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Everything posted by axe03

  1. my gf broke up with me,,is ths the tst of tre luv? what part of your message dont you understand? part 1 reads...... MY GIRLFRIEND BROKE UP WITH ME................. come on bro....hold your head up...i mean come on guys....we dont really love these bimbos for who they are....we dont want to hear in detail what hurts their feelings,,we dont want to watch them going through their endless amount of wardrobe that they use to fit into.its all about sex,and this they know.the worst thing that you can do to a woman is ignore her.and remember this guys.....when she for no reason starts pouring on the extra affection,and saying and doing nice things for you,believe me.....its a smokescreen.....what i mean is that she has just done or is about to do somthing very bad,....
  3. axe03


    If She Is Willing To Try To Make This Work,by Going To Counceling,then You Need To Take Charge,,your The Man Right????shes Your Wife Right??you Need To Go And Find Her Ballroom Rico Suave,and Put The Fear Of God Into Him,if It Was Me,id Do Alot More Then That.theres Nothing Like Intimadation,bring Your Homies To Do It For You,when You Get Done With Him,he Will Be Packed And Gone,and The Last Person He Will Never Talk To Again Is Your Wife.but Then There Is The Issue Of Her Cheating On You,can You Live With That?personally I Would Give Them Both A Night Of Hell And Terror That They Wouldnt Soon Forget!!!!!!!!so What Are You Waiting For????
  4. why has he decided now that you are the one for him?and that he was going to leve his wife for you?didnt we see this movie over 2 years ago?the guys a spineless jellyfish,why you ask?well....hes not man enough to be truthful to you about how he really feels(2 yrs ago)so he knocks up his wife and in his mind ,he doesnt half to make good his promise to you,about leaving her for you.sorry honey,you are being strung along by a control freak that is a pro manipulator.milk him for every penny you can for child support,and this could be another reason hes realing you in,to try and get your mind and intentions completeley away from wanting him to pay,and or telling his wife,etc etc,what a punk of a man.....gets his wife pregnant,so he doesnt half to commit to you.hey,,,,life sucks that way.....but thaTS WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING WITH A MARRIED MAN.......REMEMBER,,,,IF HES DONE IT TO HER.....HE WILL DO IT TO YOU.. REGARDS....S
  5. go hook up with her husband,or some other guy.see then how your jerk off husbands likes that?unless you have cheated on him in the past?then you deserve it.but if not,kick that fool to the curb.
  6. check it out.......shes not stupid enough to not know wtf shes doing...its all down to her feelings of love and respect that she has for you.every woman ive known that has always made it a point to paint this big picture about there untarnished sexual past,and how they have such a high level of self respect,has turned out to be the exact opposite.its called smoke screening.women are far better liars and decievers then men are.men lie about anything and everything most of the time,for really no reason at all.however womens lies have alibis and motives,as well as their actions and deeds.flirting to make you jealous in a mild way,or if she has a low cnfidence level in herself is understandable.and unless she is a blackout drinker?that kissing and crotch grabbing is unexceptable!kick her to the curb now,or you deserve it...
  7. i half to agree with shy.i have just recently found out that my girlfriend chats with other men online as well.no big deal?then why would she deny that she has any chat buddies or men for as long as we have been together?and what are her motives?is she putting out feelers?these guys have sent her there pics,she has them in a downloaded program file.some of them are very geeky looking guys,that she knows everything about.(no problem).but there was one guy who was goodlooking,and he sent her 3 pictures of him in his underware.she admits that she thinks that he is good looking,and that he asked her to come over,but she says that she didnt like his approach.yet the pictures he sent didnt offened her,and she cant remember where he livbes?but it is obviously close,since he asked her to come over right?ofcourse she says that this all transpired before her and i met.im not asking you to solve my problem.but i do half to also ask you what your motives are if you are unable to tell your husband about your chat buddy.for if it was truly innocent you wouldnt have any problems telling your husband at all.in my opinion you are being unfaithful to him by not being truthful about this man.for why would you want to meet this man in person anyways?its ok to have online friends and someone you can talk to that you click with.but its not ok to fool yourself and your husband about going the extra step to meet him.you know what you want.
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