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  1. Expectations is something you can have of people who are very very close to you, even then you have to be careful about it. Sometimes people who you think they are. I try not to have high expectations for people, more often than not they will fall below. Just accept them, and have no expectations. Expectations lead to disappointment. And not valuing people enough.
  2. That was some really good stuff! I was feeling down now, and this perked me up a little. Women don't need men!
  3. It used like that for me too. He didn't want to talk as much anymore. Felt tired and didn't want to meet.... That was my 2 1/2 yr relationship which recently fizzled away for many reasons.... Ne-way, I hate to say this but I think the person is either getting so used to you, that they take you for granted, or they are losing interest. Discussing doesn't help much except make you emotional and him irritated. You need to decipher what this means for yourself. Get more clues, or try to talk to him, open him up a little.
  4. First of all, thanks for sharing your feelings. I do hope it was therapeutic for you. I can tell you love this woman very much, it's like she is your driving motivation for life. I honestly think you should just give her, her space. She seems quite confused about the relationship. Like she is weighing the past against the present and the future. You do need to put yourself together, which you have started doing. Just continue working on yourself. It seems like you'll both need to work on your own lives for now. Fix things up and feel secure in your place in life. You did pursue her a bit too much, be friends with her. Find that old niche back again, where you'll were comfortable with one another. Things will work out from there. I can suggest please don't put any more pressure on her to get back together. You have done a lot in that department already, now it's her turn. So give her time to respond. As for the profile about her dating, yes I can see that must really hurt. Move past it and focus on you. You need that and so does she. Good luck and let me know how everything is going.
  5. Hi Sea Bisquit I'm guessing by your post that you don't want to get back with him, for whatever reason. Just to tell you that r hours is not that far, if you do want to get back with him Yes i know the NC thing is extremely hard, it is a choice you made for betterment of yourself, keep that in mind. Think about yourself for now, because you need to heal.
  6. There are interesting girls everywhere If you go to university then on your campus. I have been asked out a few times in the library. I admit i found it a tiny bit creepy but just don't be so bold about it. Don't worry, there are girls everywhere.
  7. I'm happy you'll worked things out, or atleast you'll took the first step to doing so. Your approaching the situation with a good open attitude. That's great. I wish you the best of luck. Yours and hers happiness is the important part whether it works out or not.
  8. Hope75 you do have a point that she didn't handle the situation maturely. I think that she was really upset that's why she did rash things. I mean to find out that your bf just told you he didn't go out with his ex, when you know he did, hurts. Please send out the e-mail, explain to her everything. She also needs to work on a better way of dealing with conflicts in the relationship, but you two can work on that together.
  9. It seems like you said she did ask you if you had a date with her. You told her no. In my opinion that is a lie, since you went out with her twice, to you yes she is nothing more than a good friend. But to your gf, she represents a threat, she obviously has feelings for you, which is why she didn't want anyone else getting in the way. You went out with her, technically that is a date. The fact that you didn't tell her that you did go out with her, shows that you wanted to hide it. Now she is wondering why would you want to hide it! Please make amends if this relationship means something to you. Yes it is a major miscommunication. You both need to be open with one another. Be truthful. I hope everything works out.
  10. Talking about your feelings to someone who is willing to listen is never a waste of time. Talk to her or someone else, just try not to keep your feelings bottled up. I do that alot and it's not good for you. Pm me if you want to talk. I am willing to listen.
  11. I'm happy for you, i'm glad your giving this a shot. Best of luck and i hope you are both happy in the end. That is the important part
  12. Don't worry about it.... You will find someone else. Now you know, before you even asked.
  13. She's a nice girl that you like and are interested in having a relationship with. You need to learn if she shares the same feelings. Go for it buddy! you have nothing to lose. Good luck!
  14. I know the whole high school scene is to let each other know how they are feeling, but keeping it friendly. Why don't you call her up, see what's going on and if she wants to get together. One of you has to be direct about it, otherwise you are both going to be in limbo about your relationship. If you feel uncomfortable with that, try feeling around the topic, and seeing how she reacts. Good luck, you've known her so long, she must be a good, sweet girl, so you can't go wrong.
  15. Girl, you have to get your things back! And those poor animals. I don't know if you want your pets back or not, but there are still issues that need to be dealth with between the two of you, then you gan go back NC. The person above me had the right idea, don't let him step all over your heart. Take charge and fight for yourself.
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