. Every part of it.

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Agree. 🤢😷 It's starting to get on everyone's nerves between the virus itself, the social and economic restrictions, the news etc. It's just too weird to suit up like astronauts just to run to the store for things.🤖. I look like a bank robber with my mask...geez.👺


I think we've all had enough, yet what else can we do besides hang in there...

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Sorry to hear that, Vic. Have you ever been to Boston? Lots of history here.


I have been to Cape Cod but not Boston. We still have a booking for a hotel in Boston and my husband had bought tickets for the Blue Jays and Red Sox. We might have to just forfeit the money we paid for the tickets but at least we can still cancel our hotel without paying a penalty.

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I just can't help think if we would just hold on and be disciplined a few more weeks, that that would make the difference.

Its' the mounting pressure and that fact that people do have personal rights is what's obviously swaying things.


They can choose as they please, but that very choice threatens the rest of us who see it differently.

I hope I'm wrong, but when this all backfires, I will cry. It's such a shame.

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My thoughts are, they're choosing to ignore the consequences


That is it . Here we have a few protests but they were called yahoos and told to stay home. We have some provinces that have beat the curve like New Brunswick which hasn’t hasn't had a new case in three weeks. They are opening. And a few other provinces. My province is particularly hard hit but is tentatively opening very few businesses.

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I'm anxious. I have to go to my mum's at the weekend to help my brother tidy and fix the house after her breakdown. No one else can help him and he can't face it himself, he's going through ptsd pretty severely right now. Very difficult times for my family right now.

I miss my mum so much, I hope she'll call me soon.

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I'm anxious. I have to go to my mum's at the weekend to help my brother tidy and fix the house after her breakdown. No one else can help him and he can't face it himself, he's going through ptsd pretty severely right now. Very difficult times for my family right now.

I miss my mum so much, I hope she'll call me soon.


Wishing you all the best!

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My local store had paper towel in stock. Today was a good day!




I ordered wipes from an online retailer. Two hours later they cancelled my order "unavailable" so now I have a $10 coupon if I choose to return. But no extra wipes...

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Just a little vent...

My neighbours are driving me crazy. They've been partying and having people coming and going through out this whole thing. There is loud noise all night, music people screeching and even little kids running everywhere into the wee hours of the morning. I've seen the cops over there a few times. It's still happening.

I just want peace and quiet. This is hard enough, don't be a jerk to your neighbours. Today, after barely sleeping last night, some of the kids were in our yard and banging on our windows because they saw our cats. I finally had it, and called non emergency, asking if they'd go check up on those kids. I really don't want to be calling right now as they are burdened enough!

So yeah. Gonna try and nap now if I can.

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