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A woman at the grocery store yesterday wanted to fight me because I told her friend she had to wait for me to finish before they started putting their items on the checkout conveyor.


She said "You're lucky I don't feel like it because I could just put you in your car right now".


The cashier said nothing (not that I blame her, what could she really do?), but then they started trying to bag their items while I was still bagging mine, and the cashier told them they had to wait. Like, they didn't wonder what the tape on the floor and all the signs giving directions on how to follow social distancing were for?


Good thing is I was able to get everything I needed and they even had a few containers of wipes. The antibacterial kind, not disinfecting, but it's still good for cleaning up my kitchen and bathroom.


I'm just waiting for my masks to be delivered which should happen in the next week or so. Meantime I am using home made masks made out of a pair of leggings that I sacrificed (never wore them anyway...).


I am scheduled to have my bad tooth extracted tomorrow. It is too damaged for a root canal to be worthwhile. They made me sign a form saying because they spray water as part of dental and oral treatment there is a chance I could be exposed to the coronavirus if someone else has it, and that I accept that risk and want the procedure done anyway. Very unsettling, but I've signed forms before surgeries saying I could die while under general anesthesia. All I can do is hope they do a really good job disinfecting the treatment rooms with Lysol spray and that no one who is infected comes in for a procedure.


Easter is usually a time of hope, so I am hoping the world turns a corner soon. Also hoping this sense of fear and anxiety is relieved soon, because it's exhausting being afraid all the time.

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Feel better. Hope it goes well. This 'new normal' is worse than a bad apocalyptic movie. Heard the birds singing this am, made me feel 'old normal' for a few moments.🐦

I am scheduled to have my bad tooth extracted tomorrow. They made me sign a form saying because they spray water as part of dental and oral treatment there is a chance I could be exposed to the coronavirus if someone else has it, and that I accept that risk and want the procedure done anyway.

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A woman at the grocery store yesterday wanted to fight me because I told her friend she had to wait for me to finish before they started putting their items on the checkout conveyor.


She said "You're lucky I don't feel like it because I could just put you in your car right now".


The cashier said nothing (not that I blame her, what could she really do?), but then they started trying to bag their items while I was still bagging mine, and the cashier told them they had to wait. Like, they didn't wonder what the tape on the floor and all the signs giving directions on how to follow social distancing were for?


Good thing is I was able to get everything I needed and they even had a few containers of wipes. The antibacterial kind, not disinfecting, but it's still good for cleaning up my kitchen and bathroom.


I'm just waiting for my masks to be delivered which should happen in the next week or so. Meantime I am using home made masks made out of a pair of leggings that I sacrificed (never wore them anyway...).


I am scheduled to have my bad tooth extracted tomorrow. It is too damaged for a root canal to be worthwhile. They made me sign a form saying because they spray water as part of dental and oral treatment there is a chance I could be exposed to the coronavirus if someone else has it, and that I accept that risk and want the procedure done anyway. Very unsettling, but I've signed forms before surgeries saying I could die while under general anesthesia. All I can do is hope they do a really good job disinfecting the treatment rooms with Lysol spray and that no one who is infected comes in for a procedure.


Easter is usually a time of hope, so I am hoping the world turns a corner soon. Also hoping this sense of fear and anxiety is relieved soon, because it's exhausting being afraid all the time.

I am sorry hun. The t...s of the world need a kick right now. I hope the pain of the tooth is better after it comes out.

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I am sorry you had to endure that, bolt. Some people can be so horrible. It's difficult not to get really upset over it. But I am glad you got what you needed and got back home safe and sound. I hope it all goes well with the dentist too.


Worse than a bad apocalyptic movie, well, I guess it depends on where you're sitting. (I imagine the ones who feel that way the most are the medical professionals).


I am still extremely grateful that I have a safe place to live, good food, family and friends that are alive and well. My city is not a warzone, our number of corona cases is still tolerable. I can get medical help should I need it...I mean, it could be much worse.


It's good to try to focus on the things we can be grateful for right now.

Over the years I have seen and heard of enormous catastrophes and heartache that I thank the good lord, it's not me. I mean far, far worse than what we are waking up to,, (albeit this isn't great, I fully admit). But we still have some sense of order and are relatively safe, etc.


Have to keep that hope up, right?

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Thanks ladies.


I didn't let it get to me (the rude lady at the store). I feel like those people are a-holes all the time, not just now, and someday she will encounter someone who will put HER in her car lol!


I want this tooth out because it's been giving me so much pain. I feel unwell because of it. Whenever a body part isn't working the way it should I always say "cut it off!" LOL I am minus my gall bladder and a couple feet of colon because they weren't working or were badly damaged. So, I don't want this tooth anymore either. It's way in the back so I won't miss it.


I do wish my Ativan prescription didn't run out years ago though. It made me feel high more than anything else so probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway.

