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  1. I'd say at the very youngest, a mature 15 year old...at the oldest, someone in their mid late 20s. it all depends on personality and emotional maturity/experience, I think. The age of consent in Canada (or at least Ontario) is 14.
  2. omg i'm in a similar position!! i'm hoping i'll get over him soon...i have to try. i think you still have a good shot with your guy, though. try giving it a year or two and see how you guys feel about each other then, if age is the issue. if it's meant to be, it will happen. good luck!
  3. *hugs* yes, love does suck. i'm sorry that probably wasn't too helpful lol, but i empathize with you. you're right, if it's meant to be, you two will end up together. i hope it all works out to your liking.
  4. I agree w/ Kere completely. It's normal to still be attracted to other women/men when you're in a relationship...it's only human. It's what you *do* with that sense of attraction that is important. Just be careful and monitor your feelings. If you find you reach a point where you don't want to be with her because your sense of curiosity or passion is so much that you feel trapped in the relationship, that's a sure sign that you need to think seriously about leaving the relationship. good luck!
  5. physically, i don't have a type that i specifically go for in a guy. most of the guys i've liked are tall, have dark and beautiful brown eyes. but for me what really makes me attracted to someone is what's inside. you have a nice profile pic on your myspace, but i'd recommend taking one that is more natural...just be yourself, and lose the sunglasses so that the girls can see your eyes. eyes are definitely important, because they express emotions (or lack there of). girls are all about emotions.
  6. hmm, that's an awkward situation. the only real way to know is if you ask him of course, but that can be scary. try taking the flirting to a higher level and see how it goes. be careful though, remember to keep your job and feelings in perspective, don't let this beautiful guy make you do something you might regret.
  7. everyone has their own ideas or images of what they think makes a guy attractive. not all girls like muscular hunks, and looks only go so far for girls. if the guy isn't sweet and nice along with a million other things, they won't keep their interest in him for too long. so, you must have a great personality that's starting to shine through, and good looks to boot. guys should envy you.
  8. I'm the same as you about animals, I love them so much and my cats are everything to me. I sincerely hope yours comes home soon. *hugs*
  9. Hi there, If she said that she's never danced w/ anyone she really likes, and wants to dance w/ you, I think that means that she likes you.
  10. hi, wow - i'm in almost the same situation as you...trying to find out if a teacher is flirting w/ me or not! i definitely think that the fact that he popped out of the classroom and walked w/ you down the stairs is a sign that he wanted to talk to you or be in your presense. have you flirted w/ him, much? if you want to find out whether or not he is taken, casually drop it into conversation. DON'T ask him straight out if he's seeing someone cuz that will be a dead give away. But ask him what his plans are for the weekend, and then if he says he's going out or doing whatever, just find an opportunity to slip in a comment like 'oh, w/ your gf?' good luck!
  11. hey there, hmm yeah it is pretty hard to tell if somebody is bi. a good sign though is if they make jokes about sleeping or dating w/ their female friends (if she is a girl) and vice versa. i.e. "Ugh, things with John are awful...I should just dump him and tell him I'm in love w/ Sarah!!" *everybody laughs* that kind of thing. I heard somewhere that when people joke, they are at least 50% serious. that's the first thing I would take into account as a 'sign'. hope that helps a little, good luck!!
  12. hey! hmm...yeah that is pretty confusing, I've found myself in similar situations before. If I was in your situation, I'd watch to see how he interacts with other girls. Does he treat them the same way he treats you? What is his body language like? His tone of voice? If you are good friends w/ someone who knows him, you could ask them if his behaviour is normal or if he's acting differently towards you. Another thing you could do is try some very subtle, casual flirting and see how he responds. Does he welcome it, is he scared off, does he ignore it, does he join in, etc. I hope that helps a little, good luck!!
  13. thanks for everyone's advice, i REALLY appreciate it!! i know that he chit chats fairly normally w/ the guys on the hockey team, but he's their coach so that's different. i don't really see him talking individually w/ girls very much.
  14. i'm so sorry that you feel awful right now...*hugs* i hope that life picks up its pace for you soon. i often find that when i want to die, what i'm actually feeling is that i want to live, just not in the current state of conditions my life is in. take care
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