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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Hate bills, especially when I have no money to pay them... STTTINKKK!


$800 Council rates are due, $1500 dentist fee due, Insurance is due, School fees are due, Vet fees for dying gorgeous kittycat due... and its my babies 13th birthday -


and... then I go and drop my shinny new 2 week old phone and smashed the screen! DUMB! - gotta laugh...


I wish people just wanted my smile I have an endless supply of smiles!

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Gene Wilder just passed away. Not only am I incredibly annoyed with Death (really Grimmy, first you take Robin Williams and now Gene, you scythe bearing tart) I am also just really, really, REALLY sad.


That's annoying. Will have to pull out my time worn copy of Young Frankenstein and laugh and cry tonight with the family.

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I am not really one for censorship in film and/or books beyond the obvious of say child pornography. Even those terrible "grey" books and the sparkly vampire books, while to me anyways were full of dangerous stereotypes that depict unreal and unhealthy relationships, still didn't really raise my ire. I mean, it's escapism, what are you gonna do.


But I just saw a trailer for a movie that so deeply offends me I think I'd slap the screenwriter if they walked up to me: misogynistic, misandristic, racist beyond all belief, all white women hate sex, all white men are beer-guzzling gun-totin' rednecks, small towns are full of stupid people, no person of color ever follows the law.


For the first time in my life, in my entire fricking life, I actually find myself so deeply offended by something I now understand that for all our government's blather about equality and equal rights, for all our politician's blather about it too, in the end it means nothing. We are all seen as clichés to be made fun of to suit some political puppet purposes.


Rant over. Beyond annoyed, simply just appalled. I'll bet there isn't a sterotype in that piece of ship film that won't get made fun of.

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