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  1. yes thats right, the woman is garbage, and you are the fallback guy. If you are offended, keep the date with her, but try and fulfill every sexual desire you ever had with her, no matter how mutually demeaning. Get what you can before it's gone, and don't be just used, give that piece of garbage a seriously degrading evening. Trust me.
  2. You tried to patch it up. It didn't work. I respect that you did the long distance thing (me too), so go out and have some fun.
  3. You People Are Suggesting The Worst Names Unless The Baby Is Born In A Trailer Park I Would Stay Away From Haillie, Skyler, Or Any Of Those Names That Sound Like You're Naming A Daughter After Your Husbands Favourite Stripper. Biblical Names? Are You Jewish? Jordan Is A Country Not A Person. Awful Names, Just Awful.
  4. You missed the comfort, and I would wager he did as well. As far as your converstion with him, it seems out of place compared to him saying you weren't "official". I would say he's talking out of his * * * and you should send him off. You're obviously intelligent, but that doesn't make you immune from someone you care for.
  5. NO PART OF A WOMAN BELONGS TO YOU. ARE YOU CRAZY? Buddy, seriously, I'm in love, and it has nothing to do with ownership. If you want a bird in a cage............... go to the petstore! You seem more upset about your woman's "cleanliness" than you are about the fact that she willingly kissed other people. I'm pretty sure if you stifle her any more she will fly away from you. THIS IS YOUR WOMAN,NOT YOUR DAUGHTER, IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT HER PURITY. IT IS YOUR JOB TO SUPPRT, LOVE AND RESPECT. THAT IS THE DUTY OF MEN AND WOMEN TO EACH OTHER. I do my job very well. Do you?
  6. You didn't care at the time when you cheated. You told him only so that your guilt would cease. Was it worth being used by a stranger? I really doubt it, you have analyzed away your remorse, and prepared yourself for the next time you make a similar mistake. You can even go to your list and determine which aspect went wrong! Again and again and again. I truly doubt what you learned about yourself was worth hurting someone who cared. Spare the male community the torment of your sort and commit yourself to being a spinster.
  7. I think that women continue to have sex with their men while having affairs so that they are able to suddenly leave without many signs. Women are secretive creatures and have ways of making you think not only that you are just jealous, but even making you think your questions are unreasonable. A husband and a lover i guess provide two different things, it's almost hard to picture the unfathful woman as the same one who walked down the aisle. There is a certain duplicity in women that allows them to justify virtually any action they make.
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