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moral/ethical/financial dilemma

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I'm struggling with something right now. Maybe it's those darned philosphy classes I took recently. I don't know.


If you could rob a bank, and not get caught, would you? Obviously, I don't plan to rob a bank. But there's something I can do to possibly obtain money, but it's not really moral/ethical.


If you were walking behind a really wealthy person, and they dropped $1000.00, would you keep it, knowing for a fact they can do without the money?


Basically, through depression and procrastination I lost some money, and I kinda have a way to make up for some of it.


How many people lie on their taxes, and can sleep well at night?


UGH, not sure what to do, and not sure if I should come right out and say what the scenario is.

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I would keep the 1000 dollar if I needed them to suvive. I think my conscience would not allow me to keep them if I can survive without them. 1000 dollar would come in hand, yes, but I can also do without them.


Hard subject to discuss on an online forum, even if you are anonymous.


Do you really really really need this? Who and to what point will be damaged if you do this?


I won't give you some morally correct advice, that would be hypocrite from my side. I ask you these two questions on the line above. The decision is yours.

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In all honesty, I value my moral integrity.


For the $1,000 dropped by a rich person? I would give it back even if I was hungry. Seriously. I'd probably mention while handing it over how incredibly hard it was to do that and hope that they, in turn, would do the right thing and give a reward of sorts (which many people would - but not all)... but... I wouldn't take it upon myself to steal the money deciding they "don't need it". You don't know people's lives. They could be bringing in a million but be two million dollars in debt! It's not my place to decide.


For the bank - no, I wouldn't rob a bank either (even if it wasn't illegal).


There are moral and legal ways to get money. You can get a 2nd job, cut grass, walk dogs, do a paper route, etc. You can go to any one of a number of organizations for help. You can sell "stuff" that you have at home. You can save money by cutting cable, dropping your home phone or downgrading your cell phone plan, you can sell your car and get a beater instead, you can eat beans and rice, etc. Lots of ways to muddle through.


My moral integrity is worth more than a 'quick fix'.

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I've learned over the years that doing something unethical in the way of money usually has a way to come back and bite one in the butt--hard. Our prison system is littered with people who thought they could get away with easy money taken and then didn't. Sorry nope, and yeah I'd return that $1,000 too. There's no way to tell if someone would really need that $1,000 or not. What if it was the pay for the rich guy's housekeeper and he just told her, "Sorry, I lost it. You'll have to wait now." And she was a single mom.


I have had to deal with moral temptations in that area--I was/am a single mom and while I'm okay financially these days that wasn't always the case. I once fed my family for a month solely, because someone in my apartment complex decided they were going to throw away the coins they'd amassed in several giant jars for a few years. They were moving, didn't want the hassle and were going to throw them in the dumpster until I swallowed my pride and asked for them instead. I spent all night rolling the darn things then taking them to the bank the next day. That's how desperate I was financially at the time. I would sometimes be tempted to steal from others or grab easy cash laying there, but I never did because I didn't want the potential trouble that would have come from it--i.e. me in jail with my kids in child protective services custody.


No, even if you have to scrub people's floors I think you're better off doing so while you plot and scheme how you can start a business for yourself or an extra job for that cash. Robbing a bank? Fugedabboudid, you'd be looking over your shoulder your entire life--not worth it.


However I am going to acknowledge that maybe if I was starving it would be another story, because let's face facts--in a real life or death situation I suspect I would do many things to survive and keep my loved ones alive that do not fall under the category of "things my mom would be proud I did" but until then nope. I'll suck it up and work extra hours instead and go bend over backwards to keep clients happy and food on my table.

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What goes around, comes around.


I once scraped a car in a parking lot because I was in a hurry to get to a meeting. I dented the door....nothing major. And I didn't have time to wait around.

I left my name and number on the windshield. For a few days, heard nothing.

Then I got the call. The person thanked me ---- I told them I would pay them out of pocket as it was a company car and I didn't want to report it.

They gave me 2 estimates....and I paid them.


One week later, I was walking down the sidewalk in a town near me. A cop car "chirped" and pulled up next to me. The cop was a kid I went to HS with ---

I knew him, but not well. He called me over and said "that was my parents' car you hit --- and took care of. If you ever need help in this town, you call me",


I thanked him ---- and never needed to make the call.

