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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. Wondering the same thing. I secretly hope you did. And enjoyed the tacos.
  2. Manchester By The Sea Wow. Stunning and moving. This is a work of art. I would re-watch it again. I'm keeping an eye on Casey Affleck for any upcoming movies. The Secret: Dare To Dream Cheesy and disappointed with Katie Holmes. Ran like a Disney movie with very poor execution of lines and predictable scripts. I know Holmes could have done a lot better than this. I thought her previous performance in the movie All We Had (2016) was powerful.
  3. Sounds lovely at the botanic garden, Bolt.
  4. More Sons of Anarchy... they are in Ballymena. I am really feeling the travel bug lately. Restless and wanting to go on holiday but this is not going to happen. Maybe I should just clean the house and sort through some things to give away.
  5. That's good that it wasn't anything dire about Mitch. I hope he gets the job if he qualifies. Times are tough for everyone. Sounds like a good boss too. Good leaders don't get upset. They just clarify. It is easy to identify when an employee already knows when they've located the problem. Solving it is all that's required.
  6. Hugs, Bolt. Sorry to hear about the slur. Not okay. It amazes me that people can have so much discrimination against others yet remain blinded to their own loved ones. I look at it as a very interesting and peculiar defense mechanism, mostly based around the emotion of despair (last resort in times of frustration) - one that both seeks to accept that which is within the family but to also divide in society. It's dysfunctional. Having lived in different places, I can say that this happens across the board in multi-nationalities and other places aside from North America. If only there was a unified and more consistent approach for more acceptance. Maybe ironically then we'd have a lot less despair and defensiveness in the first place and more celebration of differences. Hope you get the job you want too.
  7. I don't think it's fortune cookie talk! Great coping mechanism and I use it daily. Didn't realize it but that's what I've been doing. I think Bolt's thread about good things earlier this year really emphasized this and I am going to add to it. The parrots sound lovely.
  8. I don't know... bosses are sometimes talkative. Maybe he's heard about Mitch before in other circles but wants your input as he values it. Hope it goes ok.
  9. I'm glad he is all right. Hugs too.
  10. "let's talk" is often just a phrase for "will look into it and get back to you (if needed)" or a form of acknowledgment. Are you worried your boss will ask you details about Angry Mitch or why you've referred him?
  11. I hope that everyone is safe and the house there didn't bear too much damage.
  12. Today... I will try this and eat them with Calabrian chilies. I discovered a bag of carrots living in my crisper that I forgot about. https://cafedelites.com/garlic-parmesan-roasted-carrots/
  13. So great to hear you are ok, Pippy! Great thoughts. Stay safe... hope the surgery goes smoothly.
  14. That's really thoughtful of you. Hope you are ok. Hugs too. I hear you about community and friends. This past year has been somewhat of a twilight zone. I lost people who were close to me, gained new friends, restarted a new life, let go of old ideologies (still learning), learned new things about old thoughts (maybe these are new thoughts?), woke up from the numbness of separating to a virus outbreak. It was mostly disorienting but starting to feel pretty good yet plagued by this constant fear of a virus and death and then people fighting about it? People who know me are looking at me suspiciously wondering if I really am ok. I swear I am, just in the same boat as everyone else. I tried to volunteer with a women's shelter but because I am not a survivor of physical abuse specifically they said they didn't need my help for the position they're looking for. It makes sense. I'll look into other places to give back to. Maybe I am also more social than I think I am, just enjoying the quiet and emotional calm. I feel so much relief and joy being on my own but it's a mixed bag lately with this virus.
  15. I don't think I could be in a house of 16 either. Very sad and a bit frustrated that people are still sick and dying with this. My brothers work in healthcare (one of them is in a hospital) and my ex is in hospitality but able to work. So far they are all safe but I don't want to get a phone call. I'm most worried for those who are at risk or in industries most affected by covid. I know we all saw the second wave coming but it doesn't seem easier to deal with. I'm sort of introverted so the long silences or living alone don't bother me. It bothers me that it's hurting people.
  16. I'm worried about a possible lockdown. Feeling melancholy today about the state of things and worried for others. Personally doing ok and fairly sheltered from all this but I don't feel good.
  17. Oh no. I meant Me too responding to Jibralta that the birthday wishes are sincere. My birthday is in late September.
  18. I know! Me too. Otherwise I thought it was the post count that had significant meaning. Edit... oh good! I hope it's happy days :)
  19. Happy birthday!! Thank you, Jibralta. Hope it was amazing.
  20. Is no one else watching movies these days? lol A Simple Wedding Light and fluffy, elicited a few laughs but similar to A Big Fat Greek Wedding, Persian style. Cute. Also, I saw Deepa Mehta is coming out with a new film about a Tamil boy's coming out story. It's called Funny Boy to be released later in November. There was some controversy in the casting. Looking forward to watching it.
  21. Fabulous, Seraphim. Can you imagine what it would be like having a sign party? I propose dressing like a different sign and have others guess what you really are. I'm sure it's been done before. There is something comforting about having yourself transcribed in the stars, isn't it. If we don't know ourselves, maybe the stars do?
  22. Mountains are fierce this week. I did a double take while driving. I think they might be calling.
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