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Piinky SweaR

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  1. Well , my ex and I had been on and off for a couple months and due to the "unstableness" of our relationship he basically called the quits. I begged for him back I thought I would be nothing without him&& all that other emotional stuff you go through after a breakup (that was about 7 months ago). I finally got a grip on life and stopped thinking about him as much and as the weeks went on I didn't really care about him anymore. I didnt see him alot and so I started forgetting about him (he moved). One day I found myself thinking about him and wondering how he was doing , so I emailed him. In less then 2 mins. he replied and told me to get on messenger. It was the typical "reunion" over the computer with "i missed youu's/hows it going" and such. He asked me if I still liked him and I said yes because at that time I still felt that I liked him. Some how the conversation ended up with him basically asking me if we were ever going to get to have sex. I told him I was not going to do ANYTHING that I could possibly regret for the rest of my life , he then said "no i promise you i wont hurt you like i did im so sorry i couldnt stop thinking about you why do you think i unblocked you" ... I didnt know wut to think. Anyways , after that day we talked a bit more and I used to be all happy when I was talking to him (not that i am not anymore) but I was like "ohhh yeahhh im sooo happy im talking to you" blah blah blah. I dont do that anymore and I guess he noticed this change and asked "you dont like me much anymore do you" and I then told him I do and all that. But now I do not know what he wants, he hardly talks to me. Then whenever he does its like hes really really aggrivated like ALL THE TIME . I dont know what he wants can someone fill me on on why he might be acting like this i just dont get it!!&& do you think he might just be talking to me because he wants sex?? or does he really still care about me???? HELP.
  2. Last year all I did was rip myself out of the pictures I took with my friends. I HATE looking in the mirror I used to look at myself and literally start crying out of nowhere just staring at myself. I try to be happy all the time and even when im not I act like I am...I hope I can eventually grow up to not care.
  3. Im embarrased to ask my mom to take me to a counsellor...When she asks about what Im going to have to tell her about my "issue"..and then I can imagine my older sister finding out about me getting bullied and shes going to make me feel like a wuss for taking it and shes going to want to go down to that school and hurt all those kids that made me feel bad. I dont want it to get out of hand thats why I have to think twice about a counseller..
  4. Well heres my situation : I am 13 years old , female and unfortunetly a victim of bullying. It started off at my old school with kids constantly BOTHERING me ( calling me names , pushing me around...etc ) . I endured all of that for about 2 years and now I am out of that school and doing better. People accept me for who I am and love me all the same. The problem is that I can`t get over it , i remember everything and it hurts me when I think about it. I used to cry about this but now i dont , im just glad that im out of that school and trying to get on with life. I can`t seem to find my beauty inside&&out . I can`t ever feel good about myself . I call myself ugly all the time and when someone compliments me I can`t help but think 'wut the heck are YOU thinking'. I can`t don`t know what I can do about this. Has my bad expeirience traumatized me forever?? It triggers me to get help about this because my good friends notice this and they say that its negative energy , and that i truly don`t know what im worth. My brother recently mentioned that I can`t seem to notice anything but the bad stuff about myself and i need help. Other good friends tell me that until i learn to love myself they won`t let me date =P. Sometimes I even think about getting electroshock treatment ( i saw on t.v) that erases memory , I dont know if that was made up or actually real. Im willing to go through all of that pain just to get rid of my bad memories. I just need advice on how to gain self-confidence in myself and what I do. Is there anything I can do myself on my own time ?? I just don`t know how much of all of this I can take I need to get it off my chest...FOR GOOD.
  5. I am so angry right now I don't know what to do. My brother told me that he got "jumped" by older kids at his school , and he was very angry. They are all older then him and I guess they pick on little kids at his school. Well as his little sister I know how crazy he can be sometimes. He will not solve his problems by telling them to stop he can't control his emotions he will just SNAP. He told me he was trying to find a gun to shoot them, and knowing my brother if he had a gun he would have pulled it on all of them. He bottles up all his anger he doesn't share it with anyone. What gets me so pissed is the fact that they are picking on him for no apparent reason he doesn't even talk to them. He was so angry that he began twhiching and he tightned all his muscles and stood there for 5 minutes. So here I have this brother that can't control his emotions and then theres these s.o.b's that are pushing him to his limit.. I do not want him to be in danger when he goes to school but he takes all this B.S and keeps it inside...How can I help this situation? What can I say to him? Any advice would be great .. thanks in advance (sorry if i might have confused you at all)
  6. Well heres my situation..There is this guy at my skool and I guess he really likED me alot and he would call me everyday after school and we would talk for like 4 hours straight or until my mom told me to get off. I can admit that I did like him alot too, but I had just been through a really bad break-up and I often took my anger out on him . I dont know why I did but I did .. Anyways, he asked me out repeatedly I said no because he was shy to talk to me he would only look at me not say hi and that really got me "upset" but he said he would make up for all those times he would finally talk to me he wanted to spend time with me and he WALKED all the way to my house which was like a 1 hour walk and everyone calling him crazy. we had alot of fun that day , so i finally said yes to him. 3 days later I dumped him because I didnt really feel too good about my decsion I was afraid it would be like my last relationship and that got to me. We were dating from Friday to Sunday and at school the next day , I would have to say things went pretty good. He said that he still loved me and, he told everyone he was going to get me back. I felt like he really did like me as much as he said and I was happy that he was going to make an effort to change my mind about things. The following week I heard that he began dating another girl. I was VERY jealous about this and I was "upset" because I asked him if he liked her before but he said NO and the way he said it made me feel like there was no chance for her..I WAS DEAD WRONG. So then he all of a sudden didn't really talk to