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Mhowe hit the nail on the head. I knew that was the right answer...just struggling. I don't need the money to live. If I did then it might be different.


It's not something illegal, but immoral nonetheless.


Nothing like a few philosophy courses to f*ck with your head, right?


Go with whatever you feel is right for you - so long as it doesn't cause anyone harm (including yourself).

I've been in similar ethical dilemmas, and choosing what feels right to YOU is the most important thing. Objective ethics be damned. They won't help you rationalize something enough to sleep well at night. Do whatever you feel is right for you, within reason of course, and if it's within the law... go for it. No need to think of it again.

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Remember the story of what goes around.....


I was in Paris at the Rodin Museum with my sister and nephew. In my pocket was an envelop with euros and one credit card. I paid for our gelatos and we left and went to a cafe. When I went to pay for lunch, my pocket was empty. I ran back to the museum, but it was closed. Went to a bank and cancelled the credit card. And I don't speak French.


Once back at our hotel, I asked the conseirge to call the Rodin. He looked at me like I needed to have my head examined.

We went out to dinner, came back to hotel and went to bed.

I was out a credit card that hopefully no one put a lot of stuff on....and probably 600 euros.


Next day, leaving the hotel to go to Paris...consierge calls me over and says "Mhowe....I do not believe this, but your envelope with your credit card and cash was turned in at the Rodin....OMG!!


And I thought to myself.....what goes around, comes around.

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* If you could rob a bank, and not get caught, would you? - No. I'd be terrified of getting caught and locked up. Not worth it.


* If you were walking behind a really wealthy person, and they dropped $1000.00, would you keep it, knowing for a fact they can do without the money? - No. I'd have a guilty conscience forever and it would drive me mad.


* How many people lie on their taxes, and can sleep well at night? - Have never done this and never will.


OP: In the end, it all comes down to self-respect, honesty and integrity. Doing the wrong thing is never worth it (imo).

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Are you going to let people from Craigslist sniff your feet, or shove them in a closet and verbally berate them as they get their jollies from it? That's not illegal...Questionable, but not illegal. Lol.


All I can say is, LOL!!!!!!!!! And again and again!!! LOL


As a mom, when tempted with something, I always stop and think about how I want them to lead their lives. I also value what they think of me - and how they will view my life choices when I am gone.


You're a mom - take the high road.


You are completely right. I felt in a bad funk yesterday, I think that had to do with my temptation. I was completely out of sorts.


In all honesty, I value my moral integrity.


For the $1,000 dropped by a rich person? I would give it back even if I was hungry. Seriously. I'd probably mention while handing it over how incredibly hard it was to do that and hope that they, in turn, would do the right thing and give a reward of sorts (which many people would - but not all)... but... I wouldn't take it upon myself to steal the money deciding they "don't need it". You don't know people's lives. They could be bringing in a million but be two million dollars in debt! It's not my place to decide.


For the bank - no, I wouldn't rob a bank either (even if it wasn't illegal).


There are moral and legal ways to get money. You can get a 2nd job, cut grass, walk dogs, do a paper route, etc. You can go to any one of a number of organizations for help. You can sell "stuff" that you have at home. You can save money by cutting cable, dropping your home phone or downgrading your cell phone plan, you can sell your car and get a beater instead, you can eat beans and rice, etc. Lots of ways to muddle through.


My moral integrity is worth more than a 'quick fix'.


Yes, you are right as well. I'm sorry I even considered something that goes against my moral code.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, I do know, from other's stories, that what goes around comes around. A friend once told me how she was somehow getting free pizza, it was several years ago so I don't completely remember. Then she got an absess tooth (sp?) and said it cost about the same amount of money she saved on all those free pizzas.




Yes, you're right.




Another good story, thanks for sharing.




Yes, that darn Philosophy class.....there was a story about a ring that could make you invisible. The thing I'd love to do most is punch my ex hubby in the face without him knowing it was me. LOL








Thank you for your honesty.......




Another great story




I must admit Capricorn, a lot of times, its the fear of getting caught that stops me from doing things, more than the ethics. I know that's probably a bad admission to make, but it's the truth. I tend to have a good moral compass, but sometimes, like this, I flounder. Yes, my integrity is worth more than the money.

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