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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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I'm 5'7'' so I'm considered a "tall girl" and my height has never, ever, ever been a problem. I didn't even list it when I did online dating and no one cared! In fact, I've had guys tell me "I like your height; I like how I'm a little taller than you but I don't have to look down much!"

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My last ex is 6' 1" (I'm just under 5' 4") and I felt like he was almost too tall for me in a way. I had to stand on my toes -- or he had to bend down a lot -- to kiss him, and when I hugged him it was like I was right in his armpit.


My current guy is definitely under 6' -- I'm guessing 5' 8" or 5' 9, and even with flat shoes, kissing him is a lot easier. He's still a decent-sized guy -- still "bigger" than I (though I suspect he weighs less than 20 pounds more than I do!) so I don't feel like I could overpower him or anything. LOL!


I'm pretty flexible on height, though I'd like the guy to be at least a few inches taller than I. I don't have a problem with attraction to an average or slightly less-than-average height man as long as he isn't obese OR extremely skinny. Same thing with really tall guys -- as long as they're at a reasonable weight -- not too fat or skinny - it's fine with me.


People can't force themselves to be attracted to someone they're not -- i.e. I'm generally not attracted to really skinny guys -- but if the personality is really there, it can make up for other things for me.

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Which brings me back to one of my points. Only on forums do I run into the height issue. It's a good thing I am secure about my height and what I can do with it. It goes to show that people that post on forums are just a tiny fraction of the population.


I'm sure there has to be one woman who posts on annie's thread that likes or doesn't care about height. And I mean dating shorter than themselves.


Annie, how tall/short was the shortest guy you've ever dated?


Btw, I'm not trying to rag on people for having preferences, just trying to open up some people's eyes.... Expand your horizons... If I've met taller woman and they've enjoyed me, maybe you can too!

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I know. Personality really is the most important thing.... but I'm just not attracted to men my height or shorter (I'm 5'7", maybe 5'8"). My ideal is 6'3". However, 5'10" and above is fine. I just never have really had sexual chemistry towards a guy who is not even a touch taller than me. This guy has a cute face.... but now i'm wondering if he's really shorter than 5'7"? I guess an in face meeting would clear that up... gah. i dunno. He also lives about 45 minutes away.


And yes, like petite said, I think that men judge based on weight/frame all the time.


I don't really see how some men judging on weight/frame is relevant. I mean, I personally think that is another bs thing that has been shoved down people's throats. It goes back to the woman being the smaller.


It's your choice, but I can see how your height to have the preference would be rather limiting. That is a real sizable chunk of men in the world who fall beneath the height 'preference'.

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Preferences are preferences. There's nothing really "wrong" with having them, just as long as people understand that they may be limiting. And if you are finding that it's hard to find quality guys, then it's probably in your better interests to expand your horizons a bit.


I do prefer men to be in the range of 5'7''-5'11'', not too short, not too tall, but if I met someone awesome outside of that range, it would be stupid to let something as silly as height get in the way, you know? Good to be open minded.


Weight is a different story because that may speak to lifestyle differences as well as health concerns and such. Height is all about appearances thought and generally has little to do with physical capability.


Personally, I enjoy being a tall girl. It has never affected me in a negative way. Plus, I sometimes work with aggressive patients and I think my height helps me to feel more confident and less able to be intimidated by them when they threaten me or try to size me up.

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Preferences are preferences. There's nothing really "wrong" with having them, just as long as people understand that they may be limiting. And if you are finding that it's hard to find quality guys, then it's probably in your better interests to expand your horizons a bit.


I understand this. It's why I'll give this guy a chance, but I'm not really sure that it will go anywhere.


Honestly, I've just never been sexually attracted to a shorter man. I feel about him more like a brother. It doesn't matter if he has an incredible body and face. What you're sexually attracted to is not easy to switch on or off.

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I know. Personality really is the most important thing.... but I'm just not attracted to men my height or shorter (I'm 5'7", maybe 5'8"). My ideal is 6'3". However, 5'10" and above is fine. I just never have really had sexual chemistry towards a guy who is not even a touch taller than me. This guy has a cute face.... but now i'm wondering if he's really shorter than 5'7"? I guess an in face meeting would clear that up... gah. i dunno. He also lives about 45 minutes away.


And yes, like petite said, I think that men judge based on weight/frame all the time.


What annoys me is that a lot of shorter guys lie about their height and add on inches. So, many women mentally take this into account, and 5'8" ends up being the new 5'5'! I used to say I was 5'7", but I recently went to my doctor and he measured me between 5'8 and 5'8.5" (though I think I'm more like 5'8"). And this was in the evening, so that's my legit height lol. Yea I'm on the shorter side, but I don't feel too short. Though I think sometimes women assume I'm shorter than I am or that I'm lying (which I'm not!).


