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Girls, What is Important? - Looks, Penis Size, Personality or Money?


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What is Important to You?



Girls, could you rank which of the 4 criteria is the most important for you to enter a relationship with a man:


Looks, Penis Size, Personality and Money.

Just rank it from 1 to 4, most important first.



And if you have more time on your hand, let's give each of the criteria a possible 0-10 points, how many points would you consider adequate?

This is of course based on personal preference when it comes to looks, penis size and personality at least.


Let me give you some examples, take a look at candidates A to D.



Looks: Like a hamburger with acnes all over his face (0 points)

Penis Size: 4" long and 3" girth, while you have a loose vagina (0 points)

Personality: Retarded, lazy, boring, unable to form a coherent sentence (0 points)

Money: Lives in a dumpster and has no clue how to get money/if in Europe; too stupid to report to social welfare (0 points)



Looks: To your preference he looks completely average (6 points)

Penis Size: 8" long 7" girth, you have a loose vagina so it fits perfectly (10 points)

Personality: Acts like an ass but you can find that attractive (7 points)

Money: Works as a clerk, no education and no plans for the future (2 points)

= 25 points



Looks: Very good looking face and a fit, tall body (9 points)

Penis Size: 6" long 5" girth, while you have an average vagina (5 points)

Personality: Ambitious, intelligent, caring, alpha male with some minor faults (8 points)

Money: Upstart millionaire of a booming importing business (8 points)*9 is reserved for multi-millionaires and 10 is reserved for billionaires

= 30 points



Looks: Like you would imagine perfection to look in a man (10 points)

Penis Size: 7" long 5" girth, while you have a tight vagina (10 points)

Personality: Your dream image of how a man should be (10 points)

Money: Ranking number 1 on Forbes 100. (10 points)



Two of these were based on some people I know, the other two were just examples.


Again, which of the 4 criteria is most important. Rank 1-4.

I would like to see why you pick one criteria over another.

And, how many points would be required to make you happy?



Also, if you like to answer it further


- What would describe perfect looks to you?


- What is the perfect penis size to you?


- Is there such a thing as too big a penis for you?


- How does the perfect man act, speak and think in your opinion?


- Is there such a thing as too much money?


- Do you prefer men who were born into money or those who are self made from scratch?


- Would you prefer a man to be discreet about his wealth status or flash it with expensive clothes, cars and jewelry?

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personality 1 most important



penis 4 least important


For me, his penis is really a non-issue. i am much more interested in the man attached to it!


i don't need or even want a billionaire. Not even a crazy rich man. I want a man who is educated and fun to be with, someone i'd want to spend the next 60 years of my life with. I have my own money, i don't need to sponge off a man.

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In order:




Penis size


Only the personality matters to me. In the case of looks, I wouldn't want him to be a fat slob or have poor hygiene. Money, as long as he has a job (although this isn't a big deal now with the economy). Penis size doesn't matter at all.



What would describe perfect looks to you?

Well, my "perfect" look is dark haired, prefer Latin males who are somewhat thin to somewhat muscular (but not too much). However I don't care about this in a mate.


- What is the perfect penis size to you?

No opinion


- Is there such a thing as too big a penis for you?

Yes, too big is uncomfortable for me.


- How does the perfect man act, speak and think in your opinion?

Treats me well, doesn't abuse me, isn't a chauvinist, and thinks women are just as equal.


- Is there such a thing as too much money?

I guess you can never have too much money.


- Do you prefer men who were born into money or those who are self made from scratch?

I'd guess the guy who's self made has a better work ethic than the one born into it, but this doesn't matter.


- Would you prefer a man to be discreet about his wealth status or flash it with expensive clothes, cars and jewelry?

Discreet. I hate people that brag about money.

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First, you are not going to find a 'right' or 'average' answer to any of those questions. Most people don't do this kind of rating when they date, they just start dating someone who is attractive to them emotionally, physically etc.


And everyone is totally different in what is important to them, so you can't ask these kinds of detailed questions and expect to get a consensus.


And frankly, the majority of women are NOT obsessed by penis size at all, men are obsessed by penis size (their own in relation to other men's).

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I can manage with a man who's never going to be a millionaire. So long as he's willing to work at all, that's fine. I'm well aware myself of how confining 9-5 work can feel after all, I won't insist someone else absolutely love it.

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I like how penis size is just thrown in there.


I am pretty damn sure there is such a thing as "too big", the ones that say there isn't are either guys, or they are just kidding themselves.


As for the rest..all is entirely subjective. There is no such thing as a perfect for all.

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Money & penis... they're waaaay far down though. Looks, too, even. While looks are important, they're not number 2 on my list. Personality is without a doubt, the biggest factor.

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Seriously, I've never had sex and I have no clue but why would size matter?


So for me it's

1. Personality

2. Looks

3. Money

4. Penis Size


And yes I can imagine there is a such thing as too big. Money questions are difficult to answer because I don't care if you're born into wealth or got there by yourself but if you get too cocky/arrogant because you have "it", it's pretty much a no-go. And looks - well let me be honest, I'd like to say I don't care but of course I do. But the guy could be drop dead gorgeous, if his Personality is ugly, it's a dead end.

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Personality. Far and away and #1 ALWAYS, Personality.


Looks are a far second, with this disclaimer -- looks that are appealing to me. If he looks like the Hollywood Hunk-du-jour, that likely won't be appealing to me. If he looks like any of these generic-y "good looking" guys I see in various media and who are supposedly "hot," I probably won't find him attractive, either. Everyone has different definitions of what's attractive, and many times it's not what we're told is attractive. In another example, there's no way I'd fit society's (or most people's) definition of a "hot chick," but you'd better not say that to my husband, because to him, I am a "hot chick."


Money? Pfffft. I can (and always have) earn my own, what the heck do I need his for?


