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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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When would people get that if there is no value produced by a service or product then it's a Ponzi scheme or something similar. Of course it works as long as people keep pumping money but in most cases something goes awry and the bubble bursts.  

It's funny if you think about it, con artists (who basically want to make a lot of money fast) make money by duping the people who want to make a lot of money fast. Ironic. 

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14 hours ago, dias said:

It's funny if you think about it, con artists (who basically want to make a lot of money fast) make money by duping the people who want to make a lot of money fast.

I've noticed that irony, too.

14 hours ago, dias said:

When would people get that if there is no value produced by a service or product then it's a Ponzi scheme or something similar.

The desire to purchase something at all is really strange, when you think about it. I mean, aside from necessities.

Of course, that hasn't stopped me from purchasing random crap lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/17/2022 at 9:32 AM, Jibralta said:

I've noticed that irony, too.

The desire to purchase something at all is really strange, when you think about it. I mean, aside from necessities.

Of course, that hasn't stopped me from purchasing random crap lol.

You can always count on a lot of people to be very greedy!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you ever notice how many times you sit across from someone who speaks at you?  They rattle on and on and at no time do they try to engage you in any sort of exchange.  I feel as if I could screw off my head and leave it on the table and they'd continue.

If you try to get a word in edgewise, they just highjack the conversation.  The other evening, I had to basically stand up and start putting on my coat to leave to cut them off.  They followed me to my car and kept talking until I closed the door.

Getting ready to meet my bf and his parents for breakfast.  His mom is one of those people.  It drains the life out of me.

Love the holidays, but this part of it I am glad it's over.  3 of them in one week, including my own brother.


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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Coily said:

Is it me or is there something over self validation focused about a member of the forum? Part wonder if they’re okay in thier home life, or they are just that big of a jerk. Not helpful for those seeking advice.

I'm not sure who you're referring to (maybe it's me!), but I have found that some people (not necessarily just on this forum but also on other platforms) just cannot stand being disagreed with or to have their opinions challenged. If someone expresses a different opinion they take it very personally and will rebut with a seven paragraph response reiterating their opinion. Even if someone says "OK, fine, we just disagree" they will respond AGAIN with another seven paragraphs.

I agree that it turns off the OP and makes them not want to return to their own thread. Or their own post.

At least no one on here insults others. I presume it wouldn't be allowed. I have been called some pretty hilarious names on other forums and platforms. My favorite was when someone said I was "shrill". Um, you can't hear my voice, buddy! Hysterical. 

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On 1/26/2023 at 11:08 AM, boltnrun said:

I'm not sure who you're referring to (maybe it's me!), but I have found that some people (not necessarily just on this forum but also on other platforms) just cannot stand being disagreed with or to have their opinions challenged. If someone expresses a different opinion they take it very personally and will rebut with a seven paragraph response reiterating their opinion. Even if someone says "OK, fine, we just disagree" they will respond AGAIN with another seven paragraphs.

I agree that it turns off the OP and makes them not want to return to their own thread. Or their own post.

At least no one on here insults others. I presume it wouldn't be allowed. I have been called some pretty hilarious names on other forums and platforms. My favorite was when someone said I was "shrill". Um, you can't hear my voice, buddy! Hysterical. 

Definitely not you Bolt, nor some of the usual "suspects." Ha

Though I have seen a few mild insults from time to time. There are also times when I want to throw out the counter-productive insult, though I have enough self control to stop myself from such indulgences.



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As I spent some time on this response I'm posting it here for that guy stuck on dating.


As a man, and I just checked a moment ago I'll weigh in here. And probably make everyone a bit mad at me.

First thing I'll ask is your age and general geographic area, no doxing please.

I'm too near 40 and have struggled with being single pretty much my entire life. It sucks, there's no just being happy and making due if you want to be in a relationship. There is coping with being single, and that's about it.

So yes you need to naturally look at the dating market you are looking in. You need to realistically look at the couples you see in everyday life, how are they balanced between looks? Height differences etc. Then look at the personality differences, I would suspect there is a wider array of personality differences than what you see on the surface. Then look at the fiscal surface areas, because unless you are an accountant you won't really know.

So you collect all that data and then throw it out. Why? Because it means jack squat when it comes to dating. Yes enough women in your sample will swoon over Studly Douche-McMoneyson, because he's got it going on; but I'd be willing to bet he's a shallow vapid moron who couldn't rub two brain cells together.

You speak of the buzzwords like "attitude" and "mindset", it's all code for protector. The could mean physical, economic or social. Women, despite what feminism has sold women, want a protector figure in their life. Just as men want a nurturer figure in their lives.  It's about finding a complimentary partner.

I have dated 3 models in my life, I have dated the skinny girls and the blimps. The relationships that flourished (All 2 of them) hinged on my being seen as someone dependable, and protective of them (not over protective). What are YOU bringing to the plate to be a comfort in the rough times?

You want a relationship? You have to work on being seen as a defender, a dependable man of honor, and comfort. If you don't have the looks, charm, or cash; you can develop skills to be respectable and honorable.

These ladies here mean well, and from their perspective are telling you what they value. But like we man can't give birth, they cannot fundamentally know what it's like to be a man trying to date in "current year."

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4 hours ago, Coily said:

As I spent some time on this response I'm posting it here for that guy stuck on dating.


As a man, and I just checked a moment ago I'll weigh in here. And probably make everyone a bit mad at me.

First thing I'll ask is your age and general geographic area, no doxing please.

I'm too near 40 and have struggled with being single pretty much my entire life. It sucks, there's no just being happy and making due if you want to be in a relationship. There is coping with being single, and that's about it.

So yes you need to naturally look at the dating market you are looking in. You need to realistically look at the couples you see in everyday life, how are they balanced between looks? Height differences etc. Then look at the personality differences, I would suspect there is a wider array of personality differences than what you see on the surface. Then look at the fiscal surface areas, because unless you are an accountant you won't really know.

So you collect all that data and then throw it out. Why? Because it means jack squat when it comes to dating. Yes enough women in your sample will swoon over Studly Douche-McMoneyson, because he's got it going on; but I'd be willing to bet he's a shallow vapid moron who couldn't rub two brain cells together.

You speak of the buzzwords like "attitude" and "mindset", it's all code for protector. The could mean physical, economic or social. Women, despite what feminism has sold women, want a protector figure in their life. Just as men want a nurturer figure in their lives.  It's about finding a complimentary partner.

I have dated 3 models in my life, I have dated the skinny girls and the blimps. The relationships that flourished (All 2 of them) hinged on my being seen as someone dependable, and protective of them (not over protective). What are YOU bringing to the plate to be a comfort in the rough times?

You want a relationship? You have to work on being seen as a defender, a dependable man of honor, and comfort. If you don't have the looks, charm, or cash; you can develop skills to be respectable and honorable.

These ladies here mean well, and from their perspective are telling you what they value. But like we man can't give birth, they cannot fundamentally know what it's like to be a man trying to date in "current year."

Just wanted to stand up and applaud you Coily! 

I couldn’t agree more! Well said! Well said.



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Give me strength.

Going in for a meeting with someone who drones on and on about herself and what a hero she is. Meanwhile, chickie takes up hours of my time for something that could be done in 15-20 minutes including chit chat. Wanna help people? Realize we got to work to live, and 4 hours on your time table takes away precious time I could be earning or spending doing something I like. Harumph. Lol. 

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