I have dated some women taller than me, and they always asked me out. I didn't like it very much. I am fine with the 5'5" and under crowd, but definitely wouldn't rule out an awesome woman who was my height or a little taller

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Well, almost anyone is taller than I am. Ha. But, it doesn't mean my bf is tall? I don't really understand what's the different if you are a tall/short women you can/can't date guy under 6'0. I dunno, I think it's a little silly. But we are ALL shallow so I'm not judging you.

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I'm 5'4" and like guys about the 5'10", 5'11" range. Height obviously wouldn't be the number one factor for me but it's one of those things that might give me pause. I just like the guy taller than me and that whole head to shoulder ratio. I'm cave woman like that though, same reason I love hairy men.


Except back hair.

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Well, almost anyone is taller than I am. Ha. But, it doesn't mean my bf is tall? I don't really understand what's the different if you are a tall/short women you can/can't date guy under 6'0. I dunno, I think it's a little silly. But we are ALL shallow so I'm not judging you.


I don't think we're all shallow. I think many people -most! -have physical characteristics that turn them on or off. Obviously part of attraction for most people is based to some extent on physical features. It doesn't make you a shallow person - it's a matter of degree and focus on physical characteristics (including in platonic friendship).

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He texted me late last night. We'll see....


I'm curious to know if this guy is yet another guy who adds on 2-3 inches to his height (thus resulting in many women assuming I'm lying too lol). Well, annie, you're tall so you'll definitely be able to tell! lol

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Almost every man I met under 5"10 added 1-2 inches, usually 2. I didn't always assume it was a lie - sometimes people get measured with shoes on for example. Since I preferred men who were shorter than average I didn't mind that kind of lie or inaccuracy as the case may be. 4-5 inches, I minded just like I minded a 30 pound difference in weight, etc.

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Almost every man I met under 5"10 added 1-2 inches, usually 2. I didn't always assume it was a lie - sometimes people get measured with shoes on for example. Since I preferred men who were shorter than average I didn't mind that kind of lie or inaccuracy as the case may be. 4-5 inches, I minded just like I minded a 30 pound difference in weight, etc.


I noticed that too. Men who are over 6 feet are usually accurate about their height. (I don't see men who are 6'3" claiming they are 6'5".) Well, I will give you guys the full report, lol.


Talked with my friend "Bethany" last night on the phone. We're going to meet up this Friday. We went to grad school together, and now she lives in my area. She's doing online dating and is complaining about some guys. She suggested to one that they meet on Friday night for a first meet (this is before she made plans with me). He said, "ok, meet me at the corner of x and x and we can go for a walk." She already had told him she recently had foot surgery. She then told him she didn't feel comfortable just meeting at a street corner and would rather have a place picked out. She suggested a place for dinner, but then he said he already has dinner plans later that night with friends. Bethany is sick of this one and is just going to cut him loose. So, we're going to go out instead, lol.

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what especially sucks is that in my area, there are TONS of happy hour specials. Between 5-7, you can get drinks for $3-5, and appetizers for $5. You can easily have a few drinks and a few appetizers and not spend more than $25, even at a really nice restaurant/bar. I guess if you don't even want to spend that though....

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yeah, he wanted to walk and not pay for a dinner. My bf just cut me loose too! Can't WAIT to get back to online dating!!!


That's a pretty negative outlook....why can't it be seen as being healthier?


I often asked first meets out to go for a walk...if they could make the 10k walk with me, I'd think about a second date lol.


Idk...I think it sucks that he forgot about her surgery...but at the same time, they haven't met yet...it's hard to connect random things with strangers on the Internet. *shrugs*



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That's a pretty negative outlook....why can't it be seen as being healthier?


I often asked first meets out to go for a walk...if they could make the 10k walk with me, I'd think about a second date lol.


Idk...I think it sucks that he forgot about her surgery...but at the same time, they haven't met yet...it's hard to connect random things with strangers on the Internet. *shrugs*



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Well, that and plus she doesn't want to just meet him on a street corner (she's not a hooker). There are plenty of nearby bars or coffee shops to suggest as a starting off point.

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so, i met up with Bodhi and his friends tonight. We went to a bar that also was hosting "Nerd Nite." (it's all around the country, basically people present scientific or academic talks, but in a fun way.) It was fun, but towards the end of the night, he was too much reminding me of Logan. Even though it's a bar and it's loud, I was still trying to listen to the talks. And Bodhi every 30 seconds had to tell me some story or interject something, so that was driving me kind of batty, and it was something that Logan did all the time. And i don't know him or his friends well enough to tell him to shut up. I guess I could have tried to tell him in a nice way that I was trying to listen. Oh well. I'll see them this weekend. Bethany is coming into town, and she wants to meet young single guys, so I suggested we hang out with Bodhi and his friends (who were all pretty cool). They have standing Friday night plans.

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