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Girlfriend Lying


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I welcome everyone to participate and provide their honest feedback.


When I first meet this girlfriend, I had told her how important it was finding a woman that can have kids so that I can have one of my own, we had both agreed to be as honest and sincere with each other so that we have a great start in our new relationship; at the beginning it seem like a great honeymoon, I felt she was very truthful.....So I mentioned to her that since I never had any kids that it be great having one of my own blood, so I asked her if she could still have kids at her present age of 47 years of age, and she said YES, even tho I might be too old I can still procreate, and I told her please be truthful and honest with me, if you really can not have kids any more just tell me, but she insisted that she could still have kids, but been that she already has 2 kids from previous marriages that she did not want to have kids any more.

As time went I felt that our relationship was stronger and I told her that it be great for both of us to have a new baby together, she kept quiet and started crying out loud, and she told me that her uterus has been removed and that she no longer could have kids, and she apologized to by having to lied, I asked her why did you have to lied to me?, you could have just been honest and flat out tell me the truth.


An other situation was, at the beginning she had told me that she had two marriages, time went by and I asked her if she would move in with her partner without getting married, and she replay that she was not that type of woman, that she would never move in or live with anybody without getting married first, as time went by one of her kids suffered a tragic accident, her so called ex-husband showed up and the police showed up, since both of them ( my girlfriend and her ex-husband ) were out of control due to the accident, the police asked me to gather their documents such as: divorce decree, so I asked my girlfriend and her ex- so called husband for that document, and my girlfriend said WE WERE NEVER MARRIED, WE JUST LIVED TOGETHER !, so I asked her again why did she lied to me of being married for a second time with that man when it reality they were never married?, and she said well I was never married to him, end of story.


An scenario......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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Not sure what you are looking for here exactly.


This woman lied to you about major, serious, important things. You are fully aware of that. So either you leave her or you put up with her lying and understand that this is who she is and she will continue to lie about big, major important things as is convenient to her.


Bottom line is that if having a child is important to you, then you need to dump her and keep looking for the right lady starting today. If having a child is not that important to you and you are OK putting up with major lies, then carry on with this woman as is.

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It sounds like she says whatever she wants the guy to hear, but you have the black and white proof her words don't mean anything.


I'm not sure what else you're looking for? Staying with a chronic liar is pretty much a losing proposition and please don't have a child with this woman, who frankly at 47 sounds just way too irresponsible to be a good parent.

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I only read the part where, after telling you she was able to have kids, she ended up confessing she no longer had an uterus.

This is a major lie, not something that can be swept under the rug. It takes a certain type of character to do something like that, not only was she massively stupid to lie about something that was so easy to prove as untrue, but she was cruel to waste your time knowing all along that she couldn't give you something that was very important to you.

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An scenario......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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DancingFool, what do you say about this?...................As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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brienoch...........what do you say about this?......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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Are you concerned that her flirting days aren't over yet?

I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one.
same girl?
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SherrySher......what do you say about this?......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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Wiseman2......... This is not the same girl, this is a new girl I started a new relationship on December 2015.........what do you say about this?......

This happened before I was even on the picture, before we meet, but once I found out it made think if she would do the same to me.

So as time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time and that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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An scenario......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.


Yes.. you said that in you Opening Post already. Why did you stay with her when she clearly told you that she didn't want anymore children when you do want them?

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this is a new girl I started a new relationship on December 2015.........what do you say about this?......

This happened before I was even on the picture, before we meet, but once I found out it made think if she would do the same to me.

So as time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time and that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.

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Yes.. you said that in you Opening Post already. Why did you stay with her when she clearly told you that she didn't want anymore children when you do want them?