Penis size? If we're talking relationship and not just one-night-sexfest or the plastic/latex variety, I'm going to spending far, far, FAR more time dealing with what's attached to the penis rather than the penis itself. This isn't even on the radar.

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I can't judge a man solely on just one criteria in order to enter a relationship. He has to have that something special about him and penis size is something I wouldn't even think about upon entering a relationship.

I need to be attracted to the man and can get along with him. Someone who will challenge me and who I can have a decent intelligent conversation with about anything. If we disagree even better. He stands his ground and we don't need to have the same opinion on everything in order to be together. I have have strong beliefs and accept him as a grown up individual with his own beliefs.


I can't say looks don't matter because as I said they do, but I can't pick one or the other. I don't want to be with a dumb hot guy and I also don't want to be with someone that I'm not attracted to but who is smart and had a good personality. I just wouldn't be happy


I will answer your questions though.


Also, if you like to answer it further:


- What would describe perfect looks to you?

There is no perfect look, he has t have that something about him that attracts me. I do prefer taller guys, darker hair, or not hair at all,dark eyes, nice smile.

- What is the perfect penis size to you?

This is such a subjective Q/A as long as he knows how to use it, it's perfect.

- Is there such a thing as too big a penis for you?

What is it with these penis questions?

- How does the perfect man act, speak and think in your opinion?

He is himself.

- Is there such a thing as too much money?

There could be, if too much money means you lose your self worth and turn into a person not worth knowing.

- Do you prefer men who were born into money or those who are self made from scratch?

Really don't know. Self made money is usually a preference I guess because the individual worked hard for it, but with that also comes no holiday, no family time, always working which in turn means the money is worthless if you're going to be waiting for him at home every night while he is busy at the office and the kids never see their father.

Being born into money is a whole different ballgame, they grow up a certain way, believe in certain things and act a certain way that they have been taught to. I'm not sure which one is worse of these two.

- Would you prefer a man to be discreet about his wealth status or flash it with expensive clothes, cars and jewelry?

I'd want someone comfortable enough to enjoy their wealth and their purchases.

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I think it's very safe to say that 95%+ of people out there look for a combination of looks/personality. I really doubt that you'll get more than one or two people saying they'd rank anything else higher. This is generally true regardless of sex/gender/race/sexual preference.

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I will also add that penis size has very little to do with how good the guy is in bed anyway. There are men with huge ones and dont have a clue what good sex is, and there are men with average to small who leave you with your toes curled.

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I am pretty damn sure there is such a thing as "too big", the ones that say there isn't are either guys, or they are just kidding themselves.


You've never encountered a girl who couldn't handle certain sizes? Or rather, finds them uncomfortable? Huh.

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And frankly, the majority of women are NOT obsessed by penis size at all, men are obsessed by penis size (their own in relation to other men's).


Yet, why all this focus on penis size in the media about an average penis not being adequate? And even more, discussion boards on the internet. The crowd here seems to be very gentle towards hurting an average man's feelings but that is not the usual way online. I guess you girls are far to nice

What is even more funny when it comes to penis size online is how the average penis among men increase from 6" to 10" when they describe the size of their own.



I can manage with a man who's never going to be a millionaire. So long as he's willing to work at all, that's fine. I'm well aware myself of how confining 9-5 work can feel after all, I won't insist someone else absolutely love it.


Most startup founders don't have that luxury to only work 9-5 for many years, you actually have to work a lot more. The option to retire and barely work at all however, may come much sooner than the average retirement age if one so wishes.



Discreet. I hate people that brag about money.


Okey, well I have a friend who is rich on paper but doesn't have the expensive gadgets to prove it.


So the question to you girls about him is.

This "rich" man actually only have a salary of about 50.000$ while the millions were in stock? Opting not to take out any dividends so most of the revenue can be turned into assets helps a company grow faster and reduce the taxes. Will you put him in the category of a regular salary recipient of 50k or would you view him as a rich man?


Trying to compensate with money is kind of hard unless he can get a girl to look at stock portfolio of his holdings. I guess he should just stick to one night stands until he can cash out big without bankrupting his company in the process.



Personally I thought penis size would be given more weight. Let's put a verbal twist to it.


- How important do you consider a man's ability to please you in bed?


Another question that should have been added to looks:

- What is more important, athletic body or pretty face

I assume here that picking body over face will not make the face ugly, just less perfect but still on the above average side, and likewise in return.

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In the beginning, it is about the looks- it's all about the physical appearance but when I fall in love, it becomes all about the personality. I will this say this though, I've have dated quite a few good looking men but when their cocky and arrogant personality came to the surface, my attraction for them was gone. So to answer your question, out of these 4- personality does it for me.

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Yes there are things missing out but this is a general question and safe to answer truthfully and untruthfully.


Ugh....I had to urge to create another account just so I could put Penis as 1 2 3 & 4 to see what reaction I would get.


I have always found the first things which gets anyone in the door is looks.

Lets face it neither gender is going to pay any attention if they are not physically attracted to them first.


There are the few who say other wise and are the ones who are on this forum.

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I like how penis size is just thrown in there.


I am pretty damn sure there is such a thing as "too big", the ones that say there isn't are either guys, or they are just kidding themselves.


Oh yes there is! Anything that causes ripping or tearing is too big. It took a long long time for me to be able to handle my boyfriend and it still hurt when we have sex. He's big but he's not gigantic. I can't imagine anything larger than 7 or 8 inches and don't want to.

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Notice how everyone puts personality.


Complete and utter rubbish. Girls always say this so as not to appear shallow.


Looks always comes first. . . . .then comes personality. Without a miniscule of attraction nothing else matters.


Sure personality is important (very). . . .but the other person has to at least look normal.


Stop telling fibs girls!

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