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The dentist can give you a short term prescription, like say one or two tabs, (to help get you through the procedure). If you phone and request it.


My dentist has always been decent in that regard, cause yeah, my nerves aren't the best at the dentist either. He usually phones it into my pharmacy and I pick it up the day before the procedure.

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The dentist can give you a short term prescription, like say one or two tabs, (to help get you through the procedure). If you phone and request it.


My dentist has always been decent in that regard, cause yeah, my nerves aren't the best at the dentist either. He usually phones it into my pharmacy and I pick it up the day before the procedure.


Oh, I'm not worried about that. I have had so many medical procedures I'm used to it by now. The part I really didn't like was when the dentist injected my gums with local anesthesia the other day. The needle going into my gums was not pleasant.


I meant just general anxiety surrounding the pandemic. Going to the grocery store is such a stressful ordeal. But I don't want any prescriptions because then I have to go to the pharmacy! I'm going to try to have my prescriptions transferred to a pharmacy that has a drive through because I do NOT want to go to Walmart right now!

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Agggh! The needle. But I guess on a good note, the needle is only seconds long and it gives heaps of relief once it's done.


I know, everything is such a mess right now. I am trying to hang onto the fact that in a lot of places the numbers are slightly looking better. I mean, it's not the tsunami of numbers they had everyone freaked out about 3 weeks ago.,,,at least not so far.

I hope and pray that the numbers keep going down.

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I have a neighbor who has lots of company, about 7-8 vehicles in their driveway. I assume they're having Easter dinner with relatives.


With that said, I have to wonder what part of this horrible pandemic do they not understand?


On a lighter note, Happy Easter, be well and be safe everyone.

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I have a neighbor who has lots of company, about 7-8 vehicles in their driveway. I assume they're having Easter dinner with relatives.


With that said, I have to wonder what part of this horrible pandemic do they not understand?


On a lighter note, Happy Easter, be well and be safe everyone.


Don't you know, the virus knows not to attack people who are related to one another! Also those who are bros, homies, BFFs or are FWB or "hooking up".


Except, oh, there was that one very publicized case of a whole troop of family members who had some kind of celebration at a relative's house and something like 20 family members are now infected. Oops.

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So, this won't apply for everywhere but it may help a few people out. Due to so many usual places that the farmers would usually sell to being closed or on partial capacity, there is a lot of produce and milk being heavily discounted or donated if you contact them directly.

I have orders for 50 lbs of potato at $10 a bag! Eggs for $1 a dozen, milk virtually given away. I'm buying a bunch, as we can make the trips and with contactless exchange, and then dropping off for those who can use it ( and us too, yeah lol).


Just if someone needs their $ to stretch, it's another thing to look into. Tonnes of donations going to the food banks too, so hopefully no one goes hungry.

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We had the lowest death toll today so far in a week. My concern is that people were all “whatever” because it’s Easter and in a few weeks we’re going to see an influx rather than what appears to be a curve flattening.


I’ve been checking my temperature incessantly. It’s almost like I can’t stop. I need to, because there are so many times and reasons it’s going to fluctuate but I feel compelled and anxious if I don’t do it.


Our governor launched an emotional support hotline. Unfortunately you have to wait up to 24 hours for a return call from a therapist. And I’m also sure they’re bogged down since it’s brand new.

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I'm worried about that too, Cheet. I also worry that when restrictions are loosened (maybe in a month or so?), there may be a deadly resurgence and then people will be reluctant to socially distance again.


If it makes you feel any better, other symptoms usually surface before the fever if you get COVID. namely, sore throat and dry cough. If you get COVID and you're one of the symptomatic ones, you're likely going to have one of the other symptoms first (local infection) before fever (systemic infection). From what we know, the virus seems to attack the throat and lungs first.

I hope you can feel a little at ease with this.


I wish I could see my therapist. I've had 2 telepsych sessions and I just hate video calling, the whole thing really ruins the therapeutic experience for me. But she can't really say anything to me to help. Yes, I am working in a facility that has COVID patients, yes I am anxious, yes I am lonely sometimes, yes I have trouble sleeping... There's not much to say or do. I just have to keep going.

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We had the lowest death toll today so far in a week. My concern is that people were all “whatever” because it’s Easter and in a few weeks we’re going to see an influx rather than what appears to be a curve flattening.


I worry about this, too. People can be foolish and wreckless.


But I've been reminding myself, I can only control myself and live in the moment I'm in. Over thinking and taking yourself down the path of how this all plays out is the devil right now.


Try having positive self - talk... things like, I'm ok today. I am smart and follow the advice to protect myself. I have what I need for right now.


I hope this helps... this is hard and just trying to cope can be different for everyone...

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This concerns me as well. People are climbing the walls. However the focus is on 'What now?' The real mess will be when 'What's next?' happens. Socially, medically, economically.

there may be a deadly resurgence and then people will be reluctant to socially distance again.
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