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  1. thats pretty suprising of the low percentage of guys who actually got there girlfriend back, touch luck!!
  2. its weird that he found out your password, other than that. Everything seems normal, he must be insecure or he wouldnt be wanting to know what your writing in your personal journal. let him know that it isn't okay to invade your personal thoughts and more importanly your trust for him is narrowing...id let him know that if he does it again, there are going to be problems! CHANGE YOUR P.W. in order for this to never happen again, stop writing in your online journal, hacking these days is like slicing a piece of pie....So id start writing in a keep sake place, like a spiral...
  3. If you are expecting awesome unforgetable sex and it ends up being a nightmare sex can be bad, but if both of the partners are good at what they do it can be a fairytale come true!
  4. I hope that things get better. He still comes over to my friends house and its not too aqward between us latley, but I can't think the same about him now and its really beginning to bring me down. I do my best to not show it on the outside, but on the inside Im screaming for the same relationship we had before everything happened.... Its stressing me out because he is in the same school and I see him quite often after school and on the weekends become a lot less weird, but I am still a bit un comfortable...seeing him at prom killed me on the inside, he looked so happy and I was nothing but miserable when seeing him soo happy. It hurts, but I believe you and I know it will get better...it just stinks right now!
  5. Thats sad and un fortunete...you know, her putting herself out there and him, not responding in the right light!
  6. I see her point...and let me tell you why Theres to many times a guy says he will call and never does...So call her at least once, make the first move, why not? And then she will start calling you, because the man will say to call a little later... Next thing you know, you like this person and you are stuck by the phone waiting for him to call... Screw it...I think she's right lol... Anyways, thats my personal experience. Call her...tell her to call you back..who knows, maybe you'll get into an in dept conversation...and you wont care about who calls who.
  7. Corner of your eye, yikes sounds hard to do..lol Thank y ou for the amazing advice... So there is no right or wrong thing to say verbally that will turn him off? Just today my Bestfriend told the guy in class that she is interested in that she is up for anything...And he didn't even look happy, he looked kind of distant after that...? Do you think that was the wrong thing to say?
  8. Keeping my head up can be pretty nerve wrecking sometimes, I even do that with my bestfriends...I touch my hair on a regular basis anyway, lol my speech teacher hates it. Flowy hair, I can make my hair flowy, but latley I have been straightening it... My only question and also a concern of mine is...when you are flirting, is there a limit, are there gestures you do that can turn a male off?? What are things that you should do and things that you should avoid doing?
  9. It gets uncomfortable but I get it...practice makes perfect!
  10. I already use eye contact and smiling, and subtle compliments.. would it be weird to smack a guy in his butt? Lol ................Id like to know how to tease them and how to know when its going to far...ya know?
  11. This is about playful flirting I am okay at playing around when flirting, but what are things you should do when playing around and flirting and things that shouldn't be done because the guy will maybe take it too personal or you know...take it as a turn off... Thanks bunches and tons!!
  12. Sex is pretty serious...I hope that you know once you have sex there is no coming back... i just hope you use a sense of protection preferably a condom. goodluck on your conquest lol
  13. thats asking al ot just because of the fact that I am really bad at confronting somebody. I have left everything alone, but I tend to still want to keep his friendship. Is this weird of me, and don't you think if I say what you advised me to say to you that this will make things worse between us?
  14. i dont get squiny squint to the point where im not making any sourtof eye contact, its more like I can't figure out how to not make it obvious that i am looking at the triangle of there eyes and nose lol..sorry guys
  15. I tried that and keep getting nervous and squinty lol... Its embarrassing.... do you know of any other tecniques!! Thanks bunchess
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