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Everything posted by bhzmafia

  1. Did you slap her upside the face? Jesus christ if some chick spit on me I rekon I would have a hard time not doing it... She was way out of line
  2. Ask her how you could improve. She obviously likes you if she is willing to help you improve rather than just dump you because of it. Communication is good in this area (but it does suck...)
  3. I love them... they make me feel good about myself =)
  4. Well then just let him know how you feel... Dont make up excuses, just tell him the truth. It might be hard on you, but at least he will know...
  5. He probably was just nervous. Was it only the conversation that turned you off, or was it his appearance etc.
  6. I think just maintaining eye contact with girls is a smaller step than striking up conversations with them...
  7. I feel the same. When you have time, go to the mall and just walk around, holding eye contact with girls that walk past (keep a small smile on your face and try to look confident). Dont worry about what they think - you dont know them, and will probably never see them again. Once you get used to that, start saying hi to them as they walk past. Small steps =)
  8. It really sounds like he likes you...
  9. I feel the same way, but I think that if I was actually in a relationship with someone I would feel better about it, knowing that I have their respect and trust. If you are with that someone special, they will find you attractive, otherwise they arent that someone.
  10. Doesnt communication usually go back and forward? That would mean it is your turn to say something... Thats just my take on it anyway
  11. So people with a panty fetish are all of sudden creepy-pervert-loner-weirdos? Seriously... I dont see how it matters at all
  12. Sounds like she likes you... May as well ask, you have nothing to lose =) But do it soon...
  13. Does it really matter? I dont think a little panty fetish is that bad... I wouldnt bother confronting him about it unless you really want them back, it would just make him feel really bad... Just let it go, IMO
  14. Just do it - who cares if she says no? At least you wont have any regrets, and thats the worst thing to have on your mind. Just say 'hey ___ lets go out for coffee at starbucks on wednesday after work' Dont ask her, tell her
  15. It really doesnt sound like she likes you - and you should move on. Right now, it is almost like you are having a relationship, only the other guy is getting all the sex. Thats not something anyone enjoys... Give the friendship a bit of a rest, it will be hard, but its only hurting you to stick around, right?
  16. Talk to Bob about it, see what he thinks He may not mind if you do after talking to him, but if you did it behind his back it would assumably piss him off
  17. I havnt done it, but here is a possible explanation: when you hear 'its not how big it is, but how you use it' basically you think "ok, well there is in and out, or around in circles..."
  18. definitely tell him the real age... what is she thinking to even start a relationship with a lie like that...
  19. Ask the girl out before he does. Not much else you can do aside from that
  20. Maybe you just expected him to be a player, but he isnt really... How well did you know him to come to that conclusion?
  21. From my experience - no. Not unless the person who started to get feelings for the friend finds someone else. (easier said than done ay...)
  22. What Mystik said made a lot of sense. Dont expect too much to come from a conversation with a random person. That said, dont stop having them. They are good practice for when you do meet that mutual friend, and who knows what might come from them
  23. If you dont want to be stuck as friends, then its best just to keep up with the NC.
  24. Just dont do it in front of a crowd and he will love it.
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