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My bf and I have been sick the last few days. Coughs and some sneezing, generally feeling like poo. No other symptoms like fevers or anything, so it's mostly likely a common cold.

But it has me stressed, and I just want to be better. I can handle stating home but I'll be more at ease once we feel well again.

I'm glad I went on the cleaning and cooking sprees so we have food to heat up now, and just have to wipe up as we go.

Currently binging on my guilty pleasure shows ...don't judge me, I find reality tv comforting right now, people with stupid problems helps me shut my brain off for a bit. ;)

Get better quick!

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. . just cancelled seeing the boys tonight. I actually cried after I got done talking to them. I think I am handling being isolated pretty good, until apparently I'm not. It's ok. I got it out of my system. Just feeling a little punchy this morning.


Boyfriend comes home from checking on his parents tomorrow. I can't wait to get out of my house and go to his. A different view of a different 4 walls will help.


OK. . .back to painting my bedroom. The work emails have come to grinding slow down. I don't have that to distract me anymore, so the days are pretty long.

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I'm glad I went on the cleaning and cooking sprees so we have food to heat up now, and just have to wipe up as we go.

Currently binging on my guilty pleasure shows ...don't judge me, I find reality tv comforting right now, people with stupid problems helps me shut my brain off for a bit. ;)

No shame here. Love reality TV. . lol

Hope you're feeling better today.

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Big hugs, reinvent.


I think a lot of us are having such moments: where all is good, or manageable, and then the cracks (aka our human vulnerabilities) are momentarily exposed like raw nerves. I was walking the dog the other day, and a friend FaceTimed me. We bantered for a bit—all good—and she made a comment that millions are making, something to the effect of missing human contact, hugs, and how it was nice to see a familiar face. And, with that, I was crying.


For anyone looking for a wonderfully dewy televised distraction? The gf and I discover the Tiger King on Netflix yesterday, a multi-part doc that takes the "best" or reality TV and injects it with steroids. Whoa.


Big hugs to everyone.

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. . just cancelled seeing the boys tonight. I actually cried after I got done talking to them.
Reading that teared me up a little. I know how you felt after cancelling, Reinvent.


We have a facetime "date" with our daughter, SIL and the grandkids tonite to look forward to.


We had a bit of a laugh the other day. My daughter is juggling working from home and watching the kids and the little one (he's 4) interrupted her when she was on the phone with a client (like for not the first time) so she's getting a tad frustrated.


*snipped* as it may cancel my anonymity.

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Tell her to turn her picture camera on so that she sees her own face and she can pose until she likes what she sees and then she will know how she looks. Besides, she will show up in the little box in the corner and she can move her hand held device at her best angle.


Tell her to doll herself up if it will help and that you'd love to see her no matter how she looks... if you haven't already.


I hated it at first too but I've totally adjusted.

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Tell her to turn her picture camera on so that she sees her own face and she can pose until she likes what she sees and then she will know how she looks. Besides, she will show up in the little box in the corner and she can move her hand held device at her best angle.


Tell her to doll herself up if it will help and that you'd love to see her no matter how she looks... if you haven't already.


I hated it at first too but I've totally adjusted.


She HATES it. My mom is extremely vain and a perfectionist. She doesn’t want anybody looking at her unless she’s been to the hairdressers she’s wearing somethings she feels she looks good in etc. etc. Etc And she thinks she looks ugly on camera so she doesn’t wanna do it. For me it’s the only way I can see my mom at the best of times and she absolutely refuses to do it. And if she won’t do it for me she won’t do it for anybody. 😓😓😓 and it doesn’t seem to matter if it hurts my feelings at all.

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She HATES it. My mom is extremely vain and a perfectionist. She doesn’t want anybody looking at her unless she’s been to the hairdressers she’s wearing somethings she feels she looks good in etc. etc. Etc And she thinks she looks ugly on camera so she doesn’t wanna do it.
My grandma is the same. It must be a generation thing. I can't explain it.
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My grandma is the same. It must be a generation thing. I can't explain it.


I think so. My mom is extremely perfectionistic about her home too. When you go to her place you have to hover above the floors and carpets so you don’t make a mark. She doesn’t even want me there unless it’s so immaculate you could lick off the floor. Mind you now she’s so crippled she can’t clean to her satisfaction.

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I'm like your mom, Sera. I hate videocalling. It's not about how I look on it either, I don't care. I just find it awkward and it makes me feel sadder. I'd rather just stick with phone calls. My mom is bugging me to video chat (she has iPhone, I have Android, so we need to do another workaround) and I just don't want to. I'd rather just talk via voice.

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I'm like your mom, Sera. I hate videocalling. It's not about how I look on it either, I don't care. I just find it awkward and it makes me feel sadder. I'd rather just stick with phone calls. My mom is bugging me to video chat (she has iPhone, I have Android, so we need to do another workaround) and I just don't want to. I'd rather just talk via voice.