me again he seen me but he just tryed to play it off and look somewhere when he saw me look towards him. I was very sad and I regreted liking him in the first place. To add to that girl started giving me dirty looks but I had to play it off to everyone and say "haha who cares she got my 'leftovers' .. " I thought me and her were cool before that though. It hurt me so much to see them together to see them hugging in the corner , and i was thinking...he would never even try to do any of that with me. I have no doubt in my mind that he liked me more then her I remember when he would stare at me for like 20 seconds straight and he wouldnt be focused on anything else but me , not anymore though. People are saying that they think shes just his rebound but I dont know what to think. Everyone is saying "she took your man beat her up" . I only laugh it off though. Now me and his gf are cool we say hi and we have like 2 min. conversations everythings all good. Right now I feel sad that he wont talk to me .. when we see each other sometimes he'll say "you suck =P" and i'll say it back kiddy things like that but no matter what I do he really doesnt want to conversate...but i notice we just stare at each other sometimes...I dont know what that means but we do. At times I see him and his gf together and I get a sick feeling but I try to get over it. I want to know why he might not be talking to me .. and he knows i like him i told him and he said "why would you lie and say you didnt" so i guess he cares? I dont know... I am happy for them and everything but I just want to know why I might be feeling like this. I want to know from your point of veiw why you think he wont talk to me or why I feel so down about this whole thing...I hope I didnt confuse you at all .. thanks for your advice in advance -Rachel
  7. Well to make a long story short : there is this guy that i've liked for a while now , and I recently told him that i like him. Seems like theres a girl he feels the exact same way about. Turns out that she likes him though and they are gonna go out anytime now. He told me that he brought her to church everyone told them how pretty she was. Now im so jealous because I feel like im never going to be as good as her to get him. So right now i dont know what to do..we are good friends but hes so attractive, sweet , nice everythinggg i want to be more!! I dont know what to do now.. he always talks about her and i end up going to bed feeling so sad and deppresed.. Has anyone ever been through something like thiss??? How did you cope??anyy tips on how to deal with this would be greatt thanks in advance
  8. Say hi!!! You never know maybe she has the same feelings about you!! But yes I think you should just simply go up to her say hi and try to keep a conversation going...You can either totally dislike her after the conversation of like her even more ... so good luck!!
  9. Hey , dont be sad . I know how it feels but trust me you will find someone that you love even MORE and he will LOVE you just as much as you love him. Its going to take some time for you but as the days go on you will think of him less each time and then before you know it you cant even rememeber his name! 8)
  10. hey!! i'll give you a little advice on this one because I can relate. When a girl wears SKIN TIGHT jeans...she KNOWS guys will be watching her SHE KNOWS and MAYBE your not giving her enough attention so she wears skin tight jeans to get it from another guy. In your situation I think you should leave her. Simple.
  11. You should try to talk to them..when you see any of them walk up to them and say hi!! You can probabbly tell by within 2 mins of the conversation if your friends were lieing to you or not.
  12. yeah now that I think about it maybe in the beggining he only tried to be friends with me because he was expecting I would say yes to him sooner or later. I honestly was fooled I thought it was a FRIENDSHIP and he totally thought it would turn out differently and the time period was like 10 days after we stopped talking he went back to her. Im almost 100% sure that he's just doing that to say he has a GF but i could care less because I would not think twice about being his GF and I do NOT know what she is thinking. The same girl he is going out with ( another reason i refuse to date him ) is the same girl he told me was a "crazy " also his ex but he told me alot of stuff about her and how much he hated her or w.e .. I dont know if this is bad but I could careless about them 2 and I think she doesn't know who he really is but I hope she figures it out before she makes the mistake I did and tells him something PRIVATE...
  13. Well, recently I got into the biggest argument with the guy I considered my bestfriend. He liked me more then just a friend but I explained to him that I wouldn't feel right dating my bestfriend , as well as it could ruin the friendship in the end. He called me alot we called each other alot and people say he was obbsessed with me. He said that too, but it didn't bother me because we were such good friends and as long as he liked me in a friend way I was cool. His friends started liking me but I didn't want to go out with them and so then all his friends started calling me bad names. I was still friends with my bestfriend though but as time went on it seemed that he was taking there side. When we got into arguments he would call me bad names and he would say im ugly and my face is "pimply" (seen how i have acne) just like his friends would say. Other times when we weren't arguing he'd say tell me im beautiful and throw love lines at me. Still after all this we were good friends. It started going down hill when I told him a BIG secret and he went and told his friend (the one that didnt like me). I found out and it killed me to know that this guy that I trusted soo much would do something like that to me. He wouldnt even admit it , the guy that didnt like me actually told me. So after that me and his friend got into ANOTHER fight but this time it went further. I ended our friendship saying we cant be friends because he takes there side against me , and I can't trust him. He called me I told him to never call back my house again. He got REALLY angry and sent me an email telling me how much of a s_ _ t i was. He called me ugly and told me he was stupid for liking someone as ugly as me and that his friends are right and that he should have liked me just for . Now i want him to leave me alone im done with him I figure I dont need people like that in my life but he still won't leave me alone he sends me hate mail he leaves me messages.. I just want to know what should i do or say to him when he wants to fight with me ?? Now hes telling me he's going to get his girlfriend to kick my butt (in better words) im totally not scared of her I told him to let her bring it (we dont even know each other). But i just want to know what to say..should I call and tell him to LEAVE ME ALONE , for the last time??? what?? and how do i get over this friendship i had with this person it was a good friendship except for the arguments and trust issues.....should i just move on .. or AGAIN make up with him and be "good friends" again?
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