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Lonely With Her: Ramblings of a madman.


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Well I shot her a message today wishing her a happy holiday and tried to lock down specifics. No answer and that was early this afternoon. Big deal I know. Just strange since up to this point she's responded to anything really quickly. I means it's fine, and I'm of the mindset to not make problems in my head when I don't need to. Just a bit disappointed. Either way there's plenty of time until Saturday and if I don't hear back I'll wait until Friday to confirm our plans.

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Well I shot her a message today wishing her a happy holiday and tried to lock down specifics. No answer and that was early this afternoon. Big deal I know. Just strange since up to this point she's responded to anything really quickly. I means it's fine, and I'm of the mindset to not make problems in my head when I don't need to. Just a bit disappointed. Either way there's plenty of time until Saturday and if I don't hear back I'll wait until Friday to confirm our plans.


I find it odd that you would already be focused on confirming for the next weekend. Kinda might make it seem you have nothing else going on. It's Memorial Day dude. It's a holiday!

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Of course you're right, but I'm on the last week of overnight shifts, therefore I have to sleep in late in order to function all night. So not much to do today but things around the house until going into work. Of course hind sight, I wouldn't have sent it.


It isn't a big deal at all, I think I'm a bit moody today is all. I am actively looking to have a few other dates here and there also. Two of them just flaked and another one just no showing. It'll be fine, I figure I'll hear back from her at some this weekend. I only sent the one text. If not I'll check in on Friday.

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So I'm doing things a bit different. I'm meeting up with an old fwb Friday night. The 2nd date with the most recent girl I went to the zoo with Saturday (assuming). Also the girl that cancelled the Dave and busters date with me awhile back contacted me yesterday and I got back to her this morning. She basically said "so when do I get to meet you", which is funny because she hadn't tried to reschedule after she cancelled so I sort of let that go and we had very little contact. Looks like that's rescheduled for next Wednesday.


How's that for multi dating? Def a new experience for me, but a necessary one imo.

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The other guy musn't have worked out. I wouldn't give her a second chance, but if you're not expecting anything great from her...


She usually claims being busy with working OT etc, but I'm not completely stupid.


Mainly giving it one shot because she had reached out twice before last night but I was waiting on her to reschedule, and it was breadcrumbs. this time I just threw it out there.

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2nd date with "K" went well today. Our original plans got rained out but we ended up catching a movie that included hand holding then caught a couple drinks and I dropped her off. We made out which was pretty great. She made it a point to tell me she's free either Monday or Wednesday, so shouldn't be a week until next time. So I'm optimistic as far as it comes to this one. Still have that date Wednesday and possibly a different first date tomorrow night. That's all I have for now.

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Well "K" cancelled last Monday and asked if we could reschedule. I said sure but she has yet to bring up a date. Shes out of town until next week. Starting to have doubts on her interest. That or she is just really busy. Things organically escalated from the first and second dates and things really seemed to go well. Guess you never know.


The Dave and Busters rescheduled date, that girl straight never responded to confirmation messages the day before and also the morning of the date. She gone.


Met another girl on Sunday night though. Hit it off really well and had a lot of fun. We did sleep together and i left the next afternoon. Im not sure about her yet but she is fun/funny and it was great being around her. Even though we did already fool around and that isnt always the best way to go.


Anyway thats what i have. I return to work as usual Monday.

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Went to my friends wife's roller derby game Saturday night and the after party. What I'm noticing from all these interactions (mostly downfalls) that I'm definitely better about approaching girls now, or at least not worry about it so much. Approached a girl and her couple friends at the after party. She was with friends so she sort of rejoined them, of which I did t mind. But before that happened I told her I'd like to go out sometime. She told me to Facebook message her, in a way I dismissed it as a blow off and no big deal. She had looked up my Facebook during our short interaction. Either way, this morning I saw I had a friend request from her so I accepted and followed through reiterating I'd like to go out. She said "sure. Sounds good" so I told her to let me know when she's free In the next couple weeks and we can set something up. She then Sent a thumbs up emoji and that was it.


My question is, I feel like I've been leaving the ball in their court when I'm not sure if they're really interested back. Is that generally a good way to go?

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See in this case, where she added you and you suggested going out and she said sounds good, I would've lock in a date right then and there by saying "which day suits you next week? I'm free on xyz days" or "how does xyz day next week work for you", rather than saying "let me know", it seems like you're not putting in the effort or trying to play hard to get or not all that keen?


If you had proposed a specific date and they say I'll get back to you, or they say they're not sure, then it's fine to say let me know and leave it in their court.

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Contacted "K" up for setting up a possible third date. She suggested Sunday afternoon. That's good and fine but that makes me feel almost like id be on a time limit, if that makes any sense? Really hard to gauge her interest. The first two dates were a lot of fun and we kissed on the first, then held hands during the movie and made out that evening. These were a week apart and its been longer since the second. I initiated all three dates, assuming this third one happens. I also don't really hear from her otherwise or in between. I know how things go when we're actually together is what should be important, but also don't want to waste my time.

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Contacted "K" up for setting up a possible third date. She suggested Sunday afternoon. That's good and fine but that makes me feel almost like id be on a time limit, if that makes any sense? Really hard to gauge her interest. The first two dates were a lot of fun and we kissed on the first, then held hands during the movie and made out that evening. These were a week apart and its been longer since the second. I initiated all three dates, assuming this third one happens. I also don't really hear from her otherwise or in between. I know how things go when we're actually together is what should be important, but also don't want to waste my time.


I suggest afternoon dates when I want to get to know someone better when I want to get past the dinner/drinks/movie and get activity, talk, play. It provides a way of getting to see more dimensions of someone or rather, of two people together.

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Wasn't that the issue with your ex (the one referred to in the title of this journal)?


Yep. although this is two dates as opposed to a couple of months full of dates and agreeing to be a couple, etc. Definitely something to think about though. Just not sure if shes actually interested is all.

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Yep. although this is two dates as opposed to a couple of months full of dates and agreeing to be a couple, etc. Definitely something to think about though. Just not sure if shes actually interested is all.


She is interested.


At what level of interest is more your question. Have you talked about goals, values?

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A bit, we talked about our jobs and since we used to work together talked about past co-workers and laughed most of the way through it.


Was just thinking, on our zoo date she seemed to make a big deal out of seeing the Red Panda exhibit. Im thinking she really likes those. Would it be too much to surprise her with a red panda plush? Cheap, but thoughtful spontaneous gift when i pick her up?


She is 24, if that makes a difference.

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I would lay off gifts until you're a bit established. If it's a couple of months in, you surprise her with a red panda plush and say I remember you seems to really like it on our second date, I'm sure she would think you're being super thoughtful to still remember that.

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I would lay off gifts until you're a bit established. If it's a couple of months in, you surprise her with a red panda plush and say I remember you seems to really like it on our second date, I'm sure she would think you're being super thoughtful to still remember that.


Appreciate the fast response. I actually looked some up, then paused and decided to post here. Guess that would fall under the category of trying too hard.


Id be curious to hear what more people think too, it was from the first date so i thought it would be a small "was thinking of you" sort of gift.

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