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This is it. My mom is dying.


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Seriously I though she would out live us all, and at 110 get hit by a bus. It's inconceivable that there could be a world without her.


She is very, very sick and could have as little as a week or as long as 4 months.


My boss, such a great person, told me to get on my car and drive and to not worry at all, to take as much time as I need with her.


I've been at the hospital for a few hours. She is sleeping and we talked a little. My siblings are making there way into town.


My boyfriend has been wonderful. He lost his father years ago so he has been where I am.


I hold it together, then I cry, I'm ok and then I'm not. It's impossible for me to think of the world without her.

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So sorry. So sorry. I see the situation often from the other side of the bed as a physician. Sometimes the family members are distraught because they feel like they can't do anything. But you can. Be with each other (family members), be strong for your mother, stay by her bedside, make her as comfortable as possible. Read her books. Play her music. Massage her feet. Talk to the nurses. Talk to the doctors. Be active. Wet her lips with ice cubes or swabs. The small things that family members do often make them feel less distraught... Do the small things.

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My mom lost her mom when she was 24. My mom told me when I was in my 20s that she never was without her mom. Now that my mom's been gone 10 years, indeed,. It's true. I talk to her all the time. When I was really at my wits end last spring, I spoke out loud to her. While walking outdoors. I know she heard me.


I am so sorry for the need to prepare for this transition. So much to be grateful for, so much to miss. We are lucky to have parents whom we will miss, and who stay with us.


Wishing you well during this time.

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I'm really sorry to hear this.


My Mom's been gone for 6 months now, so I know what you're feeling. Just try to keep the happy memories there, always in your head and in your conversations with her. It'll be confusing, very surreal, for quite a while and you'll definitely feel off-balance.


Peace to both of you.

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It is a horrible club to join. My heart goes out to you. Share your favorite memories with her, and ask for hers. Make the transition as peaceful as possible. Forgive her her trespasses against you --- and remember that she will always be in your heart and in your world.

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My heart aches for you as I have been where you are now. It is such a helpless feeling just being there and feeling like you are not doing anything to help the woman that gave so much for you.

If allowed bring in some music she loves and pictures from home she can see while laying in bed. Remembrances of a life well lived, of love and good times and things that are special to her. Talking and sharing these memories is something you can do together as her time grows near.





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