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Everything posted by dEllInDa

  1. Does he satisfy you? Sort of sounds like he isn't getting the job completed when you guys are together. . . . . that would be a reason you would be "wanting" more. Getting a toy would help. Just be gentle when introducing it to your love making, if that's the case. It can only make a great thing only better, a mere enhancement!
  2. When he takes his Ex to the dance, ask him if it would be ok for you to go out with your friend. All is fair in love and war! Give him a taste of his own medicine!
  3. First thing you are not a wh** for "wanting it more" Nothing wrong with wanting to be intimate with someone you love and care about. It's a wonderful expression between two people. Have you asked him what he likes? Does he know what you like? I really do not know what to tell you as far advice. . . . I was with a man that was the same way(once a month), I ended it after a year. . . he made me feel like something was wrong with me, he always had an excuse and his age was one of them,,,,,, then I said to him my Exhusband was 20 yrs older than him and my Ex didn't have any problems........ that bf is still single, no longterm gf (it's been 7 years) never married and a very pretty boy, looks like a movie star. . . . . I felt he was probably in denial and should come out of the closet.. haha gosh I certainly hope nobody I know never reads this site!!! haha
  4. You need to find some interests to occupy your time & mind . . . . join the local gym, volunteer, go hang out with your friends. It will build your confidence and you wont feel so insecure.
  5. No Contact, No Contact. Try not to be available all the time for him. Be busy!!! Everyone likes a challenge, make him work for you. He needs to realize why the two of you got back together. My thought on Excuses. . . the only person an excuse is good for, is the one giving it.
  6. Sounds like he jealous of you spending time with your friend. Give me a break. . . . & telling you he loves you, but isn't in love with you, sounds like he wants to put a damper on your visit with your friend. Why on earth would you even want to stay with him if he isn't in love with You? Counseling is going to make him fall in love with you? Perhaps I am harsh in what I am saying but why waste your time?
  7. It's not a gender thing. You didn't mention how long you have been dating? She doesn't know how insecure you feel does she?
  8. Sounds like Married Man is having anxiety about his sexual performance and is having a tough time facing you due to his embarrassment. He is actually doing you a favor by staying away. Run don't walk away from this situation and fast!!! Here is thought for you. . . Why not put that energy into your marriage?
  9. You are only 21. You should be out dating and having the time of your life. Seems to me your current bf is a stick in the mud. Go out and have fun and perhaps you will find someone who likes to do the same things you enjoy. I say this because......My bf of 6 years and I broke up in Dec 2004, it wasn't until I started going out and having fun that I realized he was a complete bore. I'm a lot older than you and for the first time in my life I'm having a blast dating and having fun. Then I met a great guy who likes to go out and have fun with me and it has progressed into a great relationship of fun and excitement. So I say drop the bf, go out have fun because life is short, and you will find someone who is on the same page as you. Regarding contact with old boyfriends..... When you find the right guy You wont want any contact with old boyfriends!!!
  10. It doesn't matter where they get an appetite as long as they know where to dine. Have you thought about going to the strip club with him? It is a lot of fun for couples. Good luck.
  11. Should the man say "I love you" first? I've been dating a man for a couple of months (known him for 16 yrs) and the chemistry is unbelievable...(along with everything else) He makes me feel so wonderful, happy, secure, loved,,,, this list goes on. I haven't been in a situation like this in a very long time and I do not want to scare him off by saying "I love you" to him.. Is it too soon? Should I wait for him to utter those three words to me? A guy friend of mine said that men are afraid to be the first to say they love someone and the woman should... Please advise. Thank you.
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