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  1. I have lied to my bf from the very beginning of our relationship. There were things about my past that I didn't want him to know. I have bi-polar disorder and have lots of problems handling my finances. I'm on medication but I have a drinking problem that goes along with being bi-polor. I have recently gone thru a divorce it is my second divorce and it is was more than I could bare. I started drinking heavily and wasn't managing my finances. I bounced my checking account and wrote a check on a no/account. I got arrested and charged with fraud. Before you jump to any conclusions I have never ever been in this kind of trouble before. My bf bonded me out of jail i got back on my medication and haven't drinken a drop of alchohol since. I'm trying really hard to straighten myself out but of course my bf no longer wants anything to do with me. And I can't say I blame him. I wish I could take this all back but I can't and I can't stand this damn illness because I really am a good person and the older I get the more it progresses. I told myself not to get involved in anymore relationships because I don't want to hurt anyone the way I have hurt him. I have lost my identity to bi-polar disorder.
  2. tell him to take a good look at himself in a mirror... my guess is that this guy is really ugly!
  3. I don't get it.. When I first starting dating my bf I thought he was really nice, I thought he was the one for me. Six months down the road he turned into a complete and utter jerk for no apparent reason. We use ot have lot's of fun together. Now we hardly even talk to each other. All he does is screams and yells and shouts out orders. and yeah here's the funny part he says that he cares about me alot. I know this isn't love so what is it???
  4. they have only been divorce for about seven months. it's hard for me because i feel that she is still in his life although they are divorced. I have a hard time dealing with the fact that he has been married to someone else for so long and he must of loved her alot to be married to her for so long.
  5. hi, sometimes my bf says things to me as a joke and i take it as a insult. do any of you feel the same way? my friends tell me he just joking with me because he likes me and guys do that when they like you. but i find myself trying to dechipher pretty much everything he says. I often ask myself if i'm making something out of nothing, but sometimes i feel as thought he doesn't even care. We broke up recently, he broke up with me and he didn't really give me any reason other than the fact that he felt he was gonna explode. I met him shortly after his divorce to a woman that he had been married to for 20 yrs. I did nothing to make him feel the need to explode, she did everything to make him explode. Instead of him standing his ground with her and gaining some kind of control over her. He would come home and yell at me for what she had been putting him through. I asked him why he takes things out on me and he just said because I am the one that is there. I thought how unfair I never did a damn thing. Why am I being punished?
  6. hello, thankyou to anyone who will listen to my story. My ex bf and I took a break from our relationship about seven months ago. He said it was a break not a breakup. I am now learning that there is no such thing as a break! A break simply means breaking up. So it took me awhile to figure out that we probably weren't going to be getting back together. The confusing thing is that we still see each and have kept in contact every since the breakup. There is no talk of getting back together but I know we still care for each other alot. I want to tell him exactly how I feel but here is the problem: the other nite I heard him talking to one of his good friends on the phone. They were talking about the other guys ex gf and how he could get back together with her but the guy didn't want to because he likes living alone. My (ex) bf was saying yeah i know what you mean referring to me. so now i'm speechless. and they both refer to thereselves as singles guys. I don't get why he continues to see me if he doesn't want a relationship with me. We see each other about one or two weekends a months because we live far from each other. When I see him he alway tells me that it was nice seeing me and that he had fun. but no talk of reconciliation. I don't know what to do anymore, should i just give up on him?
  7. i would be hurt if my sex partner paid more attention to the other person.
  8. for me i was never jealous. it was more like a relief to see them with someone else. that way i knew they would leave me alone.
  9. i snooped through my bf's mail once when he was at work. let's just say that was partly the reason we broke up. i will never do anything like that again. it was a invasion of his privacy and i didn't find anything. it was a really stupid thing to do.
  10. hi i'm new to this forum. I broke up with my bf about seven montha ago. It was a mutual breakup we both felt that we needed a break. We have continued to see each other afer the breakup and still seem to care for each other alot. I want to get back together with him. We use to live together and have known each other for almost three years. I miss living together and I miss the way things use to be. I don't want to sound to pushy and I'm really scared to talk to him. but i want to find out where things are headed. We live about five hours away from each other and I'm at his place for the weekend. I told myself that I would talk to him about it this weekend but so far I have chickened out. any advise please on what I could say?
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