ThatwasThen........When I asked her about this issue, she said that she re-encounter an old ex-boyfriend and that they because boyfriend/girlfriend over the phone, and since they already knew each other from before, it made it easier for both to accept their re-encounter and maintain communications via social media, and that they were making plans to actually be together in person like the old times, this what my girlfriend refers to as only having one boyfriend during the 5 years that she separated her domestic partner, but what I found out is that is that she was flirting with other guys and went the extra mile to meet one of them, and the other ones she kept feeding them or per say keep them on the back burner...... and my question to all of you here on this page is: even tho this is part of her past and I was not there when it happened, if she would do something like this to me

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Yes.. you said that in you Opening Post already. Why did you stay with her when she clearly told you that she didn't want anymore children when you do want them?


Why do you keep writing the same post over and over?


We all can see every post, it isn't necessary to keep copying and pasting the same thing into a new post.


Are you more upset with her dating lots of men than you are over her lying about having more children?


boltnrun.....sorry for re-posting over and over, I am new to these forums and I am just learning.

I am concerned about everything, that is why I made 3 sections of issues, each one is different.

I did not asked about her past flings or relationships, she was the one whom freely and voluntarily opened up to some of her past, but then I found out that it was not as she said it was, she was flirting, playing and going out with other guys before me; and I just wonder if I shall be concern myself that she does the same to me

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Well you have been posting here for over a year, so you're not really that new!


Anyway...it seems you are not that upset that she lied about not being able to have more children. More that she lied about other men.


She's a liar. At the very least, you know for sure she lies. About a lot of stuff.

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I just wonder if I shall be concern myself that she does the same to me
No, what you should be concerned about is that you stayed with even after she said she didn't want anymore children when you clearly do want them. What will you do, have them with another woman while you stay with this liar you are hung up on?
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Yes.. you said that in you Opening Post already. Why did you stay with her when she clearly told you that she didn't want anymore children when you do want them?


Because love is confusing, because if I can find happiness with her and still not have kids, and I feel complete; I will be there.

But the way she started lying from simple white lies to major ones, made me alert.

1- Lied about being able to have kids when her uterus is gone.

2- Lied about been married for a second time, when in fact she was only a domestic partner for a long time.

3- Lied about not seeing, meeting or being interested in men, during the 5 years she separated her partner.

4- Lied about only having one boyfriend via social media, when she actually went out and meet other guys in person, when in fact she was making initial contact with the guys to call up upon their attention.


Is all of these part of her past and shall I be okay with it, or run as far as I can from her?

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Is she looking for a husband/visa? Why would someone bother scamming this much?

1- Lied about being able to have kids when her uterus is gone.

2- Lied about been married for a second time, when in fact she was only a domestic partner for a long time.

3- Lied about not seeing, meeting or being interested in men, during the 5 years she separated her partner.

4- Lied about only having one boyfriend via social media, when she actually went out and meet other guys in person, when in fact she was making initial contact with the guys to call up upon their attention.

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brienoch...........what do you say about this?......As everyone starts new relationships, both of the couple does not want to know or need to know about their past, but sometimes we at the beginning of a relationship we tend to open up a little and tell them about some past.......So she freely and voluntarily told me with out any pressure from me, that when she divorced her last husband ( on which she was never married to him, she was a domestic partner ), that she stayed single without any men for 5 years, that she did not want to do anything with men, that she was a one man woman's.

As time went by, I learned that she was a big flirt with men, that she will use facebook to meet various guys at the same time, that she will smartly guide them so that they fall for her, she had two boyfriends at the same time, making them have expectations on her, and also keeping other guys on the burner, enticing them with nice words, each of the guys never knew about the other one, each of the guys though they were the first and only one............So since this information of her past came up to me, I got curious and had asked nicely if she has dated other guys after her separation from her domestic partner, and she said that she only had one boyfriend and the rest were guys whom were hitting on her but she never went out with those guys, but she did went out with other guys, she was making plans to meet other guys on different dates.


I say that she is a compulsive liar and a flirt. Regardless of all of the lying, the fact is that you are incompatible. You want kids, she literally cannot have them. Sounds like she will lie to you and tell you whatever it is she thinks you want to hear. It also sounds like she plans to maintain her many boyfriends.

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