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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. You can mention to her that you've already given her your opinion. Change the subject and talk about something else. Remember that friendship is a two-way street. It doesn't mean being a doormat with a motormouth or someone inconsiderate enough not to ask you about how you are doing. If she doesn't take an interest in your life that's a clear sign she's not a good friend.
  2. Limit any in-person contact with him. Leave the donations with someone else if they need to be handed to him or be received for the non-profit, at the front desk for ie. If he approaches you again be clear that whatever you had going between the both of you is finished. He's a total creep. Please use all your good senses and abilities to stay away from him as much as possible in any capacity.
  3. Questions like that are only feelers and checking in to see how you are doing. You are overthinking it. I would ignore. She can read about the trail on reviews online and hike it herself.
  4. I hope you are venting and not seriously thinking that this is acceptable. You're not overreacting.
  5. Why is this the lowest point in your life? Hold off dating or seeing anyone. If you're not happy with yourself you won't be happy with anyone else.
  6. You may be taking out some of your frustrations by doing this. Buying a house together, pets and ducks, trying for a baby - all this sounds like a pressure cooker. You made a huge mistake thinking that any of this is acceptable but I think you are in denial about your relationship too. Perhaps this isn't the right time to be trying for a child. Do you want to be a father? Talk with your wife and be very honest, more honest than this. The relationship is broken but neither of you are willing to admit it..
  7. He's using and abusing you. That you are here is a loud and clear sign that you do see something is very wrong with your relationship. What do you have to lose if you leave? More abuse, confusion, feeling sad, more in debt? Has he also isolated you where you've lost most of your friends or have broken relationships with your family? Fixing him is not an option. I'd explore your need to fix anyone with a therapist. You have every reason to leave so break that cycle of abuse and leave. Seek out resources and possible local organizations asap that assist with abusive relationships and find the support to leave for good.
  8. I think you’re a kind and supportive aunt. Think of her not needing your help anymore as a compliment and testament to her strength or endurance (she’s recovering or recovered and going about life). It’s a good thing.
  9. When you get back on your feet let it not be for a partner but every bit and part for yourself. Stay focused and work on that plan. You’ll have it for yourself and no one can take that from you, your resiliency. Be strong.
  10. I did the same for years, Kim. And then the Apple hit my head in a Eureka moment (also waiting for more apples but none since). I got pooped on however. Life is way too short to live by anyone else’s standards. You just have to go out and be free from all of those other ideas, make your own happiness.
  11. It’s only been a few hours. Wait 24 hours and let him get back to you. Are you always this anxious? I’m sure it’s fine. Have you both traveled together before?
  12. Or, it may be the OP’s experiences and past trauma or issues, nothing to do with religion or faith.
  13. You seem uneasy understandably but don’t you think enough is enough with the lack of trust? She’s expecting your child and if by now you still don’t trust her, end the relationship, be a good father/co-parent and move forwards with your life.
  14. You both don’t seem to respect each others’ needs or are very mismatched. Is this marriage salvageable?
  15. I would talk about it but in a non-accusatory way. When I was married I was sometimes perplexed why I felt upset at certain things he did or didn’t do. The root of it was simply that I missed him. You may be missing your partner but finding it difficult to verbalize. Does he share the same interests you do? Can you express to him that you miss him or be open about how you feel?
  16. Then have a clear plan for yourself now for school and employment. If your old job offers stability it also offers you free time and minimal stress to pursue your online courses. It’s up to you how you use that time and energy productively, wisely.
  17. Completely ignore and walk on. I'm sorry you had to hear any of that.
  18. I remember your other thread and some of us told you to ask her out for coffee. Be bold with manners. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  19. You will have to make your own big decisions on your own eventually. What kind of job or plan is your mother proposing? Does she want you to go back to school? Sometimes listening and explaining what matters to you to your loved ones is all it takes. Be calm about it and choose the right time.
  20. Don't worry about that type of behaviour from someone else - it usually buries them into their own hole. Go about your days and enjoy what life has to offer you. I'm very sure she was aware of all her actions and their effect on others. She just didn't care. Move forwards.
  21. Don't respond. I don't see the issue here. She's not a friend of yours. A friend is someone who says hello in passing, introduces you to their friends and boyfriend also in passing and spends time with you in person or is interested in your life. You share and laugh together. Block her number from now on if she's bothering you also at all hours.
  22. You can talk about it as much as you want but if you feel it's a mistake, be clear and honest and move on. Talk to your lawyer and figure out the steps next.
  23. Don't move anywhere. Date locally and please don't fall for the stuff she's saying about her online friends. I'd take a good hard look at what you're trying to get away from or escape from in your current life or location. Why is your current area/city not good enough to meet women that you have to look for trouble like this online?
  24. What is "more than an hour's notice"? Be more specific in future. For example, mention that you'd like to know the day before. You both may have different lifestyles but you can respect one another. If you come home and there are guests, be polite and welcoming. Smile, be friendly and say hello to them. It's your home just as much as hers. Don't let your resentments for each other on this one thing make your home inhospitable to you. She may make a comment here and there about socializing a bit more so compromise. If she gives you notice the day before you can be more prepared for company. Otherwise, you will be retiring for the evening.
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