I remember the first time my niece tried to do Facetime with me (she is a 20 something mom of two) randomly and it felt.... intrusive - like, had she called I likely would have dropped what I was doing to pick up -she's awesome, cute kids, etc but--- Facetime?? To her it was completely normal but to me that's something that needs to be scheduled. Maybe I'll adapt. I don't think so!

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I'm like your mom, Sera. I hate videocalling. It's not about how I look on it either, I don't care. I just find it awkward and it makes me feel sadder. I'd rather just stick with phone calls. My mom is bugging me to video chat (she has iPhone, I have Android, so we need to do another workaround) and I just don't want to. I'd rather just talk via voice.

My mom even hates talking on the phone but I think that’s because she’s been losing her hearing for years. She was just finally not vain enough this year to get hearing aids because everybody told her we’d had enough of having to scream at her for her to hear anything. She became hard of hearing very early probably in her 60s and now even so she’s still pretty young she’s 74 and without her hearing aids is pretty much deaf as a door knob. And most days she refuses to wear her hearing aids.

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I remember the first time my niece tried to do Facetime with me (she is a 20 something mom of two) randomly and it felt.... intrusive - like, had she called I likely would have dropped what I was doing to pick up -she's awesome, cute kids, etc but--- Facetime?? To her it was completely normal but to me that's something that needs to be scheduled. Maybe I'll adapt. I don't think so!


It does feel intrusive. That's a good way to put it. I think I prefer voice calling because 1) I'm really used to it and 2) I get to do other things while I talk to someone. I can cook, I can do my adult coloring, etc. I am not just sitting there looking at the screen to video chat. It feels weird to just sit there and look at someone to communicate via phone like that. I know it's sometimes to be a replacement for face-to-face conversation but it just doesn't do it for me.


I told one of my close local friends "let's go for a socially distant walk! outside!" You know, we both have cars, we could meet at a nearby park or something. Nope, she wants to video chat.


It makes me feel like an old fogey.

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My mom even hates talking on the phone but I think that’s because she’s been losing her hearing for years. She was just finally not vain enough this year to get hearing aids because everybody told her we’d had enough of having to scream at her for her to hear anything. She became hard of hearing very early probably in her 60s and now even so she’s still pretty young she’s 74 and without her hearing aids is pretty much deaf as a door knob. And most days she refuses to wear her hearing aids.


I don't blame her not wanting to wear hearing aids, they're loud, uncomfortable and you can hear annoying things, like shoes squeaking as people walk (very first time I wore my first pair I took them out cause of high pitch squeaky shoes lol)

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I don't blame her not wanting to wear hearing aids, they're loud, uncomfortable and you can hear annoying things, like shoes squeaking as people walk (very first time I wore my first pair I took them out cause of high pitch squeaky shoes lol)


She says that too. It is either that or yell at her because she can’t hear you at a normal tone of voice beyond one foot away. My dad has been completely deaf in one ear since toddlerhood and now almost completely deaf with having hearing aids.


Not good genetics coming my way. 😥 I have a really bad genetics for a lot of things. And then my husband’s family there’s early blindness. So my poor son could end up blind and deaf early. I already have early hearing loss in one ear. Not significant yet but is there.

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She says that too. It is either that or yell at her because she can’t hear you at a normal tone of voice beyond one foot away. My dad has been completely deaf in one ear since toddlerhood and now almost completely deaf with having hearing aids.


Not good genetics coming my way. 😥 I have a really bad genetics for a lot of things. And then my husband’s family there’s early blindness. So my poor son could end up blind and deaf early. I already have early hearing loss in one ear. Not significant yet but is there.


Yeah I prefer people shouting at me. Mind you, the hearing aids make my ears sweat and cause infections which doesn't help.

Not good that you've got a lot of potential problems coming up, hopefully it'll skip a generation or two!

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I'm beginning to understand why some places have so many cases. I just returned from out of state and stayed overnight with my brother and sister in law and two nephews. They tried to hug me and I had to step away and explain that I am practicing social distancing. Then they went to a restaurant for carry out and when I asked them if the cooks and cashier wore gloves they gave me blank looks. I mentioned cleaning things before they bring them into their home or before handling them, or at least allowing them to sit for 24 hours and got the same blank looks. They feel like "well, what can you do??? You can't just freak out about everything!" And while I agree in principle I do think it's important to follow safe practices. I think that's why my state has much fewer cases than theirs, because our governor called for stay at home, non-essential business closures and social distancing as soon as the state hit 100 cases, which was almost two weeks ago.


Anyway...I am going to continue to do what I do and if they don't feel like it's necessary to take extra precautions all I can do is hope for the best for them.

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