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Everything posted by lizylyz

  1. if she's a little aloof, either call her up on it or just stand back. Let her do the calling for a while. Let her worry instead. When my the last guy i was dating started acting strange, I jsut backed off for a while and let him come to his senses (but I let him know why I was doing it), when we finally broke up, it was over something else.
  2. lip biting, just slightly. touching his arm, (just plain physical contact) sends a certain, I want you message. half smile is perfect. And the eye contact only works when you tilt your head, smile and then look away for a few. Don't just stare. playful punching (some guys like it, some don't) just don't do it too hard. Also fixing the shirts or collars or something (just pretend you're wiping something from their chest and then just slowly remove you hand) comment (meanning complement, even if you have to slightly stretch the truth) on the pecs or abs when you do this. this usually works for me, although I'm naturally flirtatious and everything thing i say to a guy usually seems like an invitation, even when I'm just being nice and polite. Every time I smack a guys A * *, he does the same. so be careful.
  3. yeah, i'd ask my guy friend to visit just and not want to be more than friends or anything, I do it with my ex. Anyway Go! it'll be fun and if she likes you, you'll be able to tell when you get there.
  4. start by telling her that if she wants to talk to you then she'll have to call. then don't call her for a while. If (or when) she calls you, take it from there.
  5. Thats complicated. If he's still waiting on this girl, you can try and help him get over her. getting his mind of her and getting to know you might make him realise that he doesn't want her anymore. I'd suggest you help him get over the girl by making him face the truth: she doesn't want him. Then ask him on a date, but be careful you're not the rebound girl. Just figure out whether you want to risk your friendship, and whether you can get over him not wanting more from you (if it comes to that) and get over it so you can still be friends.
  6. WOW, you know what, its great you're a virgin. Don't look at it as a problem because you'll be thinking about that when you're with her instead of just being excited to touch her. Understand that your virginity is your best gift to her (other than your heart). As soon as you're ok with the whole virginity thing, then you'll be fine. Plus don't overthink and overplan. be spontenious and realize that she knows what she's doing and she'll show you what she likes so it won't be as bad as you think. Beinga virgin is a rarity this days so feel great that you've held on so long.
  7. if she's a virgin, then you both won't be all that great anyway so it'll take practice, something you'll both enjoy. if she's not, then she'll show you what she likes. Let her know its your first time (she'll probably tell you if its her first too after you admit this), if she loves you then this will only make her happier, its something real special your offering her. don't be bothered if she's not a virgin, sex and making love are entirely different and since you both love each other it'll be making love and it'll probably be a first for her too. Don't forget protection: condoms and pills
  8. Getting turned on for me has to start in my mind. Little touches and kisses, my wondering what is going to happen next. So start slow, tease each other for a while. And listen to RayKay, learn your body and then teach him. Also, some sexy reading material might come in handy, if you like to read, or some sexy movies, hardcore porn or just some soft core love and sex stuff. if all else fails. try toys.
  9. I'm a virgin but I can tell you that were i to have sex with a guy, i'd find it extremely awkward if he kept asking me what i want. just do what feels right and if she doesn't like it, she'll let you know. Use your imagination, check out magazines and books if you have no imagination, and then go for it. Surprise her and have fun. Thats what taking control is: doing what you feel is right.
  10. Find a good sex magazine or something with some good fantasies and ask him which he would like to try and see if that works. if not, Do something spontaneous. Think of something you might both enjoy and don't tell him, just do it. if you try everything and nothing works, then cut your loses. They say that when the sex is right its only 5% of the relationship. but when its wrong its 95%.
  11. You might both be left wondering if the other person preferred the chic and if thats what the rest of your relationship will be judged against. Its competition you're inviting, so be careful.
  12. I'm 17 and i think your virginity is one of the best things to happen to you. keep it for as long as possible because thats something you should give to the best guy possible not just to any guy. if you really feel its time, then don't plan everything. just have protection and if its not his first time, he'll know what to do. Just do what feels natural and remember that if he likes you and your relationship is good, sex is only 5% of the relationship. don't overthink it. and don't let anyone pressure you.
  13. If he expects oral sex from you, why shouldn't you expect the same thing? if he really can't go down on you, find other things he can do to satisfy you, or if its way important to you then find someone else. sex should be mutually satisfying, not just him or me thing.
  14. i love it. makes me feel powerful. I know most (heterosexual) girls like it, and those who don't have issues with other stuff, not the boner itself.
  15. wow, talk about overthinking! if it makes you feel any better, carry mints and gum around and give that to any potential kissing mate. Also stop thinking about it. If you think about all the sexual acts people do, you'll never do them. I had to stop asking how people start having sex. The whole removing your clothes and being naked with someone else always bugged me until my friend told me to just wait and see and experience.
  16. I keep my eyes open because i just like watching the peson i'm with. if they open their eyes i quickly close mine. i think you should find out why it bothers her so much then deal with it together.
  17. You can start out slow and then put some tongue into it. or you can stop thinking about it and stressing and wait till you're there. You'll know what to do. If all else fails, follow his lead.
  18. Don't stress about it. Relax and take your time until it feels right or until you can't wait anymore. Best advice I can give you: Be spontaneous. just let it happen the first time as naturally as possible. Over time you'll get better at the kissing thing and Maybe you'll practice with her. Don't forget that she's probably as nervous and excited as you are.
  19. My bf has the same problem but I take it as a compliment. Its good to know that i have that kind of effect on him. It doesn't bother me. If it bothers your girl maybe she needs to deal with sexuality and reality. Also, a girl can figure out when a guy is turned on. Its in the way he kisses or touches, even when he's trying not to be obvious. So just let her deal with it because you can't keep backing away, it sends the wrong message to her.
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